Erratum to: Exp Appl Acarol DOI 10.1007/s10493-014-9865-0

Due to an unfortunate turn of events, errors were introduced in the tables of the above mentioned publication. In Table 1, the dates in the fourth column (Date) were not fully specified. The footnote in Table 2 contained incorrect information as only Tukey’s multiple comparison test was used and not Ryan’s procedure. The data in Table 3, however, were created using Ryan’s multiple comparison test instead of Tukey’s. The correct representation of all three tables is published on the following pages and should be treated as definitive by the reader.

Table 1 Locations of Stigmaeopsis celarius (Sc) and S. sp. (Ss) co-occurrence on the same or adjacent shoots
Table 2 Summary of reciprocal crosses between Stigmaeopsis celarius (Sc) and S. sp. (Ss). Proportion of success of male intrusion into the female nest, the number of eggs laid in 14 days, and the sex ratio of offspring (the proportion of males to the total offspring) are presented (Mean ± SD)
Table 3 Parameters of copulatory behavior in reciprocal crosses between Stigmaeopsis celarius (Sc) and S. sp. (Ss)