Erratum to: Cancer Chemother Pharmacol (2014) 73:1031–1039 DOI 10.1007/s00280-014-2438-4

The author would like to correct the errors in the publication of the original article. The corrected details are given below for your reading.

Page 1032, Subjects and methods, Study population: “body mass index of 18–33 kg/m [2], aged” should be replaced with “body mass index of 18–33 kg/m2, aged”.

Page 1033, Subjects and methods, Study design and treatment, Evaluation of lenalidomide interactions with temsirolimus: “serial blood samples were collected for 168-h after start of temsirolimus infusion” should be replaced with: “serial blood samples were collected in the first 168 h after start of temsirolimus infusion”.

Page 1033, Subjects and methods, Bioanalytical methodology: “tacrolimus, and [[13] C [2, 3] H7]-temsirolimus were” should be replaced with “tacrolimus, and [13C3, 2H7]-temsirolimus, were”.

Page 1034, Table 1: The text in the table should be aligned to the left.

The correct Table 1 is given below.

Table 1 Pharmacokinetic parameters of lenalidomide alone and in the presence of digoxin, quinidine, or temsirolimus

Page 1035, Figure 2A: “Quiridine” should be replaced with “Quinidine”.

Page 1035, Figure 2B: “Quiridine” should be replaced with “Sirolimus”.

The correct Fig. 2 is given below.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Ratio of geometric means and associated 90 % confidence interval for systemic exposure (C max and AUCt) of lenalidomide (a) and interacting drugs (b) when co-administered

Page 1035, Figure 3B: “LEN + temsiroliums” should be replaced with “LEN + temsirolimus”.

The correct Fig. 3 is given below.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Mean (±standard deviation) renal excretion-time profile of lenalidomide alone and in the presence of (a) quinidine or (b) temsirolimus in healthy subjects

Page 1036, Figure 4, legend: “absence and presence of lenalidoimide” should be replaced with “absence or presence of lenalidomide”.