
1 Introduction

Fuzzy Extractors. Cryptography relies on long-term secrets for key derivation and authentication. However, many sources with sufficient randomness to form long-term secrets provide similar but not identical values of the secret at repeated readings. Prominent examples include biometrics and other human-generated data [11, 19, 24, 44, 45, 57], physically unclonable functions (PUFs) [26, 47, 52, 54], and quantum information [3]. Turning similar readings into identical values is known as information reconciliation; further converting those values into uniformly random secret strings is known as privacy amplification [3]. Both of these problems have interactive and non-interactive versions. In this paper, we are interested in the non-interactive case, which is useful for a single user trying to produce the same key from multiple noisy readings of a secret at different times. A fuzzy extractor [22] is the primitive that accomplishes both information reconciliation and privacy amplification non-interactively.

Fuzzy extractors consist of a pair of algorithms: \({\mathsf {Gen}}\) (used once, at “enrollment”) takes a source value w, and produces a key r and a public helper value p. The second algorithm \({\mathsf {Rep}}\) (used subsequently) takes this helper value p and a close \(w'\) to reproduce the original key r. The standard correctness guarantee is that r will be correctly reproduced by \({\mathsf {Rep}}\) as long as \(w'\) is no farther than \(t\) from w according to some notion of distance (specifically, we work with Hamming distance; our primary focus is on binary strings, although we also consider larger alphabets). The security guarantee is that r produced by \({\mathsf {Gen}}\) is indistinguishable from uniform, even given p. In this work, we consider computational indistinguishability [25] rather than the more traditional information-theoretic notion. (Note that so-called “robust” fuzzy extractors [10, 17, 21, 41, 43] additionally protect against active attackers who modify p; we do not consider them here, except to point out that our constructions can be easily made robust by the random-oracle-based transform of [10, Theorem 1].)

Reusability. A fuzzy extractor is reusable (Boyen [9]) if it remains secure even when a user enrolls the same or correlated values multiple times. For example, if the source is a biometric reading, the user may enroll the same biometric with different noncooperating organizations. Reusability is particularly important for biometrics which, unlike passwords, cannot be changed or created. It is also useful in other contexts, for example, to permit a user to reuse the same visual password across many services or to make a single physical token (embodying a PUF) usable for many applications.

Each enrollment process will get a slightly different enrollment reading \(w_i\), and will run \({\mathsf {Gen}} (w_i)\) to get a key \(r_i\) and a helper value \(p_i\). Security for each \(r_i\) should hold even when an adversary is given all the values \(p_1, \dots , p_\rho \) and even the keys \(r_j\) for \(j\ne i\) (because one organization cannot be sure how other organizations will use the derived keys).

As pointed out by Dodis et al. [20, Sect. 6], reusable extractors for the nonfuzzy case (i.e., without p and \({\mathsf {Rep}} \)) can be constructed using leakage-resilient cryptography. However, adding error-tolerance makes the problem harder. Most constructions of fuzzy extractors are not reusable [6, 7, 9, 50]. In fact, the only known construction of reusable fuzzy extractors [9] requires very particular relationships between \(w_i\) valuesFootnote 1, which are unlikely to hold for a practical source.

1.1 Our Contribution

A Reusable Fuzzy Extractor. We construct the first reusable fuzzy extractor whose security holds even if the multiple readings \(w_i\) used in \({\mathsf {Gen}} \) are arbitrarily correlated, as long as the fuzzy extractor is secure for each \(w_i\) individually. This construction is the first to provide reusability for a realistic class of correlated readings. Our construction is based on digital lockers; in the most efficient instantiation, it requires only evaluation of cryptographic hash functions and is secure in the random oracle model or under strong computational assumptions on the hash functionsFootnote 2. The construction can output arbitrarily long r.

Our construction handles a wider class of sources than prior work. It is secure if the bits of w are partially independent. Namely, we require that, for some known parameter \(k\), the substring formed by the bits at \(k\) randomly chosen positions in w is unguessable (i.e., has minentropy that is superlogarithmic is the security parameter). We call sources with this feature “sources with high-entropy samples.” This requirement is in contrast to most constructions of fuzzy extractors that require w to have sufficient minentropy.

All sources of sufficient minentropy have high-entropy samples (because sampling preserves the entropy rate [55]). However, as we now explain, the family of sources with high-entropy samples also includes some low-entropy sources. (Note that, of course, the entropy of a substring never exceeds the entropy of the entire string; the terms “high” and “low” are relative to the length.)

Low-entropy sources with high-entropy samples are easy to construct artificially: for example, we can build a source of length \(n\) whose bits are \(k\)-wise independent by multiplying (over GF(2)) a fixed \(n\times k\) matrix of rank \(k\) by a random \(k\)-bit vector. In this source, the entropy rate of any substring of length \(k\) is 1, while the entropy rate of the entire string is just k / n.

Such sources also arise naturally whenever w exhibits a lot of redundancy. For example, when the binary string w is obtained via signal processing from some underlying reading (such as an image of an iris or an audio recording of a voice), the signal itself is likely to have a lot of redundancy (for example, nearby pixels of an image are highly correlated). By requiring only high-entropy samples rather than a high entropy rate, we free the signal processing designer from the need to remove redundancy when converting the underlying reading to a string w used in the fuzzy extractor. Thus, we enable the use of oversampled signals.

Our construction can tolerate \(\frac{n\ln n}{k}\) errors (out of the \(n\) bits of w) if we allow the running time of the construction (the number of hash function evaluations) to be linear in \(n\). More generally, we can tolerate \(c \frac{n\ln n}{k}\) errors if we allow running time linear in \(n^c\). Note that, since in principle \(k\) needs to be only slightly superlogarithmic to ensure the high-entropy condition on the samples, our allowable error rate is only slightly sublinear.

The Advantage of Exploiting the Structure of the Distribution. Following the tradition of extractor literature [16, 46], much work on fuzzy extractors has focused on providing constructions that work for any source of a given minentropy m. In contrast, our construction exploits more about the structure of the distribution than just its entropy. As a result, it supports not only all sources of a given (sufficiently high) minentropy, but also many sources with an entropy rate much lower than the error rate. We know of no prior constructions with this property. We now explain why, in order to achieve this property, exploiting the structure of the distribution is necessary.

