
Fast-Charging and Wide-Temperature-Window Ion Battery

The ever-growing renewable energy supplies are spurring the energy community to develop efficient and affordable grid-scale energy storage technologies. Metal-ion batteries, positioned at the forefront of new energy storage technology, facilitate the storage and conversion of renewable energy, offering a robust solution to the energy crisis and environmental degradation caused by the utilization of non-renewable fossil fuels. Presently, the electric vehicle market and mobile portable electronics are imposing increasingly greater expectations on the fast-charging capabilities and wide-temperature window of ion batteries, with the aim of attaining a charging experience akin to refueling within mere minutes even at ultralow -40 ℃. The electrochemical properties of metal-ion batteries largely depend on the anode, cathode and electrolytes etc. As a result, developing fast-charging anode/cathode materials and ultralow-temperature-tolerance electrolyte has become particularly important.

This collection aims to bring the most recent research advancements and authoritative reviews that contributes to fast-charging and wide-temperature-window batteries and refines our understanding of the underlying energy storage mechanisms.

Keywords: Metal-ion battery; Fast charging; High rate capability; Low-temperature tolerance; Wide-temperature-window electrolyte; Nanoscale ion transport mechanisms.


  • Huachao Yang

    Huachao Yang, PhD, Zhejiang University, China. Dr. Huachao Yang is Assistant Professor in College of Energy Engineering at Zhejiang University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Zhejiang University in 2018. During Ph.D. studies, he was a joint Ph.D. student at RWTH Aachen University (Germany). He was a Postdoctoral Associate at Zhejiang University from 2018 to 2021. He has published > 80 journals and 2 books with Google citation of > 2,500 times, featuring with 5 Front/Back Covers of journal, 1 HOT Paper and 2 Highly-Cited Papers. He has been authorized by 4 China Invention Patents, 1 Japan Invention Patent and 7 China Utility Model Patents


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