
1 Introduction

The current Internet is evolving from interconnecting computers to interconnecting things [3]. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to numerous connected things that rely on sensory, communication, networking, and information processing technologies [3]. Real-world things are heterogeneous in terms of features with little standard descriptions [3]. Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm provides a promising solution for exposing features of real-world things as services in a standard form.

As a result of the prevalence of IoT, an increasing number of real-world things will be connected to future Internet, leading to a proliferation in services. This proliferation of services will contribute to the increasing opportunities of service composition. Service composition aims at providing value-added services through aggregating component services. One the one hand, as more diverse services are available, the opportunities of composing services will surpass anyone’s imagination. On the other hand, we may not sometimes know which group of services in IoT is related to each other and can cooperate to achieve a common goal. Therefore, the expected large number of services in IoT, coupled with the need for composing services, call for a service mining tool that can uncover the intrinsic correlations among services. We define service mining as the process of proactively discovering interesting relationships among services.

Service mining aims at discovering any interesting service relationships without specific search goals for defining the exact service functionality. A general goal (i.e., smart home, which is a typical application domain in IoT) is provided at the beginning of service mining process to narrow down the mining scope. In the context of smart home, service mining may provide interesting correlations between different component services. For example, a TV service may hypothetically relate to a fridge service. There are three factors that provide the basis for the hypothetical relationship. The first factor is the collocation of both the TV set and the fridge [5]. The second factor is the temporal correlation (i.e., the fridge is sometimes accessed when the TV is on) [5]. The third factor is people (i.e., the TV and the fridge may be accessed by the same user) [6]. Another example is that an oven service may hypothetically relate to an air-conditioning service. An environment factor provides the basis for the hypothetical correlation [6]. When the oven is in use, temperature is rising. Then the air-conditioning is invoked to adjust room temperature. Thus, without any prior knowledge of specifying search goals, the service mining process has the potential of discovering interesting service relationships.

The key contribution is the service mining framework that aims at discovering service relationships in IoT. The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 proposes an ontology-based service description model. Section 3 elaborates the service mining framework. Section 4 shows experiment results. Section 5 concludes the paper and highlights some future work.

2 Ontology-Based Description of Services

Discovering service relationships requires the description of services so that service mining tools can understand services and form bonds among related services. We propose an ontology-based model for describing services (see Fig. 1). Unfilled nodes refer to ontology concepts that have been clearly defined in [4]. Gray nodes refer to extended ontology concepts. Numbers on edges denote the has relationship between ontology concepts. We formally define service, environment, state, pre/postcondition, and people as follows.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Ontology-based description of services

Definition 1:

Service. A service \(S_i\) is defined by a tuple \(\langle \) name, des, \(Bind_i\), \(Cat_i\), \(Ope_i\), \(Sta_i\), \(Peo_i\) \(\rangle \) where:

  • name and des are a name and a text summary about the service features, respectively.

  • \(Bind_i\) is a set of binding protocols supported by \(S_i\).

  • \(Cat_i\) is a set of categories that \(S_i\) belongs to.

  • \(Ope_i\) is a set of operations provided by \(S_i\) (cf. Definition 5).

  • \(Sta_i\) is a set of states that \(S_i\) represents (cf. Definition 3).

  • \(Peo_i\) is people who consume the service \(S_i\) (cf. Definition 6).

Definition 2:

Environment. The environment \(Env_i\) is defined as a tuple \(\langle \) name, (val,uni,\(ts_i\),\(loc_i\)) \(\rangle \), where:

  • name is an environmental variable of \(Env_i\).

  • (val,uni,\(ts_i\),\(loc_i\)) shows the recorded readings of the environmental variable. The readings include value val, unit uni, time-stamp \(ts_i\) and location \(loc_i\). The location is uniformly defined as a GPS point with a user-defined spatial radius r. For simplicity, we use \(v_t\) to refer to the value of the environment variable at time point t.

Definition 3:

State. The state \(Sta_i\) can only be an attribute in the tuple \(\langle \) ready, start, active, end \(\rangle \) at a given time where:

  • ready: the service is in the ready state if an invoking request has not been made.

  • start: the start state means that the service execution has been initiated. The start state is defined by a tuple \(\langle \) \(st_i\), \(loc_i\) \(\rangle \) where \(st_i\) and \(loc_i\) are the start time stamp and the location of initiating the service, respectively.

