
Geometry, Optimization and Convex Analysis

It is a great honor and pleasure to dedicate this special issue to our friend Miguel Angel Goberna Torrent at the occasion of his 70th birthday. The volume presents a collection of works representing recent developments in Miguel Goberna’s manifold research fields, such as geometrical aspects of convex analysis and optimization, stability, semi-infinite optimization, hierarchical and parametric optimization, duality, and proximal analysis, seen from a set-valued and variational analysis perspective.


  • Oliver Stein

    Full professor at the Institute for Operations Research (IOR) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He received his doctoral degree from the University of Trier in 1997, and his venia legendi in mathematics from RWTH Aachen University in 2002. His research visits include stays at Virginia Tech, University of Cambridge, and Princeton University. Oliver Stein published more than seventy papers in international journals, in areas such as continuous and mixed-integer nonlinear optimization, nonsmooth optimization, multi-leader-multi-follower games, multi-objective optimization, and polynomial mappings. EiC of MMOR since 2015.

  • Regina Burachik

    Regina Burachik is a Professor of Mathematics at University of South Australia. She earned a PhD from IMPA (Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Rio de Janeiro), on extensions of the proximal point method for variational inequalities. Her research interests include several areas of (smooth and non-smooth) optimization, ranging from functional analysis to convex analysis and variational inequalities. She publishes both on theoretical as well as practical aspects of optimization. Her theoretical interests include (i) convex analysis, (ii) optimality conditions for (convex and non-convex) optimiz

  • Michel Thera

    Michel Théra is a French mathematician known for his work on variational analysis, optimization and the theory of monotone operators. He obtained his doctorate at the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour and his Thèse d'Etat at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He became a full professor at the University of Limoges in 1990 and ended his career as a professor emeritus of exceptional class in 2012. He is now professor emeritus of the University of Limoges and adjunct professor of Federation University Australia.Among his other activities, he chaired the French Society of Applied Mathematics (2001-2004) and was elected Vice-P

  • Claudia Sagastizábal

    Claudia Sagastizábal is an applied mathematician specialized in optimization, both its theory and its numerical aspects. Her research interests lie primarily in the area of nonsmooth optimization, stochastic programming, and variational analysis, with an emphasis on applications in the energy sector. She is known for her contributions in convex optimization and energy management, and for her co-authorship of the book Numerical Optimization: Theoretical and Practical Aspects.

Articles (17 in this collection)