Part I: Why the current framework of privacy protection in the UK is deficient

Links between the three laws that apply to a surveillance activity

In a European democracy, most surveillance has to be authorised by law — whether that surveillance relates to contagious diseases or countering the threat of terrorism. If surveillance relates to identifiable individuals, Article 8 of the Human Rights Act becomes engaged and this requires specific legislation to be enacted in order to ensure the lawfulness of any surveillance that interferes with private and family life.

Usually, the surveillance legislation contains its own mechanism for individual protection (e.g. the conditions needed for authorisation of a surveillance activity), and often this legislation identifies a regulator whose role is to ensure that the rules that relate to a surveillance activity are followed. In addition, if personal data are captured as a result of a surveillance activity, data protection legislation becomes engaged, subject to any exemption.

It can be seen that the protective mechanisms that apply to surveillance can be spread over a minimum of three separate pieces of legislation — data protection, human rights and the surveillance legislation — each mechanism having its own characteristics. Thus in cases where surveillance has been unnecessarily invasive, individuals could face a confused picture of three possibly divergent routes of redress.

It is important to note that when surveillance legislation is enacted, the Minister accountable to Parliament for the public authority that undertakes the surveillance will be the Minister who guides the legislation through Parliament. So, for example, the Home Secretary will deal with surveillance associated with policing and the Security Service, whilst the Secretary of State for Health will deal with health surveillance. Thus it is the Minister who is politically accountable for the surveillance policy (and for the bodies that undertake the surveillance) who effectively establishes the privacy constraints that apply to that surveillance. Often this surveillance legislation will define the powers or role of an independent regulator and dictate how and to whom the regulator reports (often to the Minister concerned with surveillance policyFootnote 1).

It is argued that this approach to accountability results in a weak regulatory framework where the regulator reports to the Minister who has a political interest in the success of the surveillance. There is a therefore a heightened risk that privacy can easily become subservient to policy objectives that depend on an extension of surveillance.

The relationship between human rights and data protection

When a public authority considers interference with the “right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence”,Footnote 2 Article 8(2) states that this interference has to be “in accordance with the law” and “necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others”.

This means that any interference by a public authority must pass three legal tests:

  • Is the processing of personal data in accordance with a law that has been enacted within a democratic framework?

  • Is the law pursuant to one or more of the interests of the legitimate objectives identified in Article 8(2) (e.g. “national security”, “public safety”)?

  • Is that law “necessary in a democratic society” in relation to meeting a pressing and identifiable social need?

Note that the these legal tests mainly apply to question “whether the processing can lawfully occur?” and this question is one that should normally be considered when legislation is scrutinised by Parliament. By contrast, the main focus of the data protection principlesFootnote 3 relate to how personal data are to be processed in the context of procedures that concern retention, fairness, relevance, security or accuracyFootnote 4 etc.. It is the focus on the how (rather than the whether) that suggests that data protection principles provide a means for assessing human rights concepts such as “proportionality” or “necessary in a democratic society”.

The House of Lords has concluded that concept of “proportionality” means that any interference with private and family life does not have to be greater than that required to meet the legitimate objective which the state seeks to achieveFootnote 5— for example, the state should not undertake excessive surveillance. However, if personal data were to be captured by such surveillance, the Third Data Protection Principle would be engaged (“Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed”). It follows that the Third (and other Principles, if relevant) can be used in a determination of whether any processing of personal data or surveillance activity is “proportionate” in terms of Article 8.

Similarly the European Court of Human RightsFootnote 6 has considered the meaning of the term “necessary in a democratic society“ and has determined that ”the adjective ‘necessary’ is not synonymous with ‘indispensable’, neither has it the flexibility of such expressions as ‘admissible’, ‘ordinary’, ‘useful’, ‘reasonable’ or ‘desirable’”. However, the First Principle of the UK’s Data Protection Act requires a public authority to process personal data on specific grounds that are qualified by the word “necessary” (e.g. “the processing is necessary ….. for the exercise of any functions conferred on any person by or under any enactment”). This linkage also suggests that surveillance that is “unnecessary” can breach the First Data Protection Principle, if personal data are processed.

One purpose of the Independent Supervision Principle (as described in Part II of this paper) is to make explicit, the links between data protection law and concepts such as “necessary” and “proportionality”.