  • active: the service is in the active state if the service is executing. The active state is defined by a tuple \(\langle \) \(tin_i\), \(loc_i\) \(\rangle \) where \(tin_i\) and \(loc_i\) are the time interval and the location of the service execution, respectively, and \(tin_i\) = \(et_i\)-\(st_i\).

  • end: the service is in the end state if the service execution is terminated. The end state is defined by a tuple \(\langle \) \(et_i\), \(loc_i\) \(\rangle \) where \(et_i\) and \(loc_i\) are the end time stamp and the location of terminating the service, respectively.

Definition 4:

Precondition and Postcondition. The precondition \(Pre_i\) is defined as a tuple \(\langle \) (\(Sta_1\), \(Sta_2\) \(\cdot \cdot \cdot \) \(Sta_i\)), (\(Env_1\), \(Env_2\) \(\cdot \cdot \cdot \) \(Env_i\)) \(\rangle \) where:

  • \(Sta_i\) is the required state before executing an operation (cf. Definition 3).

  • \(Env_i\) is the required environment before executing an operation (cf. Definition 2).

The postcondition \(Pos_i\) is defined as a tuple \(\langle \) (\(Sta_1\), \(Sta_2\) \(\cdot \cdot \cdot \) \(Sta_i\)), (\(Env_1\), \(Env_2\) \(\cdot \cdot \cdot \) \(Env_i\)) \(\rangle \) where:

  • \(Sta_i\) is the effect state after executing an operation (cf. Definition 3).

  • \(Env_i\) is the effect environment after executing an operation(cf. Definition 2).

Definition 5:

Operation. An operation \(Ope_i\) is defined by a tuple \(\langle \) name, des, \(Cat_i\), \(Mod_i\), \(Inp_i\), \(Out_i\), \(Qua_i\), \(Pre_i\), \(Pos_i\) \(\rangle \) where:

  • name, des, \(Cat_i\), \(Mod_i\), \(Inp_i\), \(Out_i\), \(Qua_i\) refer to names, descriptions, categories, modes, input/output messages, and qualities, respectively [4].

  • \(Pre_i\) gives the preconditions of an operation (cf. Definition 4).

  • \(Pos_i\) gives the postconditions of an operation (cf. Definition 4).

Definition 6:

People. \(Peo_i\) is defined as a tuple \(\langle \) id \(\rangle \) where

  • id is the unique identifier of people.

3 Service Mining Framework

The service mining framework consists of three phases. The framework starts with the scope specification phase which consists of two steps. In the first step, the user specifies a list of domains termed as mining context(MC). Domains are specified by a set of ontologies [2]. Hence, ontologies related to MC can be determined, which is denoted as Ont(MC). In the second step, a list of services related to the mining context are identified, which are termed as mining library(ML). Due to page limit, the detailed process of scope specification is omitted. The scope specification is followed by the automatic service recognition phase. In this phase, services will go through service recognition process for identifying related services which are represented as service composition leads. In the evaluation phase, evaluation methodologies are proposed to identify interesting service composition leads.

3.1 Service Recognition

We model service relationships from states, environments, people, and operations perspectives.

  1. (1)

    Two services \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) have state relationship if they are spatial-temporal dependent. \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) have spatial dependency if \(S_i\).active.\(loc_i\) is located inside the spatial circle centred at \(S_k\).active.\(loc_k\) with a geographic radius r [1]. For example, the TV located in home A has a spatial dependency with the fridge located in home A. This TV has no spatial dependency with the fridge located in home B. We formalize the spatial dependency between \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) in Eq. (1).

    $$\begin{aligned} distance(S_i,S_k)= 2 arcsin\sqrt{sin^2\frac{a}{2} + cos(Lat_i) \times cos(Lat_k) \times sin^2\frac{b}{2}} \times r_e \end{aligned}$$

    where \(a=Lat_i-Lat_k,b=Long_i-Long_k\), \(r_e\) is the radius of earth. \(Lat_i\) and \(Long_i\) refer to the latitude and longitude of the location \(S_i\).active.\(loc_i\). \(S_i\).active.\(loc_i\) is GPS points of \(S_i\). r is a user defined radius. If \(distance(S_i,S_k)\le r\), \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) are spatial dependent. \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) have temporal dependency if one of the following conditions is satisfied.