A fuzzy extractor that supports \(t\) errors out of a string of \(n\) bits and works for all sources of minentropy m must have the entropy rate \(\frac{m}{n}\) at least as big as the binary entropyFootnote 3 of the error rate, \(h_2(\frac{t}{n})\) (to be exact, \(m\ge nh_2(\frac{t}{n})-\frac{1}{2}\log n- \frac{1}{2}\)). The reason for this requirement is simple: if m too small, then a single ball of radius \(t\), which contains at least \(2^{nh_2(\frac{t}{n})-\frac{1}{2}\log n-\frac{1}{2}}\) points [1, Lemma 4.7.2, Eq. 4.7.5, p. 115], may contain the entire distribution of \(2^m\) points inside it. For this distribution, an adversary can run \({\mathsf {Rep}} \) on the center of this ball and always learn the key r. This argument leads to the following proposition, which holds regardless of whether the fuzzy extractor is information-theoretic or computational, and extends even to the interactive setting.

Proposition 1

If the security guarantee of a fuzzy extractor holds for any source of minentropy m and the correctness guarantees holds for any \(t\) errors and \(m< \log |B_t|\) (where \(|B_t|\) denotes the number of points in a ball of radius \(t\)), the fuzzy extractor must provide no security. In particular, for the binary Hamming case, m must exceed \(nh_2(\frac{t}{n})-\frac{1}{2}\log n-\frac{1}{2} \approx nh_2(\frac{t}{n})>t \log _2 \frac{n}{t}\).

Thus, in order to correct t errors regardless of the structure of the distribution, we would have to assume a high total minentropy m. In contrast, by taking advantage of the specific properties of the distribution, we can handle all distributions of sufficiently high minentropy, but also some distributions whose minentropy that is much less than \(t<nh_2(\frac{t}{n})\).

Beating the bound of Proposition 1 is important. For example, the IrisCode [19], which is the state of the art approach to handling what is believed to be the best biometric [49], produces a source where m is less than \(nh_2(\frac{t}{n})\) [8, Sect. 5]. PUFs with slightly nonuniform outputs suffer from similar problems [36].

We emphasize that in applications of fuzzy extractors to physical sources, any constraint on the source—whether minentropy-based or more structured—is always, by necessity, an assumption about the physical world. It is no more possible to verify that a source has high minentropy than it is to verify that it has high-entropy samplesFootnote 4. Both statements about the source can be derived only by modeling the source—for example, by modeling the physical processes that generate irises or PUFs.

Some prior work on key agreement from noisy data also made assumptions on the structure of the source (often assuming that it consists of independent identically distributed symbols, e.g. [29, 39, 40, 42, 56]). However, we are not aware of any work that beat the bound of Propostion 1, with the exception of the work by Holenstein and Renner [30, Theorem 4]. Their construction supports a uniform length n binary w, with a random selection of \((n-m)\) bits leaked to the adversary and \(t\) random bits flipped in \(w'\). They show that it is possible to support any \(m>4 t(1-\frac{t}{n})\), which is lower than \(\log |B_t| \approx nh_2(\frac{t}{n})\), but still higher than \(t\).

Constructions Exploiting the Structure of the Distribution for Larger Alphabets. In addition to the binary alphabet construction that supports reuse and low entropy rates, as discussed above, we explore how low entropy rates can be supported when symbols of the string w comes from a large, rather than a binary, alphabet. We obtain two additional constructions, both of which allow for distributions whose total minentropy is lower than the volume of the ball of radius \(t\) (in the large-alphabet Hamming space). Unfortunately, neither of them provides reusability, but both can tolerate a linear error rate (of course, over the larger alphabet, where errors may be more likely, because each symbol carries more information).

Our second construction for large alphabets works for sources with sparse high-entropy marginals: sources for which sufficiently many symbols have high entropy individually, but no independence among symbols is assumed (thus, the total entropy may be as low as the entropy of a single symbol).

Our third construction for large alphabets provides information-theoretic, rather than computational, security. It works for sparse block sources. These are sources in which a sufficient fraction of the symbols have entropy conditioned on previous symbols.

Both constructions should be viewed as evidence that assumptions on the source other than total minentropy may provide new opportunities for increasing the error tolerance of fuzzy extractors.

Our Approach. Our approach in all three constructions is different from most known constructions of fuzzy extractors, which put sufficient information in p to recover the original w from a nearby \(w'\) during \({\mathsf {Rep}} \) (this procedure is called a secure sketch). We deliberately do not recover w, because known techniques for building secure sketches do not work for sources whose entropy rate is lower than its error rate. (This is because they lose at least \(\log |B_t|\) bits of entropy regardless of the source. This loss is necessary when the source is uniform [22, Lemma C.1] or when reusability against a sufficiently rich class of correlations is desired [9, Theorem 11]; computational definitions of secure sketches suffer from similar problems [25, Corollary 1].) Instead, in the computational constructions, we lock up a freshly generated random r using parts of w in an error-tolerant way; in the information-theoretic construction, we reduce the alphabet in order to reduce the ball volume while maintaining entropy.

We note that the idea of locking up a random r has appeared in a prior theoretical construction of a computational fuzzy extractor for any source. Namely, Bitansky et al. [5] show how to obfuscate a proximity point program that tests if an input \(w'\) is within distance t of the value w hidden inside the obfuscated program and, if so, outputs the secret r (such a program would be output by \({\mathsf {Gen}} \) as p and run by \({\mathsf {Rep}} \)). However, such a construction is based on very strong assumptions (semantically secure graded encodings [48]) and, in contrast to our construction, is highly impractical in terms of efficiency. Moreover, it is not known to provide reusability, because known obfuscation of proximity point programs is not known to be composable.

