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Autonomous Robots - Latest Special Issue: Robotics: Science and Systems 2022

Special issue on Robotics: Science and Systems 2022


Prof. Shoudong Huang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Prof. Kris Hauser, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Prof. Dylan Shell, Texas A&M University, USA

This Special Issue contains 8 original research papers spanning the topics of grasp and manipulation planning, active perception, out-door navigation, control using data-driven and classical ordinary differential equation (ode) models, and high-precision control of aerial vehicles. Most of the contributions include non-trivial robot experiments, in some cases conducted in the field or employing fewer simplifying assumptions (e.g., regarding sensing infrastructure) than prior work. Not all the offerings involve some element of machine learning, but most do, and several articles tackle the problem of data inefficiency head-on.

Click here to read the Editorial.
