
Cockroaches in Time: 315 Million Years of Ecosystem Challenges

This special issue deals with the evolution of cockroaches s.l., one of the most important groups of non-aquatic animals. Cockroaches from all time periods and geographic areas will be included, from sedimentary fossils in rocks and coal, Mesozoic and Cenozoic inclusions in amber, and select living groups investigated by data analyses. Subject areas are global population analyses, microstructure and microtaxonomy, trace fossils, as well as specific case studies. Also considered are scholarly papers on management and policy issues related to conservation programs that directly or indirectly affect cockroaches. This special issue updates our current knowledge of global evolutionary patterns of cockroaches. Included also are investigations on related termites and mantodeans. Visit our content below!


  • Peter Vršanský

    Dr. Peter Vršanský is a researcher at the Institute of Zoology and the Earth Science Institute at the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava.

Articles (17 in this collection)