2 Definitions

For a random variables \(X_i\) over some alphabet \(\mathcal {Z}\) we denote by \(X = X_1,..., X_n\) the tuple \((X_1,\dots , X_n)\). For a set of indices J, \(X_{J}\) is the restriction of X to the indices in J. The set \(J^c\) is the complement of J. The minentropy of X is \(\mathrm {H}_\infty (X) = -\log (\max _x \Pr [X=x])\), and the average (conditional) minentropy of X given Y is \(\tilde{\mathrm {H}}_\infty (X|Y) = -\log (\mathbb {E}_{y\in Y} \max _{x} \Pr [X=x|Y=y])\) [22, Sect. 2.4]. For a random variable W, let \(H_0(W)\) be the logarithm of the size of the support of W, that is \(H_0(W) = \log |\{w | \Pr [W=w]>0\}|\). The statistical distance between random variables X and Y with the same domain is \(\varDelta (X,Y) = \frac{1}{2} \sum _x |\Pr [X=x] - \Pr [Y=x]|\). For a distinguisher D we write the computational distance between X and Y as \(\delta ^D(X,Y) = \left| \mathbb {E}[D(X)]-\mathbb {E}[D(Y)]\right| \) (we extend it to a class of distinguishers \(\mathcal {D}\) by taking the maximum over all distinguishers \(D\in \mathcal {D}\)). We denote by \(\mathcal {D}_{s}\) the class of randomized circuits which output a single bit and have size at most s.

For a metric space \((\mathcal {M}, \mathsf {dis})\), the (closed) ball of radius t around x is the set of all points within radius t, that is, \(B_t(x) = \{y| \mathsf {dis}(x, y)\le t\}\). If the size of a ball in a metric space does not depend on x, we denote by \(|B_t|\) the size of a ball of radius t. We consider the Hamming metric over vectors in \(\mathcal {Z}^n\), defined via \(\mathsf {dis}(x,y) = |\{i | x_i \ne y_i\}|\). For this metric, \(|B_t| = \sum _{i=0}^t{\left( {\begin{array}{c}n\\ i\end{array}}\right) } (|\mathcal {Z}|-1)^i \). \(U_n\) denotes the uniformly distributed random variable on \(\{0,1\}^n\). Unless otherwise noted logarithms are base 2. Usually, we use capitalized letters for random variables and corresponding lowercase letters for their samples.

2.1 Fuzzy Extractors

In this section we define computational fuzzy extractors. Similar definitions for information-theoretic fuzzy extractors can be found in the work of Dodis et al. [22, Sects. 2.5–4.1]. The definition of computational fuzzy extractors allows for a small probability of error.

Definition 1

[25, Definition 4]. Let \(\mathcal {W}\) be a family of probability distributions over \(\mathcal {M}\). A pair of randomized procedures “generate” (\({\mathsf {Gen}} \)) and “reproduce” (\({\mathsf {Rep}} \)) is an \((\mathcal {M}, \mathcal {W}, \kappa , t)\)-computational fuzzy extractor that is \((\epsilon _{sec}, s_{sec})\)-hard with error \(\delta \) if \({\mathsf {Gen}}\) and \({\mathsf {Rep}}\) satisfy the following properties:

  • The generate procedure \({\mathsf {Gen}}\) on input \(w\in \mathcal {M}\) outputs an extracted string \(r\in \{0,1\}^\kappa \) and a helper string \(p\in \{0,1\}^*\).

  • The reproduction procedure \({\mathsf {Rep}}\) takes an element \(w'\in \mathcal {M}\) and a bit string \(p\in \{0,1\}^*\) as inputs. The correctness property guarantees that if \(\mathsf {dis}(w, w')\le t\) and \((r, p)\leftarrow {\mathsf {Gen}} (w)\), then \(\Pr [{\mathsf {Rep}} ( w', p) = r] \ge 1-\delta \), where the probability is over the randomness of \(({\mathsf {Gen}}, {\mathsf {Rep}})\).

  • The security property guarantees that for any distribution \(W\in \mathcal {W}\), the string r is pseudorandom conditioned on p, that is \(\delta ^{\mathcal {D}_{s_{sec}}}((R, P), (U_\kappa , P))\le \epsilon _{sec}\).

In the above definition, the errors are chosen before P: if the error pattern between w and \(w'\) depends on the output of \({\mathsf {Gen}} \), then there is no guarantee about the probability of correctness. In Constructions 1 and 2 it is crucial that \(w'\) is chosen independently of the outcome of \({\mathsf {Gen}}\).

Information-theoretic fuzzy extractors are obtained by replacing computational distance by statistical distance. We do make a second definitional modification. The standard definition of information-theoretic fuzzy extractors considers \(\mathcal {W}\) consisting of all distributions of a given entropy. As described in the introduction, we construct fuzzy extractors for parameter regimes where it is impossible to provide security for all distributions with a particular minentropy. In both the computational and information-theoretic settings we consider a family of distributions \(\mathcal {W}\).

2.2 Reusable Fuzzy Extractors

A desirable feature of fuzzy extractors is reusability [9]. Intuitively, it is the ability to support multiple independent enrollments of the same value, allowing users to reuse the same biometric or PUF, for example, with multiple noncooperating providersFootnote 5. More precisely, the algorithm \({\mathsf {Gen}} \) may be run multiple times on correlated readings \(w_1,..., w_\rho \) of a given source. Each time, \({\mathsf {Gen}} \) will produce a different pair of values \((r_1, p_1),..., (r_\rho , p_\rho )\). Security for each extracted string \(r_i\) should hold even in the presence of all the helper strings \(p_1, \dots , p_\rho \) (the reproduction procedure \({\mathsf {Rep}} \) at the ith provider still obtains only a single \(w'_i\) close to \(w_i\) and uses a single helper string \(p_i\)). Because the multiple providers may not trust each other, a stronger security feature (which we satisfy) ensures that each \(r_i\) is secure even when all \(r_j\) for \(j\ne i\) are also given to the adversary.

Our ability to construct reusable fuzzy extractors depends on the types of correlations allowed among \(w_1, \dots , w_\rho \). Boyen [9] showed how to do so when each \(w_i\) is a shift of \(w_1\) by a value that is oblivious to the value of \(w_1\) itself (formally, \(w_i\) is a result of a transitive isometry applied to \(w_1\)). Boyen also showed that even for this weak class of correlations, any secure sketch must lose at least \(\log |B_t|\) entropy [9, Theorem 11].

We modify the definition of Boyen [9, Definition 6] for the computational setting. We first present our definition and then compare to the definitions of Boyen.

Definition 2

(Reusable Fuzzy Extractors). Let \(\mathcal {W}\) be a family of distributions over \(\mathcal {M}\). Let \(({\mathsf {Gen}}, {\mathsf {Rep}})\) be a \((\mathcal {M}, \mathcal {W}, \kappa , t)\)-computational fuzzy extractor that is \((\epsilon _{sec}, s_{sec})\)-hard with error \(\delta \). Let \((W^1, W^2, \dots , W^\rho )\) be \(\rho \) correlated random variables such that each \(W^j \in \mathcal {W}\). Let D be an adversary. Define the following game for all \(j=1,..., \rho \):

  • Sampling The challenger samples \(w^j\leftarrow W^j\) and \(u\leftarrow \{0, 1\}^\kappa \).

