Erratum to: J Dyn Control Syst (2014) 20:123–148

DOI 10.1007/s10883-013-9206-3

There are the following misprints in the paper.

On page 141, line 7 from above, there should be “\(\widehat {y}=\text {exp}\left (\sum \limits _{|I|_{h}\leq M}a_{I}\widehat {X}_{I}^{u} \right )(v)\)” instead of “\(\widehat {y}=\text {exp}\left (\sum \limits _{|I|_{h}\leq M}a_{I}X_{I} \right )(v)\)

In the footnote on page 123 there should be

“This research was partially supported by the Grant of the Russian Federation for the State Support of Researchers (Agreement No. 14.B25.31.0029), by the Federal Target Grant “Scientific and educational personnel of innovative Russia” for 2009–2013, government contract No. 8206, and by the Integration Project SB RAS – FEB RAS, No. 56.”

instead of

“This research was partially supported by the Federal Target Grant “Scientific and educational personnel of innovative Russia” for 2009-2013, government contract no. 8206, and by the Integration Project SB RAS – FEB RAS, no. 56. ”