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Boundary-Layer Meteorology

An International Journal of Physical, Chemical and Biological Processes in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Publishing model:

Boundary-Layer Meteorology - Editor’s Highlight

Articles published in Boundary-Layer Meteorology provide cutting-edge insight on processes within Earth’s atmospheric boundary layer. These processes affect human health, sustainability, agriculture, and numerous other topics of importance. Each month, one article is selected for additional coverage as an Editor’s Highlight. This designation is intended to showcase an article of particular impact and interest.

September 2023
Shapiro, A., Anderson, W., Mironov, D., Bou-Zeid E. & Grachev A.
Celebrating the Career of Evgeni Fedorovich: Explorer of the Boundary-Layer Realm and Ambassador for the Community. 
Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2023).

April 2023
Krapez, JC., Ky, G.A.
Semi-analytical Footprint Model Compliant with Arbitrary Atmospheric Stratification: Application to Monin–Obukhov Profiles. 
Boundary-Layer Meteorol 187, 743–791 (2023)

February 2023
Porté-Agel, F., Bastankhah, M. & Shamsoddin, S.
Wind-Turbine and Wind-Farm Flows: A Review.
Boundary-Layer Meteorol 174, 1–59 (2020)

January 2023
Markku Kulmala, Tom Kokkonen, Ekaterina Ezhova, Alexander Baklanov, Alexander Mahura, Ivan Mammarella, Jaana Bäck, Hanna K. Lappalainen, Svyatoslav Tyuryakov, Veli-Matti Kerminen, Sergej Zilitinkevich & Tuukka Petäjä 
Aerosols, Clusters, Greenhouse Gases, Trace Gases and Boundary-Layer Dynamics: on Feedbacks and Interactions.
Boundary-Layer Meteorol 186, 475–503 (2023)

Hu, W., Cervone, G., Young, G. et al. 
Machine Learning Weather Analogs for Near-Surface Variables. 
Boundary-Layer Meteorol 186, 711–735 (2023)

Kivalov, S.N., Dušek, J., Czerný, R. et al. 
Addressing Effects of Environment on Eddy-Covariance Flux Estimates at a Temperate Sedge-Grass Marsh. 
Boundary-Layer Meteorol 186, 217–250 (2023)

November 2022
Wulfmeyer, V., Pineda, J.M.V., Otte, S. et al.
Estimation of the Surface Fluxes for Heat and Momentum in Unstable Conditions with Machine Learning and Similarity Approaches for the LAFE Data Set
Boundary-Layer Meteorol 186, 337–371 (2023)
