Erratum to: Adv Ther (2013) 30(12):1086–1099 DOI: 10.1007/s12325-013-0076-6

Some errors have been noted in the above-mentioned paper subsequent to publication and so the following corrections should be highlighted.

On page 1091 under the heading Treatment Patterns, the sentence “Overall, the mean duration of treatment was 152.6 days, and there were no major differences between the two treatment groups, including the duration of add-on HCTZ treatment” should read “Overall, the mean duration of treatment was 151.2 days, and there were no major differences between the two treatment groups, including the duration of add-on HCTZ treatment.” It should be clarified that 152.6 days was the mean duration of the double-blind treatment phase.

On page 1092 in Fig. 3, the p value for the FAS group should read p = 0.0005, and not p < 0.0001.

On page 1095 under the heading Safety/Tolerability, the sentence “The most common adverse event was peripheral edema, which was reported in 17.8% of OLM/AML patients and 18.1% of PER/AML recipients” should read “The most common adverse event was peripheral edema, which was reported in 18.4% of OLM/AML patients and 17.8% of PER/AML recipients.”

On page 1095 in Table 2, the values in the row showing the frequencies of peripheral edema which are currently: 43 (17.8) in the OLM/AML column, 88 (18.1) in the PER/AML column, and 45 (18.4) in the total column; should read: 45 (18.4), 43 (17.8), and 88 (18.1), respectively.