We are pleased to present to two new features of Pediatric Radiology –– “Research Forum” and “Fellow Rounds.”

You might have noted installments of the Research Forum series already, starting with the introductory articles in the August issue. As the name implies, the Research Forum provides the opportunity for discussion of a broad array of topics involving research in pediatric radiology. With an overriding purpose to promote research in pediatric radiology, the series will examine the issues, challenges, skills and resources pertinent to performing research in our field. We hope the readers find these articles enlightening and helpful.

Assistant Editors Cindy Rigsby and Øystein Olsen, along with Jim Donaldson, Ed Lee, Karen Rosendahl and Amaka Offiah, have proctored the start of the research forum and the initial series of articles published in 2014 and coming in early 2015. They have assembled a wonderful array of skilled researchers and other experts to contribute. After the initial series runs its course, we intend to publish occasional invited and ad hoc articles under the Research Forum rubric. Suggestions for topics of interest are welcomed by the editorial team.

In this issue of Pediatric Radiology, you will also find the first installment of a new educational series titled “Fellow Rounds” and authored by Dr. Carl Merrow. In addition to research, education is an important mission of the journal. Fellow Rounds addresses this mission. The series format is based on fellowship teaching sessions by Dr. Merrow and his colleagues at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Each piece will tackle a challenging case or clinical problem. Emphasis is placed on decision-making. Although the series is titled Fellow Rounds, all readers will benefit from these discussions, not just fellows. Tentatively, we plan to publish an installment of Fellow Rounds quarterly.

As with all material in Pediatric Radiology, entries in the Research Forum and Fellow Rounds series will undergo peer review before publication. As readers of the journal, your feedback is valuable. Space in the journal is limited, so from time to time we reassess the value of existing recurring series versus other proposed series and space needs for standard journal material.

We are very excited to present the Research Forum and Fellow Rounds and hope that you look forward to these articles with each issue.