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Geophagy in animals and geology of kudurs (mineral licks): a review of Russian publications

  • Review Paper
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Environmental Geochemistry and Health Aims and scope Submit manuscript


This paper reviews from the geological and biological perspectives the achievements of Russian researchers in the field of geophagy, which have not been published in English. It is focused on publications in Russian language about (1) animal behavior related to geophagy, (2) mineral and chemical composition as well as geological characteristics and biological effects of the earths, eaten by animals in various locations in Russia and neighboring countries. The authors argue that the Russian term “solonetz” (salt lick) is too limiting, as animals consume not just salt but many other minerals too. The more general term “kudur” is used for places where animals eat earths. The geological nature and biological properties of kudurites (the common name given to biologically active mineral-crystal substances consumed by animals) and gastroliths (stones consumed by birds and reptiles) are addressed. On the basis of the reviewed data, the authors propose their own views regarding the causes of geophagy.

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Panichev, A.M., Golokhvast, K.S., Gulkov, A.N. et al. Geophagy in animals and geology of kudurs (mineral licks): a review of Russian publications. Environ Geochem Health 35, 133–152 (2013).

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