
Gene Expression and Regulation in Neuronal Function

The Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology welcomes submissions to this specialized research topic that is dedicated to advancing our understanding of the intricate relationship between gene expression and regulation in neuronal function. We invite contributions that delve into the mechanisms governing gene expression in neurons, including the roles of transcription factors, epigenetics, and non-coding RNAs. Our scope encompasses investigations into gene expression during crucial processes such as neuronal development, synaptic plasticity, and neuronal signaling. Furthermore, we emphasize the exploration of gene networks and their impact on the functioning of the nervous system. By fostering research in these pivotal areas, our aim is to contribute to a deeper comprehension of how gene expression and regulation underlie neuronal function. This understanding has the potential to unravel critical insights into neurological disorders and may pave the way for innovative therapeutic strategies targeting gene expression for improved neuronal health and function.

This collection supports United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3: Good Health & Well-Being


  • Dévina C. UNG

    Dr. Dévina C. Ung is a postdoctoral researcher at iBrain laboratory in Tours, France. She delves into the genetic impact of candidate genes in Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), including intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Her work aims to unravel the molecular and cellular mechanisms using both mouse and human-derived cellular models. Through her research, Dévina strives to deepen our understanding of these complex disorders, paving the way for innovative therapeutic strategies.

  • Mohd Farooq Shaikh

    Associate Professor Farooq joined CSU in February 2023 as an Associate Professor in Pharmacy (Pharmacology). He is also appointed as Head of Pharmacy discipline at CSU. He moved from Monash University Malaysia where he worked for almost 10 years. He is an expert neuropharmacologist, interested in translational neuroscience research. He has published more than 100 international, high impact articles in the journal of repute. He was listed in Elsevier-Stanford top 2% scientists’ list in 2022. He has won several awards for excellence in research and supervision at Monash University and Malaysian national awards for teaching and research.


Articles will be displayed here once they are published.