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Vygotsky Circle as a Personal Network of Scholars: Restoring Connections Between People and Ideas

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The name of Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) is well-known among contemporary psychologists and educators. The cult of Vygotsky, also known as “Vygotsky boom”, is probably conducive to continuous reinterpretation and wide dissemination of his ideas, but hardly beneficial for their understanding as an integrative theory of human cultural and biosocial development. Two problems are particularly notable. These are, first, numerous gaps and age-old biases and misconceptions in the historiography of Soviet psychology, and, second, the tendency to overly focus on the figure of Vygotsky to the neglect of the scientific activities of a number of other protagonists of the history of cultural-historical psychology. This study addresses these two problems and reconstructs the history and group dynamics within the dense network of Vygotsky’s collaborators and associates, and overviews their research, which is instrumental in understanding Vygotsky’s integrative theory in its entirety as a complex of interdependent ideas, methods, and practices.

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  1. I focus on just two individuals: movie director and film theorist Sergei Eisenstein and Gestalt psychologist Kurt Lewin. However, a number of other individuals are of great importance for the complete reconstruction of Vygotsky’s “peripheral circle” of his “invisible college”. Among these are psychotechnic and physiologist Nikolaj Bernstein, poet Osip Mandelstam, Georgian psychologist Dimitry Uznadze (Usnadze), philosopher and psychologist Sergei Rubinstein, and psychotechnic Solomon Gellerstein, to mention but a few.


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Correspondence to Anton Yasnitsky.

Appendix: Vygotsky Circle Collaborators

Appendix: Vygotsky Circle Collaborators

(the list does not include some of Luria’s collaborators of 1920-30s and those members of the Kharkov group of researchers who did not work directly with Vygotsky; for an overview of the so-called “Kharkov school of psychology” see Yasnitsky and Ferrari 2008a, 2008b)

Artemov, Vladimir Alekseevich (1897-1982)—Vygotsky’s collaborator at the Institute of Psychology in mid-1920s, with whom Vygotsky coedited and coauthored two textbooks in 1927

Averbukh, Roza Abramovna (1883-date of death unknown)—medical doctor (Berne, Geneva, Kazan); along with Luria, a member of Kazan Psychoanalytical Society in early 1920s; when Luria left Kazan in 1923, followed him to Moscow where they joined Russian Psychoanalytical Society; later joined Vygotsky’s team, and, in collaboration with Eidinova (see Eidinova, Mariya Borisovna), conducted research on “hypoboulic mechanisms” (unpublished study, referred to by Luria in 1960); according to Vygotsky’s notes, participated in the group’s research meetings in October 1933 with a presentation on the topic of “Environment—experiencing (perezhivanie)—character”

Bassin, Filipp Veniaminovich (1905-1992)—medical doctor (Kharkov, 1931), along with Luria, Lebedinskii and others worked at the Clinical Psychology department of Ukrainian Psychoneurological Academy, where he, following Vygotsky’s research on thinking in schizophrenia, conducted a study on the alteration of word meanings in schizophrenia (unpublished manuscript of 1935), in 1936 moved to Moscow, worked in All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine (VIEM); collaborated with Bernstein (see Bernstein, Nikolai Aleksandrovich)

Bernstein, Nikolai Aleksandrovich (1897-1982)—prominent physiologist and psychotecnic, Vygotsky’s collaborator at the Institute of Psychology in mid-1920s, with whom Vygotsky coedited and coauthored a textbook in 1927, and whose work was one of the main inspirations for most Vygotsky’s followers research from the end of 1930s onwards

Bein (Bejn), Esfir’ Solomonovna (1906-1981)—neurologist, defectologist, under Vygotsky’s supervision conducted research on pathology of speech and perception

