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A parametric family of two ranked objects auctions: equilibria and associated risk

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Annals of Operations Research Aims and scope Submit manuscript


This paper deals with simultaneous auctions of two commonly ranked objects following the model studied in Menezes and Monteiro (J. Real Estate Finance Econ., 17(3):219–232, 1998). For these problems we introduce a parametric family of auction mechanisms which includes the three classic auctions (discriminatory-price auction, uniform-price auction and Vickrey auction) and we call it the \(\mathcal{DUV}\) family. We provide the unique Bayesian Nash equilibrium for each auction in \(\mathcal{DUV}\) and prove a revenue equivalence theorem for the parametric family. Likewise, we study the value at risk of the auctioneer as a reasonable decision criterion to determine which auctions in \(\mathcal{DUV}\) may be better taking into account the interests of the auctioneer. We show that there are auction mechanisms in \(\mathcal{DUV}\) which are better than the classic auction mechanisms with respect to this criterion.

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Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6

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The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science though the projects MTM 2008-06778-C02-01 and MTM 2008-06778-C02-02.

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Correspondence to Estrella Alonso.



Proof Theorem 1

Case n>2 The profit for bidder i is:

$$ \begin{array}{l} B_{i}^{ ( \gamma _{1},\gamma _{2} ) }\bigl(\theta_{i},b_{i},b(\theta_{-i})\bigr) \\ \\ \quad {} =\left \{ \begin{array}{l} \theta_{i}- ( \gamma_{1}b_{i}+ ( 1-\alpha -\gamma_{1}+\gamma_{2} ) b ( \theta_{-i}^{ ( 1 ) } ) + ( \alpha -\gamma_{2} ) b ( \theta_{-i}^{ ( 2 ) } ) ) \\[2pt] \quad \mbox{if} \ b^{-1}(b_{i})>\theta_{-i}^{ ( 1 ) } \\[2pt] \alpha \theta_{i}- ( \gamma_{2}b_{i}+ ( \alpha -\gamma_{2} ) b ( \theta_{-i}^{ ( 2 ) } ) ) \quad \mbox{if}\ \theta_{-i}^{ ( 2 ) }<b^{-1}(b_{i})<\theta_{-i}^{ ( 1 ) } \\[2pt] 0 \quad \mbox{otherwise}\end{array} \right .\end{array}$$

where \(\theta_{-i}^{ ( j ) }\) is a realization of \(\varTheta_{-i}^{(j)}\) that is the j-highest order statistic of {Θ i }. Bidder i knows his type θ i , but θ i is a realization of a random variable, so the expected profit for bidder i is given by:

Thus, b i is the best bid for bidder i if it maximizes the expected profit, given that his type is θ i . The derivative with respect to b i is:

As b −1(b i )=θ i b i =b(θ i ), replacing and setting the above equation equal to zero, we obtain the following differential equation:

Then, solving this lineal differential equation with the condition \(\lim_{\theta_{i}\rightarrow 0}b^{\ast }(\theta_{i})=0\) we obtain:

If γ 1≠(n−1)γ 2, and γ 2≠0,

$$ b^{\ast }(\theta_{i})=\theta_{i}-\frac{\int_{0}^{\theta _{i}}F ( x )^{\frac{\alpha ( n-2 ) }{\gamma _{2}}} ( \frac{ ( n-1 ) \gamma_{2}-\gamma_{1}}{ ( n-1 ) }F ( x ) -\gamma_{2} )^{\frac{ ( ( n-1 ) \alpha -1 ) ( n-1 ) }{ ( n-1 ) \gamma _{2}-\gamma _{1}}-\frac{\alpha ( n-2 ) }{\gamma _{2}}}dx}{F ( \theta_{i} )^{\frac{\alpha ( n-2 ) }{\gamma _{2}}} ( \frac{ ( n-1 ) \gamma_{2}-\gamma_{1}}{ ( n-1 ) }F ( \theta_{i} ) -\gamma_{2} )^{\frac{ ( ( n-1 ) \alpha -1 ) ( n-1 ) }{ ( n-1 ) \gamma _{2}-\gamma _{1}}-\frac{\alpha ( n-2 ) }{\gamma _{2}}}}. $$

If γ 1=(n−1)γ 2, and γ 2≠0

$$ b^{\ast }(\theta_{i})=\theta_{i}-\frac{\int_{0}^{\theta _{i}}F ( x )^{\frac{\alpha ( n-2 ) }{\gamma _{2}}}e^{-\frac{ ( ( n-1 ) \alpha -1 ) F ( x ) }{\gamma _{2}}}dx}{F ( \theta_{i} )^{\frac{\alpha ( n-2 ) }{\gamma _{2}}}e^{-\frac{ ( ( n-1 ) \alpha -1 ) F ( \theta _{i} ) }{\gamma _{2}}}}. $$

If γ 2=0 and γ 1=0

$$ b^{\ast }(\theta_{i})=\theta_{i}. $$

If γ 2=0 and γ 1≠0, then

$$ b^{\ast }(\theta_{i})=\theta_{i}-\frac{\int_{0}^{\theta _{i}}F ( x )^{-\frac{ ( ( n-1 ) \alpha -1 ) ( n-1 ) }{\gamma _{1}}}e^{-\frac{\alpha ( n-2 ) ( n-1 ) }{\gamma _{1}F ( x ) }}dx}{F ( \theta_{i} )^{-\frac{ ( ( n-1 ) \alpha -1 ) ( n-1 ) }{\gamma _{1}}}e^{-\frac{\alpha ( n-2 ) ( n-1 ) }{\gamma _{1}F ( \theta _{i} ) }}}. $$

