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An International Journal on the Role of Metal Ions in Biology, Biochemistry and Medicine

Publishing model:

BioMetals - BioMetals Seminar Series in Cassyni Platform

In collaboration with International BioMetals Society and Cassyni platform, BioMetals seminar series will deliver monthly webinars covering role of metals in different disciplines.

The seminars aim to bring BioMetals community together, to spread discoveries, to discuss new data, and to establish fruitful and strong collaborations.

Here are some of the upcoming dates and presenters :

  • 16th January 2024, Robert Hausinger, Michigan State University, USA
  • 13th February 2024, David Frazer, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Australia
  • 12th March 2024, Wolfgang Maret, KingĀ“s College London, UK
  • 9th April 2024, Alison Butler, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
  • 7th May 2024, John Helmann, Cornell University, USA

To join the BioMetals community at Cassyni platform and get notifications for the upcoming seminars:

If you published your work in BioMetals and would like to present it to the community as part of the seminar series, please contact Associate Publisher, Dr. Cansu Kaya (