Birenbaum, Gita Vasil’evna (1903—1952)—former Berlin student of Kurt Lewin (see Lewin, Kurt), returned to Soviet Union around 1930, under the supervision of Vygotsky conducted experimental and theoretical studies in clinical settings in Moscow in early 1930s, after Vygotsky’s death in collaboration with Zeigarnik (see Zeigarnik, Bluma Vul’fovna) and Samukhin (see Samukhin, Nikolai Vasil’evich) published several papers that creatively integrate Vygotsky’s and Kurt Lewin’s theoretical work

Boskis Rakhil’ Markovna (1902-1976)—medical doctor (Kiev), in 1931 moved to Moscow, under Vygotsky’s supervision conducted research on thinking and speech in deaf children at the Defectological Institute in Moscow

Bozhovich, Lidiya Il’inichna (1908-1981)—Vygotsky’s student at Pedological Department of the 2nd Moscow State University (1925-1930), the member of the “pyaterka” (“the five”) of his students; research on children’s imitation in late 1920s (in collaboration with Slavina, Liya Solomonovna), various research projects in Moscow, Kharkov, and Poltava in 1930s

Danyushevskii Izrail’ Isaakovich (1890-1950)—Vygotsky’s collaborator of Gomel’ period and in Defectological Institute in Moscow, defectologist, coedited with Vygotsky a posthumously published book on defectology (1935)

Dobrynin, Nikolai Fedorovich (1890-1981)—Vygotsky’s collaborator at the Institute of Psychology in mid-1920s, with whom Vygotsky coedited and coauthored two textbooks in 1927

Eidinova, Marina Borisovna (dates of birth and death unknown)—medical doctor, neurologist, around 1930, in Vygotsky’s research team, conducted studies on degradation of mental functions in hysteria and, in collaboration with Averbukh, on “hypoboulic mechanisms” (unpublished study, referred to by Luria in 1960); later, research on cerebral palsy in children and its treatment

Eisenstein, Sergei Mikhailovich (1898-1948)—Soviet film director and film theorist; peripheral participant of Vygotsky-Luria Circle from 1925-6 onwards

El’konin Daniil Borisovich (1904-1984)—former student and associate of prominent psychologist M.Ya. Basov (Leningrad), Vygotsky’s student and collaborator in Leningrad Herzen Pedagogical Institute (in 1931-1934), research on children’s play

Fradkina, Frida Iosifovna (dates of birth and death unknown)—Leningrad student and collaborator of Vygotsky, research on children’s play and speech development

Gellerstein, Solomon Grigor’evich (1896—1967) —Vygotsky’s collaborator at the Institute of Psychology in mid-1920s, with whom Vygotsky coauthored two textbooks in 1927

Geshelina, Liya Solomonovna (1892— date of death unknown)—medical doctor, member or Russian Psychoanalytic Society (up to 1930); Vygotsky’s collaborator in 1930s, around 1930 conducted a study of visual thinking and perception, in 1930s worked with Vygotsky in clinical settings

Kaulina, Nina Nikolaevna (dates of birth and death unknown)—former Berlin student of Kurt Lewin (see Lewin, Kurt), returned to Soviet Union around 1930, possibly took part in pathopsychological studies in Moscow along with Birenbaum (see Birenbaum, Gita Vasil’evna) and Zeigarnik (see Zeigarnik, Bluma Vul’fovna), after Vygotsky’s death participated in “topological” psychological research in Gorky Park in Moscow along with A.N. Leontiev (see Leontiev, Aleksei Nikolaevich), A.I. Rozenblum, L.I. Bozhovich (see Bozhovich, Lidiya Il’inichna), and others

Kogan, Vladimir Mikhailovich (1903—1985)—Vygotsky’s graduate student at the Institute of Psychology in 1925-1929; after graduation affiliated mainly with psychotechnics (industrial psychology) projects

Konnikova, Tat’yana Efimovna (1909-1975)—Vygotsky’s student and collaborator in Leningrad Herzen Pedagogical Institute (in 1931-1934), doctoral research on the earliest stages in the development of children’s speech conducted under the supervision of Vygotsky and his associate Levina (see Levina, Mira Abramovna)

