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Long-term effects of the implementation of state-wide exit exams: a multilevel regression analysis of mediation effects of teaching practices on students’ motivational orientations

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Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability Aims and scope Submit manuscript


This study extends previous research investigating the effects of state-wide exit exams by studying the change from a class-based to a state-wide exit exam system over 5 years, using multilevel analyses and examining mediating effects of teachers’ practices on students’ motivational orientations. In this multi-cohort study, we analyzed in particular the effects on students’ interest, scholastic self-efficacy, and persistence in advanced level English courses (N = 1835) and mathematics courses (N = 1336) in two states in Germany (28 schools). Descriptive analyses, multivariate hierarchical regression analyses, and differences-in-differences analyses were carried out. The results revealed long-term effects of the implementation of state-wide exit exams particularly in the advanced level English courses. Here, a close relationship between the change in all analyzed motivational orientations and teacher support perceived by the students can be identified. These results show the ambivalent effects of state-wide exit exams: Due to the increased teacher competence support, students’ interest is enhanced in the long term. However, scholastic self-efficacy and persistence might have been negatively affected by state-wide exams, if teacher competence support had not increased over time. In the advanced level mathematics courses, the results are mixed. Implications for further research are discussed.

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  1. Whereas in some states in Germany, state-wide exit exams have already been implemented for a long time, and one state has not implemented the new exams at all, there are eight states that have implemented the new system.

  2. Advanced level courses have more hours of instruction per week, and the outcomes have a higher impact on the average exam grade than the outcomes of the basic level courses do.

  3. Reardon et al. operationalized “persistence” as whether students are present in the district in the spring semester 2 years after they first took the CAHSEE in tenth grade. Although we use the same term in our study, the meaning of “persistence” is different than the meaning used by Reardon et al.


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We would like to express our great appreciation to Prof. Dr. Eckhard Klieme, Dr. Monika Holmeier, Dr. Daniela J. Jäger, and Elisabeth Maué for their substantial contributions to the whole project.

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Correspondence to Katharina Maag Merki.

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This work was supported by the German Research Foundation [MA 4184/3-1 and KL 1057/12-1] and by the two states Bremen and Hesse, Germany. Research independency was contractually agreed. Accordingly, we have no conflict of interest.

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Maag Merki, K., Oerke, B. Long-term effects of the implementation of state-wide exit exams: a multilevel regression analysis of mediation effects of teaching practices on students’ motivational orientations. Educ Asse Eval Acc 29, 23–54 (2017).

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