
In the publication of this article [1], there are reference errors in four positions the respective references are missing since reference Fischer [26] was omitted. In addition for reference Egli et al. [21] the in text citation only appeared at the end of the paragraph, but not following important statements. This has now been included in this correction.

In the Discussion section it currently reads:

“The purpose of this technique is not primarily to achieve local anesthesia. Neural therapy utilizes the regulatory mechanisms and plastic properties of the nervous system. The generation of targeted mechanical stimuli (through the needle) and the selective extinction of other stimuli (through the local anesthetic) affect both the organization of the nervous system and tissue perfusion, thereby disrupting positive feedback actions (vicious circle including a complex interplay of nociceptor activity, sympathetic excitation, circulation disturbance, neurogenic inflammation, and muscle hardening) in the pain cycle [21].”

In the Discussion section it should instead read:

“The purpose of this technique is not primarily to achieve local anesthesia [21, 26]. Neural therapy utilizes the regulatory mechanisms and plastic properties of the nervous system [21, 26]. The generation of targeted mechanical stimuli (through the needle) and the selective extinction of other stimuli (through the local anesthetic) affect both the organization of the nervous system and tissue perfusion [21, 26], thereby disrupting positive feedback actions (vicious circle including a complex interplay of nociceptor activity, sympathetic excitation, circulation disturbance, neurogenic inflammation, and muscle hardening) in the pain cycle [21, 26].”