Kotelova, Yuliya Vladimirovna (1903-1980)—psychotecnic; in collaboration with Pashkovskaya (see Pashkovskaya, E.I.) and under supervision of Vygotsky continued studies on concepts formation (in 1927-1930) after Sakharov’s death (see Sakharov, Leonid Solomonovich)

Lebedinskii (Lebedinsky), Mark Samuilovich (1895-1980)—medical doctor, neurologist, Vygotsky and Luria’s collaborator in Moscow (from mid-1920s) and in Kharkov (from 1931), where he conducted and supervised a wide range of developmental, psychogenetic, and clinical psychological studies, mainly on aphasia and schizophrenia

Levina, Mira Abramovna (dates of birth and death unknown)—former student and associate of prominent psychologist M.Ya. Basov (Leningrad), Vygotsky’s collaborator (in 1931-1934) in Leningrad Herzen Pedagogical Institute, where she was the Head of Pedological Department; edited posthumous Vygotsky’s book Foundations of pedology (Leningrad, 1935)

Levina, Roza Evgen’evna (1908-1989)—Vygotsky’s student at Pedological Department of the 2nd Moscow State University (1927-1932), the member of the “pyaterka” (“the five”) of his students; research on the planning role of “egocentric speech” (late 1920s), “autonomous speech” (early 1930s), and speech pathology (from mid-1930s onwards)

Leontiev, Aleksei Nikolaevich (1903-1979)—Vygotsky’s close associate, along with Aleksander Luria (see Luria, Aleksander Romanovich), the member of the “trojka” (“the three”); research on the development of mediated remembering and attention (late 1920s, under the supervision of Vygotsky, the book published in 1931); various research projects of the 1930s

Lewin, Kurt (1890-1947)—German-American Gestalt-psychologist; peripheral participant of Vygotsky-Luria Circle from 1925-6 onwards

Luria, Aleksander Romanovich (1902-1977)—Vygotsky’s closest associate and collaborator, the co-creator of the “theory of the cultural-historical development of higher mental functions”; along with Aleksei Leontiev (see Leontiev, Aleksei Nikolaevich), the member of the “trojka” (“the three”)

Menchinskaya, Nataliya Aleksandrovna (1905-1984)—Vygotsky’s graduate student at the 2nd Moscow State University in 1927-1930; under Vygotsky’s supervision conducted doctoral research on development of arithmetic operations in schoolchildren, an excerpt from the study published in 1931

Morozova, Nataliya Grigor’evna (1906-1989)—Vygotsky’s student at Pedological Department of the 2nd Moscow State University (1925-1930), the member of the “pyaterka” (“the five”) of his students; various research projects under the supervision of Vygotsky and Luria

Pashkovskaya, E.I. (full name and dates of birth and death unknown)—in collaboration with Kotelova (see Kotelova, Yuliya Vladimirovna) and under supervision of Vygotsky continued studies on concepts formation (in 1927-1930) after Sakharov’s death (see Sakharov, Leonid Solomonovich)

Pevzner, Mariya Semenovna (1901-1989)—medical doctor (in Saratov), psychiatrist and defectologist, in 1931 moved to Moscow in order to study psychopathic disorders in children under Vygotsky’s supervision in Experimental Defectological Institute

Sakharov, Leonid Solomonovich (1900-1928)—Vygotsky’s student, and initiated studies on concept formation using modified method of Narziss Ach (1871-1946), presently known as the method of “double stimulation” or “Sakharov-Vygotsky’s method”

Samukhin, Nikolai Vasil’evich (dates of birth and death unknown)—researcher at All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine (VIEM), conducted a series of clinical studies on dementia, published a research paper in collaboration with Vygotsky and Birenbaum (see Birenbaum, Gita Vasil’evna)

