
Advances in String Processing and Information Retrieval

We are seeking submissions for a topical collection on Advances on String Processing and Information Retrieval. Areas that fall in the scope of this collection include typical topics from the SPIRE-conference series (International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval) and range from string algorithms, text indexing, combinatorial pattern matching, data compression, to computational biology and algorithmic aspects of information retrieval. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• String Processing: string pattern matching, text indexing, data structures for string processing, text compression, compressed data structures, compressed string processing, text mining, 2D pattern matching, automata based string processing, combinatorics on words.

• Information Retrieval: Web search. Retrieval models and ranking. Theoretical models and foundations of information retrieval and access. Efficiency and scalability, e.g., efficient data structures for IR, indexing, etc. Queries and query analysis. Content analysis for search. Knowledge acquisition. Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for search, e.g., Core ML, Question answering, Conversational systems, Explicit semantics. Knowledge representation and reasoning. User-centric aspects of IR including user interfaces, behavior modeling, privacy, and interactive systems. Evaluation. Fairness, accountability, transparency. Domain-specific applications, e.g., local and mobile search, social search, multimedia search, health, digital libraries, etc.

• Computational Biology: algorithms for DNA sequencing, assembly, alignments, read error correction, metagenomics, transcriptomics, gene and regulatory element recognition, motif finding, pangenomics, variants discovery, phylogenetics, genome rearrangements.


  • Zsuzsanna Lipták

    Zsuzsanna Lipták is an associate professor at the University of Verona, Italy. She's member of the Algorithmic Bioinformatics and Natural Computing Group and the Algorithms Group of the Department of Computer Science of Verona University.

  • Edleno Silva de Moura

    Since 2002, Edleno Silva de Moura has been working at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), Brazil, and is currently a full professor.

  • Ricardo Baeza-Yates

    Ricardo Baeza-Yates is currently Director of Research (part-time) at the Institute for Experiential AI of Northeastern University, Silicon Valley campus, since January 2021. He is also a member of the DATA Lab at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences. The rest of the time he does consulting for tech startups, companies and non-profit international institutions, particularly in responsible AI.


Articles will be displayed here once they are published.