    • \(S_i\) is invoked in the execution time interval of \(S_k\). That is \(S_i\).start.\(st_i\) \(\ge \) \(S_k\).start.\(st_k\) and \(S_i\).end.\(et_i\) \(\le \) \(S_k\).end.\(et_k\). For example, the fridge door is opened and closed during the time interval when TV is on.

    • \(S_i\) is invoked before \(S_k\). That is \(S_i\).end.\(et_i\) \(\le \) \(S_k\).start.\(st_k\). For example, the fridge door is closed and then TV is on.

    • \(S_i\) is invoked before \(S_k\) and becomes the end state after \(S_k\) is invoked. That is \(S_k\).start.\(st_k\) < \(S_i\).end.\(et_i\) < \(S_k\).end.\(et_k\) and \(S_i\).start.\(st_i\) < \(S_k\).start.\(st_k\). For example, the oven is in use for a while, then the air-conditioning is turned on. The air-conditioning keeps the active state for a time interval after the oven is turned off.

  2. (2)

    Two services \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) have environment relationships if the following two conditions are satisfied. We use \(\rightarrow \) to denote state changes.

    • the value of environment variable \(Env_j\) is changed during the execution time interval \(t_{in}\) of \(S_i\). That is \(S_i.state = active\) and \(Env_j.v_{st}\ne Env_j.v_{st+t_{in}}\).

    • the state of \(S_k\) is transformed due to the environment changes. That is \(S_k\).\(ready\) \(\rightarrow \) \(S_k\).\(start\) \(\rightarrow \) \(S_k\).active or \(S_k\).\(active\) \(\rightarrow \) \(S_k\).\(end\) \(\rightarrow \) \(S_k\).ready.

  3. (3)

    Two services \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) are related through people if \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) are consumed by the same person in a time interval. That is \(S_i.Peo_i=S_k.Peo_k\). For example, the TV and the fridge are used by the same people in a time interval.

  4. (4)

    Two services \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) have operation relationships if the two operations \(S_i.Ope_i\) and \(S_k.Ope_k\) are syntactically compatible. The following two conditions must be satisfied.

    • \(S_i.Ope_i.Mod_i\) = notification and \(S_k.Ope_k.Mod_k\) = one-way; or \(S_i.Ope_i.Mod_i\) = one-way and \(S_k.Ope_k.Mod_k\) = notification; or \(S_i.Ope_i.Mod_i\) =solicit-response and \(S_k.Ope_k.Mod_k\) = request-response; or \(S_i.Ope_i.Mod_i\) = request-response and \(S_k.Ope_k.Mod_k\) = solicit-response [4]. This condition implies that a one-way operation must be mapped to a notification operation and a solicit-response operation must be mapped to a request-response operation.

    • \(S_i.Ope_i.Out_i \supseteq S_k.Ope_k.Inp_k\).

3.2 Evaluation

Not all discovered service composition leads are necessarily interesting in the service recognition phase. An evaluation measure is needed to filter out uninteresting service composition leads. The evaluation phase consists of two steps. The first step is Correlation Degree (CD) filtering which measures the relationship strength between two services. Correlation Degree (CD) is defined in Eq. (2).

$$\begin{aligned} CD(S_i,S_k)=\eta _1\cdot State(S_i,S_k)+\eta _2\cdot Env(S_i,S_k)+\eta _3\cdot Peo(S_i,S_k)+\eta _4\cdot Ope(S_i,S_k) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\eta _1+\eta _2+\eta _3+\eta _4=1\), \(State(S_i,S_k),Env(S_i,S_k),Peo(S_i,S_k),Ope(S_i,S_k)\) are binary values returned from the service recognition phase. We define a correlation threshold \((\zeta )\) which is the minimum value allowed for the CD. If \(CD(S_i,S_k)\ge \zeta \), then leads of composed services \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) are selected for further evaluation. Otherwise \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) are filtered out.

The second step is interestingness evaluation. We first give the concept of Availability (Ava), Domain Correlation(DC), and Diversity(Div), and then give the interestingness definition.

Availability. Ava is defined as a binary value (i.e., 1 for available, 0 for unavailable). The source of availability information can be a registry that keeps tack of the availability of services [2].