The inevitability of function creep

Once expensive surveillance technology is installed, it has to be expected that the purpose of a system will broaden. The joint CCTV/ANPR system, for instance, was first introduced in London to create a “Ring of Steel” in order to counter the threat of IRA terrorism. Now such systems are commonly used for other aspects of policingFootnote 7 (e.g. non payment of licence fee; identifying uninsured cars) as well as intelligence purposes (e.g. by alerting a control room if cameras detect a vehicle that has been placed on a watch list). Transport for London’s Congestion Charge system uses this technology to charge, bill or fine owners of vehicles who drive into central London, whilst data from these cameras are to be captured by the national security agencies.Footnote 8

Public policy in the UK has developed mechanisms to make more certain the means of identifying individuals, and this increases the potential for surveillance and for the creation of linkages between diverse databases. The Identity Card project, for example, has incorporated the Citizen Information Project so that the National Identity Register (NIR) can be used to co-ordinate the sharing of commonly held personal data (e.g. name, address) between most public authorities.Footnote 9 The intention also is that the NIR’s audit trail will record transactional data that will build a picture of every event where and when the ID Card is checked against the NIR (e.g. the opening of a bank-account, hiring a car, or first visit to an outpatient’s department).

It should be added that the Information Commissioner has questioned the need to retain this transaction data as part of the NIR.Footnote 10 The Principles identified in Part II empower the Commissioner beyond the posing of questions.

Identity management will encourage linkages between databases and mass data retention will also facilitate the emergence of new data mining techniques, mainly because it is known that the personal data are retained. For example:

  • familial techniques can use the DNA data of known criminals on the UK’s National DNA database to identify other family members that do not have a criminal record; in this way, a DNA database of criminals could eventually span most of the UK populationFootnote 11;

  • the Serious Crime Act 2007 authorised the Audit Commission to extend its data matching techniques from benefit fraud to debt recovery,Footnote 12 possibly to include private sector databases;

  • Ministers have been given powers to disclose patient registration information from the NHS Summary Care Record to the newly formed Statistics BoardFootnote 13 for its purposes; and

  • communications data are retained by law on the grounds that retention is needed for anti-terrorism purposes; however a separate law allows many organisations access to communications data for diverse purposes.Footnote 14

In summary, the point being made is not whether a particular activity or technique or system is acceptable or not, but rather to stress that if personal data are retained in connection with one purpose, then such retention will always encourage the emergence of other ideas for the use of these data. As function creep can always be authorised by a future law, function creep should be anticipated as an inevitability. So the question then arises as to whether the current legal framework or system of scrutiny affords sufficient protection when such function creep occurs.

Why data protection legislation will not afford sufficient privacy protection

All legislation that legitimises retention, surveillance or sharing of personal data, to some extent, will negate the protective effect of most of the eight Data Protection Principles of the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998.

The central problem arises if surveillance legislation such as the ID Card Act 2006 states that X items of personal data are to be processed for purpose P1 for Y years, and can be disclosed to organisation Z for purpose P2.Footnote 15 In such circumstances, it is going to be very difficult to claim that the First, Second, Third and Fifth Data Protection Principles have been breached because the enactment of surveillance legislation establishes that:

  • the processing purposes are lawful and compatible (meeting the relevant First and Second Principle obligations in the Data Protection Act);

  • specifies the duration of the processing of personal data (satisfying the Fifth Principle obligations over data retention) and

  • specifies the items of personal data to be processed (satisfying the Third Principle obligations in connection with the relevance of the personal data to the purpose).

As the disclosure to Z for purpose P2 is likely to be also subject to the exemption from the non-disclosure provisions, the Footnote 16Fourth Principle and parts of the Sixth Principle can additionally be negated with respect to any disclosure of personal data.Footnote 17 As the Eighth Principle is negated if any transfer of personal data outside the European Economic Area is in the “substantial public interest”Footnote 18 (e.g. transfers of personal data to the USA for national security, child protection or crime related purposes are likely to pass this substantial public interest test), then the Eighth Principle falls away. This leaves only Principle Seven dealing with security as being unscathed. So when Ministers state something like that “the Data Protection Act safeguards the processing”, the claim can be disingenuous,Footnote 19 if Ministers can subsequently use their powers to modify the impact of the Principles.Footnote 20

The use of powers to remove privacy protection can be illustrated by the Community Charge legislation of the nineteen-eighties. In Scotland, regulations required Scottish Community Charge Registration Officers (CCROs) to use a specific Community Charge form produced by the Secretary of State for Scotland; this form collected the date of birth of everybody eligible for the Community Charge. In England there was no such statutory provision, so when English CCROs collected dates of birth using Scottish Community Charge forms, the Data Protection Registrar enforced the data protection principle dealing with the processing of excessive personal data on the grounds that a CCRO only needed the date of birth in limited circumstances (e.g. when someone became eligible for the Charge on their 18th birthday; or where two people living at the same address had the same name).Footnote 21

Finally, it should be noted that the Information Commissioner is not a powerful regulator and currently, the Commissioner cannot audit compliance with the Data Protection Act without permission; the Commissioner cannot “name and shame” transgressors following an assessment without permission; and the Commissioner cannot prosecute data controllers that recklessly or deliberately breach a data protection principle.Footnote 22 Additionally when the Information Commissioner does raise an issue in connection with a surveillance policy, these views are sometimes dismissed by Government as being part of the general opposition to that policy.Footnote 23

Why scrutiny is deficient in terms of Human Rights legislation

Given the limitations of the data protection regime, Parliamentary scrutiny of legislation that authorises surveillance assumes great importance, and such scrutiny, in privacy terms, is often undertaken in the context of Human Rights legislation.

