
31st German Conference on Weed Biology and Weed Control 2024

In February 2024, the 31st German Conference on Weed Biology and Weed Control brings together experts involved in weed research from universities, industry, plant protection advisory services and administration. The conference covers all aspects of weed biology and management, evolution and analysis of herbicide resistance in weeds, population dynamics, biodiversity, methods for herbicide reduction and alternative methods for weed management. By including contributions from this conference, this “Topical Collection” seeks to bring together cutting-edge research, novel findings, and practical applications related to the biology and management of weeds in different agricultural systems.


  • Lena Ulber, Dr., Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Braunschweig, Germany

    Lena Ulber focuses her research on herbicide-resistant weeds, integrated weed management and diversity of arable weed communities. In various projects, she investigates herbicide resistance distribution and develops practical solutions for non-chemical weed management and support of arable diversity.

  • Dagmar Rissel, Dr., Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Braunschweig, Germany

    Dagmar Rissel is interested in mechanisms of herbicide resistance and plant adaptation to environmental stressors. She uses physiological and molecular tools to elucidate plant responses to its environment.

  • Sabine Andert, Dr., Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Braunschweig, Germany

    Sabine Andert specialises in sustainable plant production systems, specifically in developing resilient cultivation systems. Her main interests and publications are in the field of crop protection, non-chemical perennial weed management and bio-herbicides as alternative weed control tools.


Articles will be displayed here once they are published.