Shein, A.A. (full name and dates of birth and death unknown)—Vygotsky’s collaborator around 1930; research on the transition from external to internal speech; edited Leontiev’s book “Development of memory” (1931)

Shmidt (Schmidt), Vera Fedorovna (1889-1937)—the wife of academician O.Yu. Shmidt, active member and secretary of Russian Psychoanalytical Society, worked at Psychoanalytical Institute in Moscow (experimental psychoanalytical boarding school and research laboratory that were closed down in 1925), provided research data for Vygotsky and Luria’s Etudes on the history of behaviour (1930), from around 1930 employee of Defectological Institute and a member of Vygotsky’s defectological research team

Shif, Zhozefina Il’inichna (1904-1978)—Vygotsky’s graduate student and collaborator in Leningrad Herzen Pedagogical Institute (in 1931-1933) and Moscow Defectological Institute (from 1933 onwards), doctoral research on thinking and scientific concepts development in children, defended in Leningrad in 1933, published as a book in 1935 with Vygotsky’s posthumous introduction of February 1934; co-edited (with Zankov, Leonid Vladimirovich) the posthumous publication of Vygotsky’s “Thinking and speech” (1934)

Slavina, Liya Solomonovna (1906-1988)—Vygotsky’s student at Pedological Department of the 2nd Moscow State University (1925-1930), the member of the “pyaterka” (“the five”) of his students; research on children’s imitation in late 1920s (in collaboration with Bozhovich)

Solov’ev (alias Solov’ev-El’pidinskii), Ivan Mikhailovich (1902-1986)—defectologist, Vygotsky’s graduate student (in 1925-1929) and, along with Zankov (see Zankov, Leonid Vladimirovich), collaborator from mid-1920s; notably, under Vygotsky’s supervision in early 1930s replicated Anitra Karsten’s study on satiation (Sättigung) that was originally done in Berlin group of Kurt Lewin (see Lewin, Kurt)

Varshava, Boris Efimovich (1900-1927)—Vygotsky’s collaborator of 1920s and co-author of Psychological Dictionary (published in 1931, after Varshava’s death)

Veresotskaya, K.I. (full name and dates of birth and death unknown)—defectologist, around 1930 conducted research on voluntary attention and voluntary remembering, visual thinking and eidetic memory, Vygotsky’s collaborator in Defectological Institute in 1930s

Zankov, Leonid Vladimirovich (1901-1977)—defectologist, Vygotsky’s graduate student and, along with Solov’ev (see Solov’ev, Ivan Mikhailovich), collaborator from mid-1920s, most notable research conducted under Vygotsky’s supervision is a series of studies on memory and remembering in normal and mentally retarded children; co-edited (with Shif) the posthumous publication of Vygotsky’s “Thinking and speech” (1934)

Zaporozhets, Alexander Vladimirovich (1905-1981)—Vygotsky’s student at Pedological Department of the 2nd Moscow State University (1925-1930), the member of the “pyaterka” (“the five”) of his students; various research projects under the supervision of Vygotsky and Luria in Moscow, and Luria, Leontiev, and Lebedinskii in Kharkov; Head of Department of Psychology of the Kharkov State Pedagogical Institute (from 1938) and the leader of the Kharkov group from mid-1930s

Zeigarnik, Bluma Vul’fovna (1900-1988)—former Berlin student of Kurt Lewin (see Lewin, Kurt), returned to Soviet Union in 1931, under the supervision of Vygotsky conducted experimental and theoretical studies in clinical settings in Moscow in early 1930s, after Vygotsky’s death in collaboration with Birenbaum (see Birenbaum, Gita Vasil’evna) and Kaganovskaya published several papers that creatively integrate Vygotsky’s and Kurt Lewin’s theoretical work

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Yasnitsky, A. Vygotsky Circle as a Personal Network of Scholars: Restoring Connections Between People and Ideas. Integr. psych. behav. 45, 422–457 (2011).

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