The Joint Committee of Human Rights (JCHR) has recommended that effective scrutiny of Government legislation requires that a Human Rights Assessment is publishedFootnote 24; a recommendation that has not been accepted by Government. Given that one can assume that the JCHR is calling for this Assessment because the requested information is not made available to the Committee, the text of its recommendation reveals several shortcomings in Parliamentary scrutiny.

The Committee stated that it wanted an Assessment “at the very minimum” to include details that:

  • “identify the Convention rights and any other human rights engaged by the bill, and the specific provisions of the bill which engage those rights;

  • explain the reasons why it is thought that there is no incompatibility with the right engaged;

  • where the rights engaged are qualified rights, identify clearly the pressing social need which is relied on to justify any interference with those rights;

  • assess the likely impact of the measures on the rights engaged;

  • explain the reasons why it is considered that any interference with those rights is justified; and

  • cite the evidence that has been taken into account by the Department in the course of its assessment”.

The call for an Assessment arose because the JCHR’s queries were deflected by the claim that the Human Rights Act provides the necessary safeguards. For example, the Home Secretary on the regulations and orders which could be made under the Identity Cards Bill of Session 2004–05 told the JCHR: “We will be under a duty, under section 6 of the Human Rights Act, to act compatibly in making subordinate legislation and if we did not do so the courts will have the power to strike it down”.Footnote 25 In other words, scrutiny by Parliament was unnecessary because the Courts could pick up the question of compliance with Human Rights legislation.

The lack of an Assessment also explains the occasional outburst from the Committee in its reports: “This is the fifth Government Bill within a very short period of time containing information sharing provisions the Convention compatibility of which has been asserted but not explained. In respect of each [Bill] we have commented that this is not satisfactory, but there has been no change in the Government’s practice. This presents a very real obstacle to our scrutiny work”.Footnote 26 Three years later, the Committee maintains that “a dedicated human rights memorandum should accompany every Government bill”.Footnote 27

These sentiments are repeated in the Committee’s report on Data Protection and Human RightsFootnote 28 published following an inquiry into to a spate of well publicised data losses by the public sector (e.g. the HMRC’s lost CD disks containing 25 million bank account details). The Committee stated that in relation to eighteen Bills that had data sharing provisions that “the Government’s response has generally been to resist our recommendations” on the grounds that “public authorities must comply with the provisions of the Data Protection and Human Rights Acts”. It stressed that it “fundamentally disagreed” with an approach to setting data sharing policy that depended on “very broad enabling provisions” that grant Ministers far reaching powers. The Committee recommended that data sharing purposes should be specified in primary legislation as this would “increase the opportunity to hold the executive to account”.

It is also worth adding that there is also a lack of information for scrutiny purposes in the field of national securityFootnote 29 and DNA profiling,Footnote 30 and that the European Parliament has little power in respect of decisions made at the Council of Ministers; this is especially the case in the field of law enforcement.Footnote 31 It is also worth noting that the current Parliamentary arrangements are not responsive to the increasing number of international commitments and treatiesFootnote 32 and often decisions have to be accepted by the UK Parliament on the grounds that the UK has signed up to an international commitment.Footnote 33

Scrutiny of secondary legislation is also generally deficient

The reason why the JCHR is concerned to ensure that any data sharing purpose is specified in primary legislation arises because secondary legislation, enacted via the use of Statutory Instruments (SI), are subject to limited scrutiny in Parliament (if any scrutiny actually occurs).Footnote 34 Ministers can therefore expect the use of their powers to be approved by Parliament and it is a very rare occurrence that an SI is defeated or withdrawn.Footnote 35 Even so, the scrutiny of that part of primary legislation which grants the powers to Ministers can also be limited, because of the timetabling procedures are regularly used by Government to ensure that legislation, such as the ID Card Act, passes through Parliament quickly.

The result is that human rights issues are considered by Government when the powers are being made ready for use and not when the powers are being obtained. Pre-legislative scrutiny by Parliament is effectively replaced by post-legislative scrutiny by the Courts. Scrutiny in these circumstances becomes the preserve of those rich enough (or poor enough in the case of legal aid) to take human rights cases through the Courts in an attempt to strike out statutory instruments. This legal tussle is also an unequal struggle — the average citizen is pitted against a Government which has access to a bottomless public purse and teams of its own lawyers, if need be.