  • Generation The challenger computes \((r^j, p^j)\leftarrow {\mathsf {Gen}} (w^j)\).

  • Distinguishing The advantage of D is

    $$\begin{aligned} \text {Adv}(D)&\overset{def}{=} \Pr [D(r^1,..., r^{j-1}, r^j, r^{j+1},..., r^\rho , p^1,..., p^\rho )=1]\\ {}&- \Pr [D(r^1,..., r^{j-1}, u, r^{j+1},..., r^\rho , p^1,..., p^\rho )=1]. \end{aligned}$$

\(({\mathsf {Gen}}, {\mathsf {Rep}})\) is \((\rho , \epsilon _{sec}, s_{sec})\)-reusable if for all \(D\in \mathcal {D}_{s_{sec}}\) and for all \(j=1,..., \rho \), the advantage is at most \(\epsilon _{sec}\).

Comparison with the Definition of Boyen. Boyen considers two versions of reusable fuzzy extractors. In the first version (called ”outsider security” [9, Definition 6]), the adversary sees \(p^1,..., p^\rho \) and tries to learn about the values \(w^1,..., w^\rho \) or the keys \(r^1,..., r^\rho \). This version is weaker than our version, because the adversary is not given any \(r^i\) values. In the second version (called “insider security” [9, Definition 7]), the adversary controls some subset of the servers and can run \({\mathsf {Rep}} \) on arbitrary \(\tilde{p}^i\). This definition allows the adversary, in particular, to learn a subset of keys \(r^i\) (by performing key generation on the valid \(p^i\)), just like in our definition. However, it also handles the case when the \(p^i\) values are actively compromised. We do not consider such an active compromise attack. As explained in Sect. 1, protection against such an attack is called “robustness” and can be handled separately—for example, by techniques from [10, Theorem 1].

In Boyen’s definitions, the adversary creates a perturbation function \(f^i\) after seeing \(p^1,..., p^{i-1}\) (and generated keys in case of insider security) and the challenger generates \(w^i = f^i(w^1)\). The definition is parameterized by the class of allowed perturbation functions. Boyen constructs an outsider reusable fuzzy extractor for unbounded \(\rho \) when the perturbation family is a family of transitive isometries; Boyen then adds insider security using random oracles.

In contrast, instead of considering perturbation functions to generate \(w^i\), we simply consider all tuples of distributions as long as each distribution is in \(\mathcal {W}\), because we support arbitrary correlations among them.

3 Tools: Digital Lockers, Point Functions, and Hash Functions

Our main construction uses digital lockers, which are computationally secure symmetric encryption schemes that retain security even when used multiple times with correlated and weak (i.e., nonuniform) keys [14]. In a digital locker, obtaining any information about the plaintext from the ciphertext is as hard as guessing the key. They have the additional feature that the wrong key can be recognized as such (with high probability). We use notation \(\mathsf {c}= \mathsf {lock}(\mathsf {key}, \mathsf {val})\) for the algorithm that performs the locking of the value \(\mathsf {val}\) using the key \(\mathsf {key}\), and \(\mathsf {unlock}(\mathsf {key}, \mathsf {c})\) for the algorithm that performs the unlocking (which will output \(\mathsf {val}\) if \(\mathsf {key}\) is correct and \(\bot \) with high probability otherwise).

The following simple and efficient construction of digital lockers was shown to provide the desired security in the random oracle model of [2] by Lynn, Prabhakaran, and Sahai [38, Sect. 4]. Let H be a cryptographic hash function, modeled as a random oracle. The locking algorithm \(\mathsf {lock}(\mathsf {key},\mathsf {val})\) outputs the pair \(\mathsf {nonce}, H(\mathsf {nonce}, \mathsf {key})\oplus (\mathsf {val}||0^\mathsf {s})\), where \(\mathsf {nonce}\) is a nonce, || denotes concatenation, and \(\mathsf {s}\) is a security parameter. As long as the entropy of \(\mathsf {key}\) is superlogarithmic, the adversary has negligible probability of finding the correct \(\mathsf {key}\); and if the adversary doesn’t find the correct \(\mathsf {key}\), then the adversarial knowledge about \(\mathsf {key}\) and \(\mathsf {val}\) is not significantly affected by this locker. Concatenation with \(0^\mathsf {s}\) is used to make sure that \(\mathsf {unlock}\) can tell (with certainty \(1-2^{-\mathsf {s}}\)) when the correct value is unlocked.

It is seems plausible that in the standard model (without random oracles), specific cryptographic hash functions, if used in this construction, will provide the necessary security [13, Sect. 3.2], [18, Section 8.2.3]. Moreover, Bitansky and Canetti [4], building on the work of [13, 14], show how to obtain composable digital lockers based on a strong version of the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption without random oracles.

The security of digital lockers is defined via virtual-grey-box simulatability [4], where the simulator is allowed unbounded running time but only a bounded number of queries to the ideal locker. Intuitively, the definition gives the primitive we need: if the keys to the ideal locker are hard to guess, the simulator will not be able to unlock the ideal locker, and so the real adversary will not be able to, either. Formally, let \(\mathsf {idealUnlock}(\mathsf {key}, \mathsf {val})\) be the oracle that returns \(\mathsf {val}\) when given \(\mathsf {key}\), and \(\bot \) otherwise.

Definition 3

The pair of algorithm \((\mathsf {lock}, \mathsf {unlock})\) with security parameter \(\lambda \) is an \(\ell \)-composable secure digital locker with error \(\gamma \) if the following hold:

  • Correctness For all \(\mathsf {key}\) and \(\mathsf {val}\), \(\Pr [\mathsf {unlock}( \mathsf {key}, \mathsf {lock}(\mathsf {key}, \mathsf {val})) =\mathsf {val}] \ge 1-\gamma \). Furthermore, for any \(\mathsf {key}'\ne \mathsf {key}\), \(\Pr [\mathsf {unlock}( \mathsf {key}', \mathsf {lock}(\mathsf {key}, \mathsf {val})) =\perp ] \ge 1-\gamma \).

