1 Erratum to: Clin Pharmacokinet DOI 10.1007/s40262-014-0216-4

A Published-Ahead-of-Print version of this article was made available online on 11 December 2014. An error has subsequently been identified in that version of the article, and the following correction should be noted.

Title page: Authors’ affiliations which previously read:

Grim J, Miloš H, Jaroslav C, Jiří P, Jiřina M

Should read:

Grim J, Hroch M, Chládek J, Petera J, Martínková J.

The second author’s given name is Miloš and the family name is Hroch.

The third author’s given name is Jaroslav and the family name is Chládek.

The fourth author’s given name is Jiří and the family name is Petera.

The fifth author’s given name is Jiřina and the family name is Martínková.