Erratum to: J Biol Phys

DOI 10.1007/s10867-016-9411-x

The original version of the article was also updated to reflect the below changes.

The Fig. 6 caption of this article should be:

Fig. 6 Firing patterns of a mammalian neuron in response to changes in Nav conductance induced by hSOD1A4V. a At the baseline (see Methods), there is no predicted spontaneous firing as modeled using NEURON software (left; resting membrane potential −62 mV). Transition from silence to firing was observed first at a conductance of 0.29 Siemens/cm2 (right). b When the Nav conductance in the model is increased by 90% (from 0.25 to 0.475 Siemens/cm2, which is the mean increment in conductance recorded experimentally), the model fires spontaneously (left). When this conductance is further increased to 1.34 Siemens/cm2 (a 4.4-fold increase), the model is depolarized to −27 mV and becomes unexcitable (right). c This demonstrates dependence of firing frequency on Nav channel conductance, indicating that as the conductance increases there is a progressive increase in frequency until depolarization