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Study of coatings by thermal analysis in a monument built with calcarenite

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Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Aims and scope Submit manuscript


In this research, characterization of materials either added during restoration or formed by environmental contamination in the Seville City Hall, built with calcarenite stone, was investigated by thermal methods. Three different mortars for restoration have been characterized: (a) lime micro-mortar for internal consolidation of mortar itself, (b) mortar for reconstruction of deteriorated areas and (c) mortar with Portland cement. Acrylate polymer as consolidant and protection used was characterized. Addition of gypsum or “white cement” has been also applied in the restoration. Altered materials as black crusts constituted by gypsum, calcite and organic compound were determined by thermal analysis. Patina with high concentration of hydrated calcium oxalate, and the transformation mechanism of calcium oxalate into calcium carbonate and formation of calcium oxide produced by decomposition of the calcite were also characterized in the studied monument by thermal analysis. The patina with hydrated calcium oxalate produced by high biological activity was also studied.

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The financial support of the Interministerial Spanish Commission de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) under project BIA2009-12618 and the Junta de Andalucia (TEP-6558) are acknowledged. The authors wish to thank Mr. R. Pérez-Maqueda for typing and composition of the manuscript and for his suggestions and technical guidance with the computer.

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Franquelo, M.L., Robador, M.D. & Perez-Rodriguez, J.L. Study of coatings by thermal analysis in a monument built with calcarenite. J Therm Anal Calorim 121, 195–201 (2015).

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