There are three other problems with the current lack of scrutiny as identified above.

  • The Government can use the “powers could be struck-out” argument to ignore criticism in Select Committee Reports which relate to wide ranging powers.Footnote 36

  • If a Court were to strike out a Ministerial order (as has happened in the field of terrorism) it would bring with it the prospect of further clashes between the Government and the Courts and thereby risk of politicising the judiciary.

  • If secondary legislation were to be struck out by the courts, it is possible to envisage circumstances where Ministers would just draft another alternative instrument circumventing any legal problem. The result could be that any legal challenge would need to start again at square one.Footnote 37

The lack of Parliamentary scrutiny over policy towards a surveillance activity

The National Identity Register (NIR) of the ID Card Act 2006 provides an extreme example of how a Government can minimise effective Parliamentary and public scrutiny of a proposal — the proposal in question being whether the NIR should be used as a general population register so that commonly held personal data (e.g. name, address) can be shared between most public authorities.Footnote 38

In its the two public consultations on its Entitlement/ID Card proposals, the Government specifically excluded the use of the NIRFootnote 39 to establish a population register for use in general public administration. However, before the General Election of 2005 officials knew (and the evidence suggests that Ministers were informed),Footnote 40 that the intention was to use the NIR for this general public administration purpose. This fact could have featured as part of the General Election debate (and the Government could have received an electoral mandate for this element of the ID Card program).

It was also known by Government that the use of the NIR for a general public administration purpose represented around 20% of the business case for the ID Card scheme.Footnote 41 However, the Regulatory Impact Assessment associated with ID Card Bill omitted this important fact from the other financial details laid before Parliament as the Bill commenced its Parliamentary stages. Several Parliamentary opportunities presented to Ministers to announce this important extension of the NIR’s purpose were not taken. A draft Written Ministerial Statement informing Parliament of this extension was prepared, but its publication was delayed for nine months until three weeks after the Bill had received Royal Assent.Footnote 42

As is well known, since Royal Assent, the ID Card project has been subject to considerable delay and revision; it is not known whether the use of the NIR as a population register still form part of the plans for the NIR.

Part II: The nine principles

Why the principles are needed

In Part II, the nine Principles are presented in order to provide a framework that corrects the structural defects identified in Part 1. The Principles interact with each other and should be considered as a whole.

As with Part 1, personal data processed as a result of a surveillance activity, any sharing of personal data and any revelation of identity information are all considered to be a surveillance activity. The Principles therefore apply to “dataveillance”.Footnote 43 This extension is important because Government policy involves joined-up public services and widespread data sharing where there is a risk that mistrust of one part of Government also becomes joined-up.Footnote 44 It is argued that the application of these Principles to the development of surveillance policy, or to the bodies performing the surveillance, would help maintain public confidenceFootnote 45 in legitimate surveillance.

The Principles are not primarily presented as proposals for legislation and it is recognised that some of the ideas underpinning a particular Principle are not new.Footnote 46 Any novelty lies in the attempt to construct a framework that permits a comprehensive analysis to be undertaken in connection with any surveillance activity. It is for this reason, the commentary on each Principle indicates, where in the UK context, structures can be improved.

Finally, the Principles are expressed using the word “Regulator”. Although the Information Commissioner is the most likely Regulator in relation to a surveillance activity, other specialist Regulators in the UK (usually dealing with law enforcement or national security) have to be included as being linked to these Principles. It is worth noting, as an aside, that whereas government services are becoming joined-up, the protection afforded by the current regulatory framework is becoming increasingly disjointed.Footnote 47

Principle 1: The justification principle

Information relating to any legislation or policy that involves surveillance (or extension to an existing surveillance policy) is provided so an assessment can be made to ensure that the surveillance can be justified in terms of pressing social needs and measurable outcomes; this information is provided prior to the approval of legislation or policy.

Commentary on the principle

This Principle is about providing full information so that any surveillance policy/legislation can be scrutinised (see Approval Principle).

Effective public scrutiny of legislation assumes that Parliament has access to all relevant documents produced in relation to a surveillance proposal (including legal background, a Human Rights Assessment as requested by the JCHR, policy options, cost benefit analysis, details about technical, operational and risk factors). Government should prepare a list of documents and summarise their content in relation to each proposal for surveillance legislation. However, if these documents contain information that relates to actual surveillance operations (e.g. lessons learnt), then the Government can choose to summarise or redact this information (but such redaction to be indicated in the text).

