
Recent Progress on Hormonal Receptor Positive Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a complex and heterogeneous disease, with hormonal receptor positive breast cancer being one of the most common subtypes. Recent advancements in understanding the molecular mechanisms and therapeutic strategies for hormonal receptor positive breast cancer have opened new avenues for research and clinical practice. Despite improvements in treatment outcomes, challenges such as resistance to endocrine therapy and disease recurrence persist, highlighting the need for continued research efforts to enhance patient care and outcomes.

The goal of this Collection is to provide a platform for researchers, clinicians, and experts to share their cutting-edge research, innovative approaches, and insightful perspectives on hormonal receptor positive breast cancer. Researchers are invited to submit work that addresses key areas such as novel therapeutic targets, biomarker discovery, mechanisms of resistance, precision medicine approaches, and clinical trial outcomes in hormonal receptor positive breast cancer. Manuscripts developed in laboratory animal models or in spontaneous tumors of dogs and cats, are also welcome. Through this Collection, we aim to advance the field, improve patient outcomes, and ultimately contribute to the global effort to combat breast cancer.

Keywords: hormonal receptor positive breast cancer, therapeutic targets, biomarkers, molecular mechanisms, precision medicine


  • Felisbina Luisa Queiroga

    Professor, Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

    Dr. Queiroga completed the PhD degree in research of prognostic factors again in dogs mammary tumors in 2005. Between June 2007 and October 2010 she was the Director of Small Animal Clinics in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of their University. At the moment she continues working as Professor of Veterinary Internal Medicine and Oncology at the UTAD University and also Geriatrics and Clinical Pathology. Their group's actual research lines include the study of veterinary clinical oncology, comparative oncology and clinical pathology, with a special interest in the One Health approach.


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