Domain Correlation. DC measures the relevance of two domains that services \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) belong to, respectively. The domain correlation of \(S_i\) and \(S_k\) is equivalent to the ontology correlation of \(Ont(S_i)\) and \(Ont(S_k)\). We formally define DC in Eq. (3).

$$\begin{aligned} DC(S_i,S_k)=e^{-\frac{1}{\lambda _0\cdot \{sim(Ont(S_i),Ont(S_k))+1\}}} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned}&Sim(Ont(S_i),Ont(S_k))=\\&\qquad \quad w_1\cdot (\frac{|N_{pre}(S_i)|\cap |N_{pre}(S_k)|}{|N_{pre}(S_i)|\cup |N_{pre}(S_k)|})+w_2\cdot (\frac{|N_{pos}(S_i)|\cap |N_{pos}(S_k)|}{|N_{pos}(S_i)|\cup |N_{pos}(S_k)|})\\&\qquad \quad +w_3\cdot (\frac{|N_{in}(S_i)|\cap |N_{in}(S_k)|}{|N_{in}(S_i)|\cup |N_{in}(S_k)|})+w_4\cdot (\frac{|N_{out}(S_i)|\cap |N_{out}(S_k)|}{|N_{out}(S_i)|\cup |N_{out}(S_k)|}) \end{aligned}$$

where \(S_i,S_k \in ML,w_i(i=1,2,3,4)\) is a weight such that \(w_i \in [0,1]\) and \(\sum _{1}^{4}w_i=1\). \(|N_{pre}(S_i)|\), \(|N_{pos}(S_i)|\), \(|N_{in}(S_i)|\), and \(|N_{out}(S_i)|\) refer to the set of preconditions, postconditions, input parameters, and output parameters of concepts, respectively. Operators \(\cap \) and \(\cup \) are ontological overlap and union of two concepts. When \(Sim(Ont(S_i),Ont(S_k))=0\), the correlation between two domains is assigned with an initial value \(r_0=e^{-\frac{1}{\lambda _0}}\). Equation (3) shows that \(DC(S_i,S_k)\) approaches 1 as \(Sim(Ont(S_i),Ont(S_k))\) increases. We define Div as the multiplicative inverse of the domain correlation. We bound the maximum value of Div to 1. The Div is formally defined as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} Div=\frac{r_0}{DC(S_i,S_k)} \end{aligned}$$

The interestingness is defined as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} Interestingness=Ava\cdot w_1+Div\cdot w_2 \end{aligned}$$

where \(w_1,w_2\) are weights for Availability and Diversity respectively, \(w_i\in [0,1](i=1,2)\), and \(\sum _{1}^{2}w_i=1\). We define an interestingness threshold \((\xi )\) which gives the minimum value allowed for interesting service composition leads. If the value of \(interestingness \ge \xi \), then leads of composed services are considered interesting. Otherwise the service composition leads are considered uninteresting.

Table 1. Experiment settings

4 Experiment Results

We study the effect of variables listed in Table 1 on the total number of discovered service composition leads, the number of service composition leads after Correlation Degree filtering, and the number of interesting service composition leads. First, we model the ontology using a class whose domain attribute stands for the domain of the ontology. We can obtain services with different domain attributes through initializing the class by assigning different values to domains. The rules of generating values shown in Table 1. For example, we randomly generate its input/output parameters such that the number of these parameters uniformly falls in the range of 0 to 5. The data type of each parameter is integer. The bound of each parameter is 0 to 100. For simplicity, we only consider the exact input/output parameter data type match.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Effects of key variables

Figure 2 (line a) shows that the total number of service composition leads increases significantly as the number of services increases. This is an expected result because as more services are introduced to the mining process, a service has a higher chance of relating to other services. Figure 2 (line b) shows the effect of the CD on filtering out uninteresting service composition leads. With the number of services increasing, the CD can filter out uninteresting service composition leads to a large extent. Although the CD filtering technique reduces the number of service composition leads to a much smaller size, there are service composition leads that exhibit high CD values but are commonly known or useless. The interestingness measure (Fig. 2 (line c)) further filters out uninteresting service composition leads after the CD filtering. Compared with Fig. 2 (line b), interestingness measures can reduce uninteresting service composition leads significantly.

5 Conclusion

We propose a service mining framework that enables the proactive discovery of interesting service relationships. We propose an interestingness evaluation measure to sort out interesting service composition leads. We also proposes an ontology model for describing services. Future work includes developing a tool aiming at providing visual aids toward representing the discovered service composition leads. We also plan to improve the agility of our service mining framework to accommodate for the dynamic expansion of services.