It is recognised that some documents might have to be subject to special procedures and might not be published as a result of the scrutiny process (e.g. because they contain confidential material). Some documents might, in Parliamentary terms, be only accessible in a very restricted fashion (e.g. by Privy Councillors), but the general rule is the provision of information to Parliament for scrutiny purposes— not its withholding. It is noted that Government has chosen to provide information to the Joint Committee on Human Rights on a confidential basis.Footnote 48

If a policy decision was to be devolved to a lower tier of government (e.g. Local Authority), then the Principle would still apply and information would be provided (e.g. to Councillors).

At the surveillance policy level, the Principle could require the release of information about any privacy risk assessment that has been undertaken — this could be the Surveillance Impact Assessment identified in the Surveillance Society report (Ball et al. 2006) (or a Privacy Impact AssessmentFootnote 49). So, for example, the procurement of a CCTV system to monitor public places should justify its existence in terms of identifiable purposes and measurable outcomes. The identification of likely measurable outcomes permits the comparison that is essential to the Reporting Principle (which deals with actual outcomes).

Any information obtained via the Justification Principle should become subject to the Freedom of Information Act; this engages the exemptions and appeals process in relation to any information provided to the public. To gain public confidence, information about surveillance policy (e.g. justifications, complaints procedures) should be proactively made available by the public authority performing the surveillance (e.g. on an appropriate web-site).

Principle 2: The approval principle

Any surveillance is limited to lawful purposes defined in legislation where such legislation has been thoroughly scrutinised by a fully informed Parliament and, where appropriate, informed public debate has taken place.

Commentary on the principle

The Principle follows the application of the Justification Principle, in that information provided as justification for surveillance (and costs of surveillance) can be independently assessed by those undertaking the scrutiny. The Approval and Justification Principles, by inference, are likely to draw out any alternatives to the surveillance, and thereby strengthen the justification for, and the public acceptability of, any surveillance that is eventually authorised.

Any relevant Regulator should have a role in assisting Parliament or informing public debate by commenting on the information provided by the application of the Justification Principle. Obviously public comment on specific topics might need to be restrained in some areas where a need for secrecy can be claimed.

The Approval Principle assumes detailed Parliamentary scrutiny of legislation that relates to a surveillance proposal, and there are simple ways of strengthening UK Parliamentary procedure. For example, Codes of Practice (or parts of Codes) or Statutory Instruments that concern surveillance matters should be subject to prior consultation with a Regulator. If the consultation produces disagreement, Parliament should have to approve the Secretary of State’s Code or Instrument by a positive affirmation procedure as this would allow Parliament to explore the reasons for any disagreement before approving the secondary legislation or Code of Practice. If there is agreement over the content of a Code or Instrument, then it becomes more acceptable for negative affirmation routes to apply.Footnote 50 Of course, disagreements (e.g. over a Code) might emerge at a later stage, and this explains why there is a role for the Regulator in referring matters to Parliament (see the Reporting Principle).

It is argued that if all Codes of Practices or Statutory Instruments dealing with surveillance could become subject to a requirement for affirmative action by Parliament, then civil servants would want to minimise possible difficulties during the approval process. A consultation process between Regulator and civil servants would follow, and the drafting of Codes and Instruments drafting would be very mindful of the Regulator’s view. In this way, the Approval Principle improves interaction between Government and Regulator.

To strengthen the scrutiny, Parliament could permit a Select Committee to take privacy under its remit (e.g. the Joint Committee on Human Rights seems an appropriate vehicle given the overlap between data protection and human rights). Currently such issues are discussed in the narrow context of a Committee’s specialist remit (e.g. child protection and privacy, science and privacy in relation to the DNA database; the ID Card and privacy, etc) with the result that a joined-up picture of how all Government initiatives interact has yet to be completed by Parliament.Footnote 51

It is suggested that a Regulator could report to a specific Committee which could task (and fund) the Commissioner to investigate matters of concern. Reports from the Commissioner could be tabled before that Committee which decides what is published. It is also recommended that Select Committees of Parliament should allow, if they decide, experts in the field to question Ministers or witnesses. This is because, often, the devil is in the complex detail of how surveillance occurs and not on the broad principle of whether surveillance should occur.Footnote 52

Where surveillance (in particular, data sharing or revealing of identity information) occurs with consent of the individuals concerned, the Approval Principle is satisfied if that consent is properly formulated; the Regulator has powers to modify improper consent procedures.

Principle 3: The separation principle:

Procedures which authorise or legitimise a surveillance activity are separate from procedures related to the actual surveillance itself; the more invasive the surveillance, the wider the degree of separation.