  • Security For every PPT adversary A and every positive polynomial p, there exists a (possibly inefficient) simulator S and a polynomial \(q(\lambda )\) such that for any sufficiently large \(\mathsf {s}\), any polynomially-long sequence of values \((\mathsf {val}_i, \mathsf {key}_i)\) for \(i=1,\dots , \ell \), and any auxiliary input \(z\in \{0, 1\}^*\),

    $$\begin{aligned}&\left| \Pr \left[ A\left( z,\left\{ \mathsf {lock}\left( \mathsf {key}_i,\mathsf {val}_i\right) \right\} _{i=1}^\ell \right) =1\right] - \right. \\&\left. \Pr \left[ S\left( z, \left\{ |\mathsf {key}_i|,|\mathsf {val}_i|\right\} _{i=1}^\ell \right) =1\right] \right| \le \frac{1}{p(\mathsf {s})}\, \end{aligned}$$

    where S is allowed \(q(\lambda )\) oracle queries to the oracles

    $$ \{\mathsf {idealUnlock}(\mathsf {key}_i, \mathsf {val}_i)\}_{i=1}^\ell \,. $$

Point Functions. In one of the constructions for large alphabets, we use a weaker primitive: an obfuscated point function. This primitive can be viewed as a digital locker without the plaintext: it simply outputs 1 if the key is correct and 0 otherwise. Such a function can be easily constructed from the digital locker above with the empty ciphertext, or from a strong version of the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption [12]. We use notation \(\mathsf {c}= \mathsf {lockPoint}(\mathsf {key})\) and \(\mathsf {unlockPoint}(\mathsf {key}, \mathsf {c})\); security is defined the same way as for digital lockers with a fixed plaintext.

4 Main Result: Reusable Construction for Sources with High-Entropy Samples

Sources with High-Entropy Samples. Let the source \(W=W_1, \dots , W_n\) consist of strings of length \(n\) over some arbitrary alphabet \(\mathcal {Z}\) (the case of greatest interest is that of the binary alphabet \(\mathcal {Z}=\{0, 1\}\); however, we describe the construction more generally). For some parameters \(k, \alpha \), we say that the source W is a source with \(\alpha \) -entropy \(k\) -samples if

$$ \tilde{\mathrm {H}}_\infty (W_{j_1}, \dots , W_{j_k}\, |\, j_1, \dots , j_k)\ge \alpha $$

for uniformly random \(1\le j_1, \dots , j_k\le n\). See Sect. 1 for a discussion of how sources with this property come up naturally.

The Sample-then-Lock Construction. The construction first chooses a random r to be used as the output of the fuzzy extractor. It then samples a random subset of symbols \(v_1=w_{j_1},..., w_{j_k}\) and creates a digital locker that hides r using \(v_1\) Footnote 6. This process is repeated to produce some number \(\ell \) of digital lockers all containing r, each unlockable with \(v_1,..., v_\ell \), respectively. The use of the composable digital lockers allows us to sample multiple times, because we need to argue only about individual entropy of \(V_i\). Composability also allows reusabilityFootnote 7.

Note that the output r can be as long as the digital locker construction can handle (in particular, the constructions discussed in Sect. 3 allow r to be arbitrarily long). Also note that it suffices to have r that is as long as a seed for a pseudorandom generator, because a longer output can be obtained by running this pseudorandom generator on r.

Construction 1

(Sample-then-Lock). Let \(\mathcal {Z}\) be an alphabet, and let \(W = W_1,..., W_n\) be a source with \(\alpha \)-entropy \(k\)-samples, where each \(W_j\) is over \(\mathcal {Z}\). Let \(\ell \) be a parameter, to be determined later. Let \(\mathsf {lock}, \mathsf {unlock}\) be an \(\ell \)-composable secure digital locker with error \(\gamma \) (for \(\kappa \)-bit values and keys over \(\mathcal {Z}^k\)). Define \({\mathsf {Gen}}, {\mathsf {Rep}} \) as:

figure a

How to Set Parameters: Correctness vs. Efficiency Tradeoff. To instantiate Construction 1, we need to choose a value for \(\ell \). Recall we assume that \(\mathsf {dis}(w, w') \le t\). For any given i, the probability that \(v'_i=v_i\) is at least \((1-\frac{t}{n})^k\). Therefore, the probability that no \(v_i'\) matches during \({\mathsf {Rep}} \), causing \({\mathsf {Rep}} \) output to \(\perp \), is at most

$$ \left( 1-\left( 1-\frac{t}{n}\right) ^k\right) ^\ell . $$

In addition, \({\mathsf {Rep}} \) may be incorrect due to an error in one of the lockers, which happens with probability at most \(\ell \cdot \gamma \). Thus, to make the overall error probability less than fuzzy extractor’s allowable error parameter \(\delta \) we need to set \(\ell \) so that

$$ \left( 1-\left( 1-\frac{t}{n}\right) ^k\right) ^\ell + \ell \cdot \gamma \le \delta . $$

This provides a way to set \(\ell \) to get a desirable \(\delta \), given a digital locker with error \(\gamma \) and source parameters \(n, t, k\).

To get a bit more insight, we need to simplify the above expression. We can use the approximation \(e^x \approx 1+x\) to get

$$ \left( 1-\left( 1-\frac{t}{n}\right) ^k\right) ^\ell \approx (1-e^{-\frac{tk}{n}})^\ell \approx \exp (-\ell e^{-\frac{tk}{n}}). $$

The value \(\gamma \) can be made very small very cheaply in known locker constructions, so let us assume that \(\gamma \) is small enough so that \(\ell \cdot \gamma \le \delta /2\). Then if \(tk= c n\ln n\) for some constant c, setting \(\ell \approx n^c \log \frac{2}{\delta }\) suffices.

We now provide the formal statement of security for Construction 1; we consider reusability of this construction below, in Theorem 2.

