
Combining Immunotherapy and Radiotherapy

This Topical Collection aims to investigate the potential of combining cancer immunotherapy with radiotherapy. We invite contributions that explore these two treatment modalities, emphasizing their combined effects on tumor control, immune activation, and patient outcomes. Key areas of interest include optimized treatment regimens, the mechanisms underlying the immunomodulatory effects of radiotherapy, biomarker identification, and clinical outcomes. Our goal is to advance the understanding of the interplay between cancer immunotherapy and radiotherapy, with the aim of improving cancer treatment strategies and patient care.

This collection supports United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3: Good Health & Well-Being

The peer review process for these articles is the same as the peer review process of the journal in general. Additionally, if the guest editors author an article in the special issue, they will not handle the peer review process.


  • Ayman J Oweida

    Dr. Ayman Oweida is an Assistant Professor at Universite de Sherbrooke in Canada and holds a PhD in Experimental Medicine specializing in Radiation Oncology. He currently holds the Canada Research Chair in Anti-Tumor Immunity by Radiotherapy. His lab focuses on studying radioresistance mechanisms in solid tumors, identifying immune targets that limit radiotherapy from inducing immunogenic cell death, and developing non-invasive imaging tools for tracking immune cells in tumors. Through multidisciplinary approaches, his lab conducts clinical, preclinical, and fundamental science experiments to understand and overcome radioresistance in cancer.

  • Sheila Spada

    Dr. Sheila Spada is a cancer biotechnologist with a Ph.D. in Immunological Science and specialization in Clinical Pathology and Biochemistry. Her research interests focus on understanding the cellular and molecular cross-talk between cancer and immune cells, which is mediated by physical interactions, soluble factors, or extracellular vesicles. This research is essential for gaining insights into how radiation treatment can enhance the efficacy of immunotherapy.

Articles (2 in this collection)