
Legacies of Asilomar


  • Luis Campos

    Luis A. Campos is a historian of science whose scholarship brings together archival discoveries with contemporary fieldwork at the intersection of biology and society. He has written widely on the history of genetics, synthetic biology, and astrobiology and is the author of Radium and the Secret of Life (University of Chicago Press, 2015), and co-editor of Making Mutations: Objects, Practices, Contexts (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, 2010) and Nature Remade: Engineering Life, Envisioning Worlds (University of Chicago Press, 2021).

  • Francesco Cassata

    Francesco Cassata is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Genoa. He is the author of "Science Fiction? 7th Primo Levi Lecture" (Einaudi, 2016); "Eugenetica senza tabù. Usi e abusi di un concetto" (Einaudi, 2015); "L'Italia intelligente. Adriano Buzzati-Traverso e il Laboratorio di genetica e biofisica di Napoli" (Donzelli, 2013); "Building the New Man. Eugenics, Racial Science and Genetics in Twentieth-Century Italy" (CEU Press, 2011). His main areas of interest include history of fascism; history of eugenics; history of genetics; history of molecular biology.


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