Theorem 1

Let \(\lambda \) be a security parameter, Let \(\mathcal {W}\) be a family of sources over \(\mathcal {Z}^n\) with \(\alpha \)-entropy \(k\)-samples for \(\alpha = \omega (\log \lambda )\). Then for any \(s_{sec} = \mathtt {poly} (\lambda )\) there exists some \(\epsilon _{sec} = \mathtt {ngl} (\lambda )\) such that Construction 1 is a \((\mathcal {Z}^n, \mathcal {W}, \kappa , t)\)-computational fuzzy extractor that is \(\left( \epsilon _{sec}, s_{sec}\right) \)-hard with error \(\delta = (1-(1-\frac{t}{n})^k)^\ell + \ell \gamma \approx \exp (-\ell e^{-\frac{tk}{n}}) + \ell \gamma \). (See above for an expression of \(\ell \) as a function the other parameters.)


Correctness is already argued above. We now argue security.

Our goal is to show that for all \(s_{sec} = \mathtt {poly} (\lambda )\) there exists \(\epsilon _{sec} =\mathtt {ngl} (\lambda )\) such that \(\delta ^{\mathcal {D}_{s_{sec}}}((R, P), (U, P))\le \epsilon _{sec}\). Fix some polynomial \(s_{sec}\) and let D be a distinguisher of size at most \(s_{sec}\). We want to bound

$$ | \mathbb {E}[D(R, P)] - \mathbb {E}[D(U, P)]| $$

by a negligible function.

We proceed by contradiction: suppose this difference is not negligible. That is, suppose that there is some polynomial \(p(\cdot )\) such that for all \(\lambda _0\) there exists some \(\lambda > \lambda _0\) such that

$$ | \mathbb {E}[D(R, P)] - \mathbb {E}[D(U, P)]| > 1/p(\lambda ). $$

We note that \(\lambda \) is a function of \(\lambda _0\) but we omit this notation for the remainder of the proof for clarity.

By the security of digital lockers (Definition 3), there is a polynomial q and an unbounded time simulator S (making at most \(q(\lambda )\) queries to the oracles \(\{\mathsf {idealUnlock}(v_i, r)\}_{i=1}^\ell \)) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \left| \mathbb {E}[D(R, P_1,..., P_\ell )] - \mathbb {E}\left[ S^{\{\mathsf {idealUnlock}(v_i, r)\}_{i=1}^\ell } \left( R, \{j_{i, 1},..., j_{i, k}\}_{i=1}^\ell , k, \kappa \right) \right] \right| \nonumber \\ \le \frac{1}{3p(\lambda )} . \end{aligned}$$

The same is true if we replaced R above by an independent uniform random variable U over \(\{0, 1\}^\kappa \). We now prove the following lemma, which shows that S cannot distinguish between R and U.

Lemma 1

Let U denote the uniform distribution over \(\{0, 1\}^\kappa \). Then

$$\begin{aligned} \Big |\mathbb {E}&\left[ S^{\{\mathsf {idealUnlock}(v_i, r)\}_{i=1}^\ell } \left( R, \{j_{i, 1},..., j_{i, k}\}_{i=1}^\ell , k, \kappa \right) \right]&\nonumber \\ -\mathbb {E}&\left[ S^{\{\mathsf {idealUnlock}(v_i, r)\}_{i=1}^\ell } \left( U, \{j_{i, 1},..., j_{i, k}\}_{i=1}^\ell , k, \kappa \right) \right] \Big |&\nonumber \\ {}&\le \frac{q(q+1)}{2^\alpha } \le \frac{1}{3p(\lambda )}\,, \end{aligned}$$

where q is the maximum number of queries S can make.


Fix any \(u\in \{0, 1\}^\kappa \) (the lemma will follow by averaging over all u). Let r be the correct value of R. The only information about whether the value is r or u can obtained by S through the query responses. First, modify S slightly to quit immediately if it gets a response not equal to \(\perp \) (such S is equally successful at distinguishing between r and u, because the first non-\(\perp \) response tells S if its input is equal to the locked value r, and subsequent responses add nothing to this knowledge; formally, it is easy to argue that for any S, there is an \(S'\) that quits after the first non-\(\perp \) response and is just as successful). There are \(q+1\) possible values for the view of S on a given input (q of those views consist of some number of \(\perp \) responses followed by the first non-\(\perp \) response, and one view has all q responses equal to \(\perp \)). By [22, Lemma 2.2b], \(\tilde{\mathrm {H}}_\infty (V_i | View(S), \{j_{ik}\}) \ge \tilde{\mathrm {H}}_\infty (V_j | \{j_{ik}\}) - \log (q+1) \ge \alpha - \log (q+1)\). Therefore, at each query, the probability that S gets a non-\(\perp \) answer (equivalently, guesses \(V_i\)) is at most \((q+1)2^{-\alpha }\). Since there are q queries of S, the overall probability is at most \(q(q+1)/2^\alpha \). Then since \(2^\alpha \) is \(\mathtt {ngl} (\lambda )\), there exists some \(\lambda _0\) such that for all \(\lambda > \lambda _0\), \(q(q+1)/2^\alpha \le 1/(3p(\lambda ))\).

Adding together Eqs. 12, and 1 in which R is replaced with U, we obtain that

$$\begin{aligned} \delta ^D((R, P), (U, P))\le \frac{1}{p(\lambda )}. \end{aligned}$$

This is a contradiction and completes the proof of Theorem 1.

Reusability of Construction 1. The reusability of Construction 1 follows from the security of digital clockers. Consider any \(\rho \) number of reuses. For each fixed \(i\in \{1,..., \rho \}\), we can treat the keys \(r^1,\dots , r^{i-1}, r^{i+1}, \dots , r^\rho \) and the sampled positions as auxiliary input to the digital locker adversary. The result follows by simulatability of this adversary, using the same argument as the proof of Theorem 1 above. Note that this argument now requires the digital locker to be \(\rho \cdot \ell \)-composable.

Theorem 2

Fix \(\rho \) and let all the variables be as in Theorem 1, except that \((\mathsf {lock},\mathsf {unlock})\) is an \(\ell \cdot \rho \)-composable secure digital locker (for \(\kappa \)-bit values and keys over \(\mathcal {Z}^k\)). Then for all \(s_{sec} = \mathtt {poly} (n)\) there exists some \(\epsilon _{sec} = \mathtt {ngl} (n)\) such that Construction 1 is \((\rho , \epsilon _{sec}, s_{sec})\)-reusable fuzzy extractor.