Commentary on the principle

This Principle mitigates the problems identified in Part 1 of this paper where Ministers are often politically responsible for the policies and practices (e.g. signing warrants) which require surveillance to succeed and for the mechanisms that protect private and family life from unwarranted intrusion. Some public bodies also have this dual responsibility and produce Codes of Practice specifying their procedures that cover both surveillance and privacy protection.Footnote 53

As the Approval Principle (and Reporting Principle in the case of legislation that has been enacted) allows the Regulator to report to Parliament on any legislation or Code, this can include an independent view on the correct level of separation that is appropriate. The Regulator’s recommendations on separation can thus be considered by Parliament when it considers the detail of a surveillance proposal contained in a Bill or Code in question. Informed Parliamentary debate about these issues should be a consequence.

Where separation is achieved by an authorisation officerFootnote 54 or Single Point of Contact (SPOC),Footnote 55 the Regulator could determine how separation procedures should apply, the nature of the records to be maintained by that officer or SPOC (Reporting and Adherence Principles). This would apply to the practice of the Home Secretary authorising warrants or certificates to justify interference in relation to national security or policing. In this way, the Regulator would be in a position to report to Parliament about any deficiency in the system of supervision (e.g. present an informed view as to whether judicial approval of warrants would provide better safeguards).

Principle 4: The adherence principle:

Procedures which authorise a surveillance activity are professionally managed and audited; staff involved in a surveillance activity are fully trained to follow relevant procedures and that such training is assessed if appropriate; any malfeasance in relation to a surveillance activity can be identified and individuals concerned suitably punished.

Commentary on the principle

This Principle is directed at organisations performing the surveillance. It requires that surveillance procedures are subject to appropriate management and control and any wrongdoing is identified and punished. Often rigorous application of data protection obligations (if backed by a suitably empowered Information Commissioner) should provide a suitable framework for the Adherence Principle (e.g. to security obligations under the Seventh Data Protection Principle).

One would expect the Regulator to give advice in relation to the correct surveillance procedures to be followed whilst the Independent Supervision and Reporting Principles permits the Regulator to intervene on procedural matters if need be.

The Adherence Principle provides an oversight mechanism that could include supervision of the privacy related obligations that are connected to the Government’s Data Handling ReviewsFootnote 56 when these are completed (e.g. there is a senior board member responsible for the processing of personal data, that there is suitable training of staff, that procedures are reviewed and maintained, and that risk assessments are taken at regular periods). The same applies to initiatives such as compliance with those privacy-related elements of the National Information Assurance Strategy.Footnote 57

From an individual’s perspective, the Adherence Principle is important. If an individual experiences failures in surveillance procedure, that individual has to be able to raise issues with the relevant Regulator who then has to possess sufficient clout to resolve and investigate any problem (the subject of the next two Principles).

Principle 5: The reporting principle

A Regulator shall determine what records, including statistical records, are retained and maintained concerning a surveillance activity, in order to ensure transparency and accountability to the Regulator, to the public and to Parliament.

Commentary on the principle

This Principle deals with the information recorded by those undertaking the surveillance in order to reassure the public that a surveillance activity has followed the rules. These records include details about authorisation, cost of surveillance, outcomes, training, management, procedures, any audit or information requirements as determined by the Regulator. The Regulator should provide relevant advice and guidance on what records to maintain and what needs to be reported (e.g. a loss of unencrypted personal data on a laptop).

Regulations or laws that specify what statistics are collected or published have the potential limit the effectiveness of supervision.Footnote 58 Thus it is essential to have an independent Regulator identifying all reporting requirements and the criteria which measure the success of a surveillance activity. In this way, the public can have confidence there is an independent and complete record of the activity that demonstrates it was properly authorised and that the interference was justifiable in terms of actual outcomes. Any Parliamentary Committee, at any time, should be able to commission a report from a Regulator in relation to a surveillance issue.

Reports concerning a surveillance activity are produced by the Regulator and should be laid before Parliament and published. Where sensitive matters are reported, a Parliamentary Committee following consultation with the Government, should determine what is published.Footnote 59 All measurable outcomes can be compared with the Justification Principle which deals with predicted outcomes to see whether the surveillance is effective — the inference being, that if the surveillance is ineffective or cost-inefficient, then the surveillance ceases.

From an individual’s perspective, accountability is achieved if he or she can refer relevant matters to a Regulator for investigation (e.g. after becoming aware of an unjustifiable surveillance activity that involves them). This involvement could extend from complaints for individuals that they are subjected to unwarranted surveillance or to suggestions from individuals on policy matters.

Principle 6: The independent supervision principle

The system of supervision for a surveillance activity is independent of Government, well financed, and has effective powers of investigation and can delve into operational matters.

