
Indicators, methods and models for measuring the effects of digital disruption

We live in a period of radical changes engendered by digitalization, which is giving rise to a social revolution based on connectivity and the massive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). As a consequence, new challenges emerge, with the potential to generate great economic and social value. However, the breathtaking speed with which ICTs and other technologies are adopted makes it difficult to accurately evaluate the effects and impacts of this digital disruption. Even more so now, as the crisis provoked by COVID-19 has prompted increasingly widespread digitalization and innovation. We are witnessing radical changes in people’s lives, in the way they work, produce, relate to governments and administrations, access essential services and interact socially.

The aim of the special issue is to make tools, methods and proposals available to researchers and public officials to help them assess the impact of the information society and digitalization on citizens, business, the economy, governments and territories at different spatial scales, in the context of the new economic, social and ecological model of sustainable development.

The Special Issue welcomes articles that focus on analysing, explaining and discussing the effects of digital disruption, and in particular on how the information society and the general use of ICTs impact on the social, cultural, economic and ecological spheres.


  • Reyes González-Relaño

    Reyes González-Relaño currently works at the University of Seville, Spain.

  • Francisca Ruiz-Rodríguez

    Francisca Ruiz-Rodríguez currently works at the University of Seville, Spain.

  • Enrico Ivaldi

    Enrico Ivaldi currently works at the University of Genoa, Italy.

  • Paolo Parra Saiani

    Paolo Parra Saiani currently works at the University of Genoa, Italy.

  • Enrico Di Bella

    Enrico Di Bella currently works at the University of Genoa, Italy.

Articles (1 in this collection)