Comparison with work of [51]. The work of Škorić and Tuyls [51] can be viewed as a fuzzy extractor that places the entire string into a single digital locker (in their paper, they use the language of hash functions). Their \({\mathsf {Rec}}\) procedure symbol searches for a nearby value that unlocks the digital locker, limiting \({\mathsf {Rec}}\) to a polynomial number of error patterns. We use a subset of symbols to lock and take multiple samples, greatly increasing the error tolerance.

5 Additional Constructions for the Case of Large Alphabets

In this section we provide additional constructions of fuzzy extractors that exploit the structure of the distribution w (instead of working for all distributions of a particular min-entropy). As stated in the introduction, both constructions work for low entropy rates when w comes from a large source alphabet \(\mathcal {Z}\).

5.1 Construction for Sources with Sparse High-Entropy Marginals

In this section, we consider an alternative construction that is suited to sources over large alphabets. Intuitively, we use single symbols of w to lock bits of a secret that we then transform into r; we use error-correcting codes to handle bits of the secret that cannot be retrieved due to errors in \(w'\). Our main technical tool is obfuscated point functions (a weaker primitive than digital lockers; see Sect. 3 for the definition).

This construction requires enough symbols individually to contain sufficient entropy, but does not require independence of symbols, or even “fresh” entropy from them. Unlike the previous construction, it tolerates a linear fraction of errors (but over a larger alphabet, where errors may be more likely.). However, it cannot work for small alphabets, and is not reusable.

Sources with Sparse High-Entropy Marginals. This construction works for distributions \(W=W_1, ... ,W_n\) over \(\mathcal {Z}^n\) in which enough symbols \(W_j\) are unpredictable even after adaptive queries to equality oracles for other symbols. This quality of a distribution is captured in the following definition.

Definition 4

Let \(\mathsf {idealUnlock}(\mathsf {key})\) be an oracle that returns 1 when given \(\mathsf {key}\) and 0 otherwise. A source \(W = W_1, ... ,W_n\) has \(\beta \)-sparse \(\alpha \)-entropy q-marginals if there exists a set \(J\subset \{1,..., n\}\) of size at least \(n-\beta \) such that for any unbounded adversary S,

$$ \forall j\in J, \tilde{\mathrm {H}}_\infty (W_j |View(S(\cdot ))))\ge \alpha . $$

where S is allowed q queries to the oracles \(\{\mathsf {idealUnlock}(W_i)\}_{i=1}^n\).

We show some examples of such sources in Appendix A.4. In particular, any source W where for all j, \(\mathrm {H}_\infty (W_j) \ge \alpha =\omega (\log \lambda )\) (but all symbols may arbitrarily correlated) is a source with sparse high-entropy marginals (Proposition 3).

The Error-Correct-and-Obfuscate Construction. This construction is inspired by the construction of Canetti and Dakdouk [13]. Instead of having large parts of the string w unlock r, we have individual symbols unlock bits of the output.

Before presenting the construction we provide some definitions from error correcting codes. We use error-correct codes over \(\{0,1\}^n\) which correct up to \(t\) bit flips from 0 to 1 but no bit flips from 1 to 0 (this is the Hamming analog of the Z-channel [53])Footnote 8.

Definition 5

Let \(e, c\in \{0, 1\}^n\) be vectors. Let \(x = {\mathsf {Err}} (c, e)\) be defined as follows

$$x_i = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 &{} c_i=1 \vee e_i=1\\ 0&{} \text { otherwise}.\end{array}\right. }$$

Definition 6

A set C (over \(\{0, 1\}^n\)) is a \((t, \delta _{code})\)-Z code if there exists an efficient procedure \(\mathsf {Decode}\) such that

$$ \forall e \in \{0, 1\}^n| {\mathsf {Wgt}} (e)\le t, \Pr _{c\in C}[\mathsf {Decode}({\mathsf {Err}} (c,e)) \ne c] \le \delta _{code}. $$

Construction 2

(Lock-and-Error-Correct). Let \(\mathcal {Z}\) be an alphabet and let \(W = W_1,..., W_n\) be a distribution over \(\mathcal {Z}^n\). Let \(C\subset \{0, 1\}^n\) be \((t, \delta _{code})\)-Z code. Let \(\mathsf {lockPoint}, \mathsf {unlockPoint}\) be an \(n\)-composable secure obfuscated point function with error \(\gamma \) (for keys over \(\mathcal {Z}\)). Define \({\mathsf {Gen}}, {\mathsf {Rep}} \) as:

figure b

As presented, Construction 2 is not yet a computational fuzzy extractor. The codewords c are not uniformly distributed and it is possible to learn some bits of c (for the symbols of W without much entropy). However, we can show that c looks like it has entropy to a computationally bounded adversary who knows p. Applying a randomness extractor with outputs over \(\{0, 1\}^\kappa \) (technically, an average-case computational randomness extractor) to c, and adding the extractor seed to p, will give us the desired fuzzy extractor. See Appendix A.1 for the formal details.

Construction 2 is secure if no distinguisher can tell whether it is working with \(r_j\) or \(w_j\). By the security of point obfuscation, anything learnable from the obfuscation is learnable from oracle access to the function. Therefore, our construction is secure as long as enough symbols are unpredictable even after adaptive queries to equality oracles for individual symbols, which is exactly the property satisfied by sources with sparse high-entropy marginals.

The following theorem formalizes this intuition (proof in Appendix B).

Theorem 3

Let \(\lambda \) be a security parameter. Let \(\mathcal {Z}\) be an alphabet. Let \(\mathcal {W}\) be a family of sources with \(\beta \)-sparse \(\alpha =\omega (\log \lambda )\)-entropy q-marginals over \(\mathcal {Z}^n\), for any \(q = \mathtt {poly} (n)\). Furthermore, let C be a \((t, \delta _{code})\)-Z code over \(\mathcal {Z}^n\). Then for any \(s_{sec} = \mathtt {poly} (n)\) there exists some \(\epsilon _{sec}=\mathtt {ngl} (n)\) such that Construction 2, followed by a \(\kappa \)-bit randomness extractor (whose required input entropy is \(\le H_0(C) - \beta \)), is a \((\mathcal {Z}^n, \mathcal {W}, \kappa , t)\)-computational fuzzy extractor that is \((\epsilon _{sec}, s_{sec})\)-hard with error \(\delta _{code} + n(1/|\mathcal {Z}|+\gamma )\).

