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Regional Distribution of Ambulant Nursing Services in Germany. A GIS Accessibility Analysis

Regionale Verteilung ambulanter Pflegedienste in Deutschland. Eine GIS-Erreichbarkeitsanalyse

  • Wissenschaftlicher Beitrag
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Raumforschung und Raumordnung


In many rural areas in Europe a spatial concentrating of basic services can be observed due to interacting socioeconomic and demographic processes. At the European level, territorial cohesion policy aims at mitigating the consequences of this development. Additionally, in Germany, this development is a greatly discussed topic. However, little data exists at the country level on the dimensions and consequences of this spatial concentration process. This limitation makes it difficult to realistically assess the situation and identify the regions and basic services where intervention may be required. As a contribution to bridging this knowledge gap, we used a GIS accessibility analysis to analyse the regional distribution of ambulant nursing services throughout Germany and to estimate the availability of such services near patients’ places of residence. Ambulant nursing care is an important basic service of the German health care system; such services allow disabled or elderly people who are not able to fully care for themselves to stay in their homes and living environments. The analysis results lead us to conclude that although ambulant nursing services must cover greater distances to reach customers in rural areas, at present such services are nationally available in rural areas as well as in urban areas.


Gegenwärtig lässt sich in den ländlichen Räumen beobachten, dass sich wechselseitig beeinflussende sozioökonomische und demographische Prozesse zu einer räumlichen Konzentration von Daseinsvorsorgeinfrastrukturen führen. Das heißt: demographische Entwicklungen bedingen eine Veränderung der Nachfrage, was in Folge zur Aufgabe unrentabler Standorte führt. Auf europäischer Ebene versucht man dieser Entwicklung durch die Politik des Territorialen Zusammenhalts zu begegnen. Ein ähnliches Ziel verfolgt Deutschland seit 1965 mit dem im § 2 des Raumordnungsgesetzes festgeschriebenen Ziel der Gewährleistung gleichwertiger Lebensbedingungen in allen Landesteilen. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es überraschend, dass es bislang für Deutschland nicht in allen relevanten Bereichen, kleinräumige, flächendeckende Daten gibt, die Auskunft über das Ausmaß und die Folgen dieses Konzentrationsprozesses geben. Das führt dazu, dass es schwer ist, die Situation realistisch zu erfassen sowie Regionen und Infrastrukturen zu identifizieren, bei denen gegebenenfalls Interventionsbedarf besteht. Um einen Beitrag zum Abbau dieses Informationsdefizits zu leisten, haben wir mit Hilfe einer GIS-Erreichbarkeitsanalyse die regionale Verteilung ambulanter Pflegedienste in Deutschland, die Dienstleistungen gemäß SGB XI anbieten, analysiert. Die Ergebnisse der GIS-Analyse ermöglichen es, die wohnortnahe Verfügbarkeit ambulanter Pflegedienste nach SGB XI kleinräumig, unterhalb der Ebene der Gemeinden, abzuschätzen. Als wichtigstes Ergebnis lässt sich festhalten: Obwohl in ländlichen Regionen von ambulanten Pflegediensten weitere Wege zu den potenziellen Kunden zurückgelegt werden müssen, ist derzeit in Deutschland die grundlegende wohnortnahe Versorgung mit ambulanten Pflegediensten sowohl in ländlichen als auch städtischen Regionen flächendeckend gewährleistet.

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  1. As the processes, consequences and reasons for the spatial concentration of basic services have already been intensively discussed elsewhere, the reader is directed to, for example, Favry 2006; Schmitz-Veltin 2006; Gawron 2008; Born 2009; Jens 2009; Neu 2009; BMVBS 2010; Küpper 2011; BMVBS 2013; Steinführer 2014; Steinführer/Küpper/Tautz 2014 for further information on these aspects.

  2. SGB XI: German Social Code Book XI.

  3. The official nursing statistics used were published in 2013. These statistics show data for the reference year 2011.

  4. SGB V: German Social Code Book V.

  5. A detailed introduction to the nature of raster-based regional statistics is given by Kaup/Rieffel (2013).

  6. Amtliches Topographisch-Kartographisches Informationssystem.

  7. The EWZ 250 is not publicly available and was provided by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development upon request.

  8. Unfortunately, Burgdorf (2010) does not specify the year of reference for the population values that the disaggregation is based on. Considering that in the references he lists a “Qualitätsbericht – Fortschreibung des Bevölkerungsstandes” by the Federal Statistical Office from 2008, it can be assumed that the population data used for the disaggregation is also based on the population as of 2008. The calculation of a statistical population raster is a project in its own right, as the population must be reliably disaggregated from administrative units to raster cells using additional data sets, such as remote sensing data on the built environment, data on housing types and land use. As such, within the scope of this analysis it was not feasible to construct a more up-to-date data set for Germany, containing population data of 2014.

  9. For details see Neumeier (2015).

  10. The OSRM is based on the OpenStreet Map (OSM) and the Nominatim geocoding service, which are both available under the simplified 2‑clause BSD license. For details, see (accessed at 29.04.2016).

  11. These district types have been developed by the BBSR to assist in an interregional comparison of different region types within Germany at the level of administrative districts. They are defined as follows:.

    Type 1: Core cities in agglomerations (core cities, urban districts with more than 100,000 citizens);.

    Type 2: Densely populated districts in agglomerations (more than 300 citizens per km²);.

    Type 3: Highly populated districts in agglomerations (more than 150 citizens per km²);.

    Type 4: Rural districts in agglomerations (districts with less than 150 citizens per km²);.

    Type 5: Core cities in urbanized areas (cities with more than 100,000 citizens);.

    Type 6: Densely populated areas in urbanized areas (districts with more than 150 citizens per km²);.

    Type 7: Rural districts in urbanized areas (districts with less than 150 citizens per km²);.

    Type 8: Densely populated rural areas (districts with more than 100 citizens per km²);.

    Type 9: Sparsely populated rural areas (districts with less than 100 citizens per km²).

  12. LAU = Local Administrative Unit, a basic component of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS), which is used in the European Union.

  13. The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics is an administrative division used in the European Union for statistical purposes.

  14. The graphical representation of the fit-plot is based on a random sample of the overall data set because of constraints of the statistical software concerning the number of values to be used for graphical representations. The full data set shows a mean of 9.6, variance of 181.2, skewness of 4.7 and kurtosis of 38.6. The sample used for the representation shows a mean of 9.8, variance of 180.6, skewness of 4.9 and kurtosis of 41. As such it is reasonable to assume that the random sample represents a representative subset of the full data set. That is, the overall graphical depiction of the random sample does not differ significantly from a graphical depiction based on the full data set.

  15. When specifying grid cells as inhabited not only cells with a population value >0 have been chosen, but also additional cells with a population = 0 according to the EWZ 250 that contain building coordinates according to the data set “Hauskoordinaten Deutschland” of the survey offices of the federal states.


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I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my colleague Dr. Magarian for her valuable advice concerning the analysis of the correlation between population density and distance to the next location of an ambulant nursing service.

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Correspondence to Stefan Neumeier.



Fig. 9
figure 9

Federal States of Germany. Administrative Boudaries: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (2013)

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Neumeier, S. Regional Distribution of Ambulant Nursing Services in Germany. A GIS Accessibility Analysis. Raumforsch Raumordn 74, 339–359 (2016).

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