1 Erratum to: Sports Med DOI 10.1007/s40279-017-0675-5

Page 8, column 1, section 4, paragraph 4, lines 48: The following sentence, which previously read:

“The average intake of polyphenols in studies included in the meta-analysis was 688 mg·day−1, which equates to a dietary intake of approximately 200 g of dark chocolate, 250 ml of green tea and 300 mg of mixed berries (blackcurrant, strawberry and blackberry) [60].”

should read:

“The average intake of polyphenols in studies included in the meta-analysis was 688 mg·day−1, which equates to a dietary intake of approximately 200 g of dark chocolate, 250 ml of green tea and 300 g of mixed berries (blackcurrant, strawberry and blackberry) [60].”