Commentary on the principle

The Principle ensures that a Regulator should be able to investigate any aspect of a surveillance activity (including national security) where the Regulator defines the thresholds of what would be considered a valid complaint (in order to exclude vexatious or trivial complaints). In general, the more invasive the surveillance, the more important it is for the powers of the Regulator to be available.

To achieve this objective, a Regulator should possess effective powers of investigation, intervention, audit and prosecution that can extend into operational matters and should be able to employ security cleared experts to investigate relevant matters where this is needed. The Regulator should be able to fine, prosecute or require restitution to individuals who have been significantly damaged or distressed by an inappropriate surveillance activity (see the Compensation Principle).

The Regulator should have a last-resort the power to halt the processing of personal data following application to a High Court judge. The reference to a Court is important as it allows the body undertaking the surveillance to make counter arguments that these powers should not be exercised. In the case of sensitive surveillance operations, the Court can decide whether its hearings are in public or not.

In general, however, any Regulator is unlikely to use his powers immediately or publicise a problem. If made aware of a pressing surveillance problem, the Regulator would first be likely to encourage voluntary changes to any policy, Code of Practice or procedures that, in his view, would resolve the matter. So, referral to Parliament or public discussion of a surveillance issue (e.g. a report via the Reporting Principle) would only arise if there was a no agreement between Government and a Regulator as to surveillance procedures. For example, a Regulator wanting one level of protection and a Minister wanting another.

In the case of the use of Ministerial powers that have been generously interpreted, the Regulator should be provided with an “Article 8 (Incompatibility) Notice” which, as a last resort, can be used to test whether a particular Statutory Instrument or primary legislation is compatible with human rights law.Footnote 60 This Notice can be appealed to the Courts so that the issue of compatibility with Human Rights law can be tested.

If such a Notice were to be served, it would signal a severe dispute between Government and Regulator and one would expect Parliament to investigate. So as an intermediary measure, therefore, the Regulator should also be able to require or recommend to Parliament that a particular use of Ministerial powers or procedure should be reviewed. Alternatively the Regulator could be required to negotiate with the Minister before serving such a Notice.

If an organisation were to employ an independent Data Protection Officer, an idea that has resurfaced in the Information Commissioner’s written evidence to Parliament,Footnote 61 the Regulator could specify the procedures, records or reporting framework that Officer maintains in relation to a surveillance activity (the Reporting Principle).

To ensure independent supervision, a Regulator supervising a surveillance activity should be appointed by, removed by, and report to Parliament. Distance from Ministerial influence in the appointment of a Regulator is important. It is suggested that some candidates could be proposed by the relevant Cabinet Minister to be a Regulator but the final appointment (whether on the Ministerial list or not) should be approved by a Parliamentary process or by an independent public appointments commission.

Where surveillance occurs with consent of the individuals concerned, the Principle is satisfied if the Regulator can ensure that any individual consent is properly formulated.

The Regulator should be identified in law as being independent assessor of a surveillance activity with particular responsibility to protect the public. Appeals processes against a Regulator’s decision can follow established models (e.g. a Tribunal as in the Data Protection Act regime with appeals to the Courts on points of law). Finally, Ministers should not possess general powers to overturn the decision of a Regulator (or a Tribunal or Court) via the current arrangements that apply to secondary legislation, as Parliamentary scrutiny is minimal (see Part 1 of this paper).

Principle 7: The privacy principle

Individuals should be granted a right to privacy of personal data which can be enforced by the Data Protection Commissioner and should possess a much simpler right to object to the processing of personal data in appropriate circumstances.

Commentary on the principle

The Principle is aimed at the individual and provides an extension of individual rights in the way that would encourage a public authority not to exceed its powers. There are two elements: a new statutory “right to privacy of personal data” and a revised right to object to the processing of personal data (currently found in Section 10 of the DPA).

The right to privacy of personal data could be implemented as an amendment to the Sixth Data Protection Principle and expressed in human rights terms. For example:

“Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act and, in particular, personal data shall not be processed in a way that does not respect the private and family life or correspondence of data subjects”.

By implementing a right to the privacy of personal data under the auspices of the Data Protection Act, the processing of personal data for the Special Purpose (i.e. freedom of expression purposes) will be left undisturbedFootnote 62; investigative journalism, for example, is unaffected by the change. Obviously this Principle has to be qualified in a way that engages the exemptions found in Article 8(2) of the Human Rights Convention (i.e. provide suitable exemptions for national security, law enforcement etc).

The effect of this change would explicitly link the Human Rights and Data Protection regimes and give the Information Commissioner an explicit human rights role but only in the context of personal data. It is suggested that this Commissioner should be the Regulator that is empowered to serve an Article 8 (Incompatibility) Notice (as suggested in relation to the Independent Supervision Principle).

