
Nutrition & Healthy Longevity

The JNHA is looking for outstanding articles linking nutrition to healthy longevity (keeping optimal levels of function during aging). Epidemiological, clinical as well as translational studies are welcome; basic science investigation presenting a direct link with human healthy longevity may also be of interest. This Special Series can include the link between nutrition and a disease, if clear link between diseases and healthy longevity are established in the study. All types of articles are welcome, especially Original Investigations, Meta-analyses and comprehensive reviews. The peer review process for these articles is the same as the peer review process of the journal in general. Additionally, if the guest editor(s) authors an article in their special issue, they will not handle the peer review process.


  • Philipe Barreto

    Philipe Barreto, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, France, is professor of Gerontology at the Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 and director of the Institute on Aging of Toulouse (Gerontopole of the CHU-Toulouse). He has been actively working in the field of physical activity, exercise and functional capacity during aging in the past 15 years. He serves as Editor in Chief of the Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging since December 2021.


Articles will be displayed here once they are published.