
Mathematics for and in STEM Education

The International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education is pleased to announce an online collection on “Mathematics in and for STEM Education.” This collection aims to publish high-quality research papers that explore the critical role of mathematics in the broader context of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.

Mathematics is a fundamental discipline that underpins and enables advancements across STEM fields. As such, this collection will encompass two complementary perspectives:

Mathematics for STEM Education: Papers in this category will examine the role of mathematics as an enabling subject for success in other STE disciplines. Contributions to this category will include the application of mathematical concepts, techniques, and problem-solving skills in science, technology, and engineering contexts. Additionally, papers may address the integration of mathematical concepts into STEM curricula, the development of quantitative and analytical skills for STEM careers, and interdisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning mathematics for STEM education.

Mathematics in STEM Education: Papers in this category will focus on mathematics as a core STEM discipline, investigating topics such as the teaching and learning of advanced mathematical concepts, using mathematical modeling to advance mathematical knowledge and skills, and integration of mathematics in other STEM subjects.

Contributions may include research on curriculum development, instructional strategies, assessment methods, and the professional development of mathematics educators within the STEM framework.

Some key differences between the two perspectives are:

1. Purpose: Mathematics for STEM emphasizes the role of mathematics as a tool and enabler for other STEM disciplines, while Mathematics in STEM recognizes mathematics as a discipline in its own right within the STEM context.

2. Curricular and task design: Courses, programs or tasks labeled as Mathematics for STEM may focus more on applying mathematical concepts to solve problems in science, technology, and engineering, while Mathematics in STEM programs and tasks might delve deeper into the theoretical and abstract aspects of mathematics itself.

3. Integration: Mathematics for STEM often involves integrating mathematical concepts and techniques into the study of other STEM subjects, while Mathematics in STEM may involve collaborations between mathematicians and researchers from other STEM fields to solve complex problems.

4. Career pathways: Mathematics for STEM primarily prepares students for careers in science, technology, and engineering, where strong mathematical skills are required. On the other hand, Mathematics in STEM can lead to careers in various fields, including pure and applied mathematics, as well as interdisciplinary areas combining mathematics with other STEM disciplines.

It is important to note that these perspectives are not mutually exclusive. Many educational programs and initiatives aim to strike a balance between teaching mathematics as a supportive subject for STEM disciplines and as a distinct field of study within the STEM framework.

Research methodologies and scope:

This collection welcomes both theoretical and empirical research studies, utilizing diverse methodologies, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. Submissions may address various educational levels, from primary and secondary to tertiary and professional development. We welcome manuscripts focusing on teaching and learning of mathematics for and in STEM as well as studies exploring problem solving, problem posing and mathematical reasoning related to the topic of this collection.

Authors are invited to submit their original research papers, review studies, and position papers that contribute to advancing our understanding of the dynamic interplay between mathematics and STEM education.

Submission Guidelines:

1. To submit a paper to the collection, the authors are asked first to submit an extended abstract (up to 1500 words) that includes,

- Short theoretical background and rationale,

- Research goal and procedure,

- Short summary of findings.

Send the abstract to Professor Roza Leikin

The guest editors will review the abstracts. Upon their approval, the papers can be submitted to the collection.

2. All full papers should be prepared according to the journal’s author guidelines and submitted through the online submission system. Indicate in the cover letter that the submission is intended for the “Mathematics in and for STEM Education” collection.

- IJSME website:

- Submission guidelines:

- Online submission system:

3. Submissions to the collection are open from July 1, 2024 till December 31, 2025.


  • Roza Leikin

    University of Haifa, Israel,

  • Kai-Lin Yang

    National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan,

  • Hui-Yu Hsu

    National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan,


Articles will be displayed here once they are published.