However, this Privacy Principle should, be extended to include surveillance undertaken in the domestic circumstance (Pounder 2002) (e.g. a householder who installs a CCTV security systems and which also covers neighbours’ premises, as currently the householder can be exempt from the application of all the Data Protection Principles and rightsFootnote 63). However, it is recognised that this could be a very difficult area to balance correctly — and it could be that a right to object to the processing could work better (see below).

The Section 10 right to object to the processing of personal data under the DPA currently requires the processing to cause substantial damage or substantial distress and for that damage or distress to be unwarranted. Additionally, the right is constrained to that processing undertaken in specific circumstances.Footnote 64 These thresholds and limitations, in effect, neutralise a right that cannot be exercised easily by the individual concerned.

The suggestion is that if data sharing occurs following a surveillance activity, then the burden of proof for the right to object should be reversed. Thus, if the right is exercised, the organisation concerned would continue the processing of personal data if it could show that the processing of personal data was warranted in terms of a specific public interest specified in Article 8(2) of the Human Rights Convention (e.g. that data sharing or surveillance was necessary in terms of crime prevention, public health, national security etc).

In summary, a revised right to object should not interfere with that processing of personal data that has been undertaken by law enforcement etc, but the right would be easier to claim by the individual, in a context where the processing had been undertaken by a public authority on grounds such as administrative convenience.Footnote 65 Note that if individuals trusted the data sharing arrangements undertaken by public authorities, then it is unlikely that such individuals would need to exercise the right to object.

It is also noted that there could be a need to protect the public authority if the right to object to the processing of personal data was being exercised vexatiously (e.g. as part of a campaign to disrupt a public authority).

This Principle also enhances the importance of fair processing notices (if applicableFootnote 66). Such notices are an important protection because it is difficult for individuals to protect their own privacy, or to object to the processing of their personal data, if they don’t know whether (or how) their personal data are processed in the first place. However, these notice obligations have real value only if individuals can act on the information received (e.g. raise matters of concern with a Regulator who has sufficient powers to resolve problems raised by data subjects).

Principle 8: The compensation principle

An individual should obtain compensation if a surveillance activity has caused damage, distress or detriment that proves to be unjustified.

Commentary on the principle

A Regulator, following detailed investigation under the Independent Supervision Principle, should be able to award limited remedial compensation, to the level assessed in a small claims court, to each individual who has been damaged as a result of a surveillance activity. Balance could be provided by allowing the body undertaking the surveillance, to appeal against any award to the Courts. Where larger sums of money are involved, the Courts would have to become involved immediately; in such cases, and where appropriate, the Regulator should be able to assist individuals with their claim.Footnote 67

Principle 9: The unacceptability principle

If the other Principles cannot be complied with in relation to a surveillance activity then within a reasonable time:

  1. a)

    the activity ceases; or

  2. b)

    alternative steps are taken to bring the activity into conformity with the Principles; or

  3. c)

    Parliament or a Parliamentary Committee approves the non-compliance with the relevant Principle.

Commentary on the principle

This Principle ensures that breaches of other Principles do not arise from actions motivated by executive convenience.

Under the Human Rights Act, the Courts can make a “declaration of incompatibility” in relation to any piece of primary legislation or can strike out secondary legislation.Footnote 68 The possibility that a Regulator can issue an Article 8 (Incompatibility) Notice (see the Independent Supervision Principle) makes this protection more accessible in the context of surveillance legislation and allows a Court to consider facts surrounding a surveillance activity. It is for the Court to decide whether any hearing is in public or not.

This Principle can also be activated by a Regulator making a report to Parliament in relation to the steps (a), (b) or (c) above (see the Reporting Principle). It would be for Ministers and Parliament to decide what to do in the light of the report; however, the assumption is that the public interest generated by the Regulator’s report would oblige Parliament or a Committee to consider the surveillance issue in detail.

Concluding comment

Part 1 of this article shows that in the context of privacy protection, the current system of regulation is weak, the current UK law cannot be relied upon, and that Parliament is not in a position to scrutinise effectively. It is argued that there needs to be a far stronger “feed-back” loop which gives an informed Parliament a leading role in deciding public policy with respect to balancing the need to perform surveillance against the need to respect private and family life. Part of the feedback loop is an empowered Regulator who can investigate issues raised by data subjects and who can report policy problems to Parliament.

Concerns might arise because these Principles envisage conflict between the Regulator and the government of the day. However, if such conflict arises, the matter can be resolved by Parliament or the Courts; the former dealing with policy matters, the latter dealing with legalities. There is nothing in the Principles that is in conflict with the constitutional way of resolving social policy issues in a democratic society.

Finally, and most importantly. these Principles allow the surveillance society debate to take place in a context that rectifies the weaknesses in the current framework of information law governance.