Entropy vs. Error Rate. The minimum entropy necessary to satisfy Definition 4 is \(\omega (\log \lambda )\) (for example, when all symbols are completely dependent but are all individually unguessable). The construction corrects a constant fraction of errors. When \(n= \lambda ^{1/c}\) then the entropy is smaller than the number of errors \( m = \omega (\log \lambda ) < \varTheta (n) = \lambda ^{1/c}\).

Output Length. The extractor that follows Construction 2 can output \(H_0(C)-\beta -2\log (1/\epsilon _{sec})\) bits using standard information-theoretic techniques (such as the average-case leftover hash lemma [22, Lemma 2.2b, Lemma 2.4]). To get a longer output, Construction 2 can be run multiple (say, \(\mu \)) times with the same input and independent randomness to get multiple values c, concatenate them, and extract from the concatenation, to obtain an output of sufficient length \(\mu (H_0(C)-\beta )-2\log (1/\epsilon _{sec})\). The goal is to get an output long enough to use as a pseudorandom generator seed: once the seed is obtained, it can be used to generate arbitrary polynomial-length r, just like Construction 1.

Further Improvement. If most codewords have Hamming weight close to 1/2, we can decrease the error tolerance needed from the code from t to about t/2, because roughly half of the mismatches between w and \(w'\) occur where \(c_j =1\).

Lack of Reusability. Even though Construction 2 uses composable obfuscated point functions, it is not reusable. Definition 4 allows sources with some “weak” symbols that can be completely learned by an adversary observing p. If a source is enrolled multiple times this partial information may add up over time to reveal the original value \(w_1\). In contrast, Construction 1, leaks no partial information for the supported sources, allowing reusability.

5.2 Information-Theoretic Construction for Sparse Block Sources

The construction in this section has information-theoretic security, in contrast to only computational security of the previous two constructions. It uses symbol-by-symbol condensers to reduce the alphabet size while preserving most of the entropy, and then applies a standard fuzzy extractor to the resulting string.

This construction requires less entropy from each symbol than the previous construction; however, it places more stringent independence requirements on the symbols. It tolerates a linear number of errors.

Sparse Block Sources. This construction works for sources \(W=W_1, ... ,W_n\) over \(\mathcal {Z}^n\) in which enough symbols \(W_j\) contribute fresh entropy conditioned on previous symbols. We call this such sources sparse block sources, weakening the notion of block sources (introduced by Chor and Goldreich [16]), which require every symbol to contribute fresh entropy.

Definition 7

A distribution \(W = W_1,..., W_n\) is an \((\alpha , \beta )\)-sparse block source if there exists a set of indices J where \(|J| \ge n- \beta \) such that the following holds:

$$ \forall j\in J, \forall w_1,..., w_{j-1} \in W_1,..., W_{j-1}, \mathrm {H}_\infty (W_j | W_1 = w_1,..., W_{j-1}=w_{j-1}) \ge \alpha . $$

The choice of conditioning on the past is arbitrary: a more general sufficient condition is that there exists some ordering of indices where most items have entropy conditioned on all previous items in this ordering (for example, is possible to consider a sparse reverse block source [55]).

The Condense-then-Fuzzy-Extract Construction. The construction first condenses entropy from each symbol of the source and then applies a fuzzy extractor to the condensed symbols. We’ll denote the fuzzy extractor on the smaller alphabet as \(({\mathsf {Gen}} ', {\mathsf {Rep}} ')\). A condenser is like a randomness extractor but the output is allowed to be slightly entropy deficient. Condensers are known with smaller entropy loss than possible for randomness extractors (e.g. [23]).

Definition 8

A function \(\mathtt {cond}: \mathcal {Z}\times \{0, 1\}^d\rightarrow \mathcal {Y}\) is a \((m, \tilde{m}, \epsilon )\)-randomness condenser if whenever \(\mathrm {H}_\infty (W)\ge m\), then there exists a distribution Y with \(\mathrm {H}_\infty (Y)\ge \tilde{m}\) and \((\mathtt {cond}(W, seed), seed) \approx _\epsilon (Y, seed)\).

The main idea of the construction is that errors are “corrected” on the large alphabet (before condensing) while the entropy loss for the error correction is incurred on a smaller alphabet (after condensing).

Construction 3

Let \(\mathcal {Z}\) be an alphabet and let \(W=W_1,..., W_n\) be a distribution over \(\mathcal {Z}^n\). We describe \({\mathsf {Gen}}, {\mathsf {Rep}} \) as follows:

figure c

The following theorem shows the security of this construction (proof in Appendix B).

Theorem 4

Let \(\mathcal {W}\) be a family of \((\alpha = \varOmega (1), \beta \le n(1-\varTheta (1)))\)-sparse block sources over \(\mathcal {Z}^n\) and let \(\mathtt {cond}: \mathcal {Z} \times \{0, 1\}^d\rightarrow \mathcal {Y}\) be a \((\alpha , \tilde{\alpha }, \epsilon _{cond})\)-randomness conductor. Define \(\mathcal {V}\) as the family of all distributions with minentropy at least \(\tilde{\alpha }(n-\beta )\) and let \(({\mathsf {Gen}} ', {\mathsf {Rep}} ')\) be \((\mathcal {Y}^n, \mathcal {V}, \kappa , t, \epsilon _{fext})\)-fuzzy extractor with error \(\delta \) Footnote 9. Then \(({\mathsf {Gen}}, {\mathsf {Rep}})\) is a \((\mathcal {Z}^n, \mathcal {W}, \kappa , t, n\epsilon _{cond}+\epsilon _{fext})\)-fuzzy extractor with error \(\delta \).

Overcoming Proposition 1. Proposition 1 shows that no fuzzy extractor can be secure for all sources of a given minentropy \(m< \log |B_t|\). Construction 3 supports sparse block sources whose overall entropy is less than \(\log |B_t|\). The structure of a sparse block source implies that \(\mathrm {H}_\infty (W) \ge \alpha (n-\beta ) = \varTheta (n)\). We assume that \(\mathrm {H}_\infty (W) = \varTheta (n)\). Using standard fuzzy extractors (for \({\mathsf {Gen}} ', {\mathsf {Rep}} '\)) it is possible to correct \(t= \varTheta (n)\) errors, yielding \(\log | B_t| > \varTheta (n\)) when \(|\mathcal {Z}| = \omega (1)\).