Erratum to: Eur Biophys J DOI 10.1007/s00249-015-1042-9

In the original publication of the article, the minus sign is omitted in the last two entries of the last column “BEST Heur” in Table 2. Similar error is also found in Table 3, in the fifth entry under Column 7. The correct version of both Tables 2 and 3 are given for your reading:

Table 2 Proteins used for the comparison, with their PDB code, molecular weight (mol. wt.), partial specific volume (\( \bar{v}_{{(20,{\text{w}})}} \)), experimental sedimentation coefficient (±SD) (\( s_{{(20,{\text{w}})}}^{0} \) expt.) taken from the literature (Ref.), and percent difference between the computed and experimental \( s_{{(20,{\text{w}})}}^{0} \) values (Δ % \( s_{{(20,{\text{w}})}}^{0} \) comp.) for each of the different methods used. The horizontal line between entries 13 and 14 separates monomeric from multimeric solution forms
Table 3 Characteristics and performances of the main hydrodynamic modelling/computational methods discussed in this work