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Transgenic plants with improved dehydration-stress tolerance: Progress and future prospects

  • Review
  • Published:
Biologia Plantarum


This review summarizes the recent progress made towards the development of transgenic plants with improved tolerance to water stress and salinity. Of the various strategies employed, emphasis has been given to the genes engineered for the biosynthesis of osmoprotectants and osmolytes. This review also briefly discusses the importance of the use of specific stress inducible promoters and the future prospects of transgenic plants with improved agronomic traits.

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abscisic acid


ABA-responsive element


betainealdehyde dehydrogenase


C-repeat binding protein


choline dehydrogenase


choline monoxygenase


choline oxidase


cold regulated


Citrus unshiu cold-regulated gene encoding a 19-kDa protein


dehydration responsive element binding protein






late-embryogenesis abundant




P5C reductase


P5C synthetase


water use efficiency


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Cherian, S., Reddy, M.P. & Ferreira, R.B. Transgenic plants with improved dehydration-stress tolerance: Progress and future prospects. Biol Plant 50, 481–495 (2006).

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