
Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) was officially introduced in the psychiatric nomenclature in 2013. In the last decade we have witnessed an explosion of research on this heterogeneous and prevalent condition. In this Special Issue of the Journal of Eating Disorders, we call for papers representing the latest understanding of the epidemiology; clinical phenomenology and differential diagnosis; pathophysiology; treatment; and course of ARFID across the lifespan. Topics of special interest include the line of distinction between ARFID and other restricting eating disorders characterized by more prominent shape and weight concerns; considerations for tailoring treatment; and ARFID in those with psychiatric and medical comorbidities. We will be especially receptive to submissions from early-stage investigators and those from backgrounds that are underrepresented in our field.


Articles (22 in this collection)