Correction to : Rev Phil Psych

The Funding information section was missing from this article and should have read “We would like to thank the audience of the Workshop “Consciousness, Agency and First-Person Representation”, organised by Pepa Toribio and Miguel Ángel Sebastián at the University of Barcelona, for helpful comments on a previous version of this paper. We are also thankful to the two anonymous reviewers of this journal. Their comments helped to improve the paper significantly. Financial support for this work was provided by MINECO, Spanish Government, research projects PID2020- 115052GA-I00 and PGC2018-093,464-B-I00, funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Spain) and a 2019 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation (the Foundation takes no responsibility for the opinions, statements and contents of this project, which are entirely the responsibility of its authors).”. The original article has been corrected.