Case n=2 The profit for bidder i is:

$$ \begin{array}{l} B_{i}^{ ( \gamma _{1},\gamma _{2} ) }\bigl(\theta_{i},b_{i},b(\theta_{j})\bigr) \\ \\ \quad{} = \left\{ \begin{array}{l@{\quad }l} \theta_{i}- ( \gamma_{1}b_{i}+ ( 1-\alpha -\gamma_{1}+\gamma_{2} ) b ( \theta_{j} ) ) & \mbox{if} \ b^{-1}(b_{i})>\theta_{j} \\[3pt] \alpha \theta_{i}-\gamma_{2}b_{i} & \mbox{if}\ b^{-1}(b_{i})>\theta_{j} \\ 0 &\mbox{otherwise}. \end{array}\right. \end{array}$$

Bidder i knows his type θ i , but θ j is a realization of the random variable Θ j , so the expected profit for bidder i is given by:

Thus, b i is the best bid for bidder i if it maximizes the expected profit, given that his type is θ i . The derivative with respect to b i is:

As b −1(b i )=θ i b i =b(θ i ), replacing and setting the above equation equal to zero, we obtain the following differential equation:

$$ \bigl( \gamma_{2}- ( \gamma_{2}-\gamma_{1} ) F ( \theta_{i} ) \bigr) b^{\ast \prime }(\theta_{i})+ ( 1- \alpha ) f ( \theta_{i} ) b^{\ast }(\theta_{i})= ( 1- \alpha ) f ( \theta_{i} ) \theta_{i}. $$

This equation is a particular case of the previous differential equation with n=2 so the expression for the Bayesian Nash equilibrium is the same. □

Proof Theorem 2

Let A be an auction of 2 heterogeneous commonly-ranked objects and n bidders (n≥2). The values for bidder i is given by α 1 θ i α 2 θ i and associated list is

$$ \bigl\{\omega_{i,p}^{A}(b_{1},\ldots,b_{n}), \psi_{i,p}^{A}(b_{1},\ldots,b_{n})\bigr \}_{i=1,\ldots,n}^{p=1,2} $$

where \(\omega_{i,p}^{A}(b_{1},\ldots,b_{n})\) is the expected payment of bidder i if he buys the p th object auctioned; \(\psi_{i,p}^{A}(b_{1},\ldots,b_{n})\) is the probability that bidder i will buy p th object auctioned, if the bids are b 1,…,b n . Let (b (θ 1),…,b (θ n )) be the unique Bayesian Nash equilibrium. Let \(\widetilde{A}\) be the direct mechanism of A with associated list:

then \(\widetilde{A}\) yields incentive compatibility.

If bidder i’s bid is t i and the others bid their own types then the bidder i’s expected profit in the auction mechanism \(\widetilde{A}\) is:

where we denote

to the expected payment of bidder i if he buys the p th object auctioned and to the expected probability that bidder i buys the p th object auctioned, if bidder i’s type is t i , respectively. The incentive compatibility implies

$$ \theta_{i}=\arg \max_{t_{i}} \Biggl\{ \,\sum _{p=1}^{2} \bigl( \alpha_{p} \theta_{i}y_{i,p}^{A}(t_{i})-q_{i,p}^{A}(t_{i}) \bigr) \Biggr\} . $$


$$ \sum_{p=1}^{2}\frac{d}{d\theta_{i}}q_{i,p}^{A}( \theta_{i})=\sum_{p=1}^{2} \alpha_{p}\theta_{i}\frac{d}{d\theta_{i}}y_{i,p}^{A}(\theta_{i}) . $$

Integrating both sides

$$ \sum_{p=1}^{2}q_{i,p}^{A}( \theta_{i})=\sum_{p=1}^{2} \alpha_{p}\int_{0}^{\theta _{i}}t \frac{d}{dt}y_{i,p}^{A}(t)dt+\sum _{p=1}^{2}q_{i,p}^{A}(0)\text{.} $$


$$ P_{i}^{A}(\theta_{i})=\sum _{p=1}^{2}\alpha_{p}\int _{0}^{\theta _{i}}t\frac{d}{dt}y_{i,p}^{A}(t)dt+P_{i}^{A}(0) $$

where \(P_{i}^{A}(\theta_{i})=\sum_{p=1}^{2}q_{i,p}^{A}(\theta_{i})\) is the total expected payment of bidder i. If \(A\in \mathcal{DUV}\) then α 1=1, α 2=α, \(P_{i}^{A}(0)=0\), \(y_{i,1}^{A}(t)=F^{n-1}( t ) \) and \(y_{i,2}^{A}(t)= ( n-1 ) ( F^{n-2} ( t ) -F^{n-1} ( t ) ) \). Then


\(\forall A\in \mathcal{DUV}\). □

Remark 5

The generalization of the previous theorem to m objects is immediate.

Proof Proposition 1

In the same manner that in single object auction (Krishna 2002) we obtain

where the virtual valuation \(J(\theta_{i})=\theta_{i}-\frac{1-F(\theta_{i})}{f(\theta_{i})}\geq 0\) is monotone in θ i then \(\theta_{i}^{\ast }\) verifies \(J(\theta_{i}^{\ast })=0\). □

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Alonso, E., Sanchez-Soriano, J. & Tejada, J. A parametric family of two ranked objects auctions: equilibria and associated risk. Ann Oper Res 225, 141–160 (2015).

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