
Many businesses and organizations create value through artificial intelligence (AI) systems (Müller et al., 2018; Abdel-Karim et al., 2021). Indeed, AI systems have shown to outperform humans in various fields, including breast cancer detection (McKinney et al., 2020), predictive maintenance (Paolanti et al., 2018), and credit-risk assessment (Khandani et al., 2010). Most AI systems apply methods from the field of machine learning (ML) (Kühl et al., 2020). Designing ML-based systems is an extensive process consisting of several stages. After the acquisition of suitable datasets, the data need to be thoroughly pre-processed before being used for model training (Abdel-Karim et al., 2021). One crucial step within data pre-processing is feature selection. Its basic concept is the separation of less relevant features within the dataset from relevant ones in order to save computational capacity, enhance the prediction performance, and make AI systems more understandable (Guyon and Elisseeff, 2003; Reunanen, 2003).

Recent legal initiatives demand transparency throughout the ML pipeline (e.g., the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU and the Algorithmic Accountability Act in the US). As a result, researchers have developed methods to render ML predictions transparent (Bauer et al., 2021a), but prior stages in the ML pipeline remain underexplored. This poses a risk to practitioners, as all stages are presumably subject to new regulations. For example, the current proposal of the Algorithmic Accountability Act in the US views AI systems as multi-stage processes and aims at “impact assessments [for] particular stages” (Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022). Another example is the GDPR in the EU, which demands practitioners to ensure “transparency with regard to processing of personal data” (General Data Protection, 2018) and thus refers to data pre-processing. Following the GDPR, practitioners should further strictly limit any data (pre-)processing to data that adds value (“principle of data minimization”, General Data Protection, 2018). In an ML context, this ultimately implies a careful and well-justified feature selection. In addition, the GDPR calls for an individual’s right to explanation, which implies "a more general form of oversight with broad implications for the design, prototyping, field testing, and deployment of data processing systems" (Casey et al., 2019, p. 180). This emphasizes the necessity for transparency not only for final ML outputs but also for prior stages. Overall, with numerous non-governmental guidelines going in the same direction (see, e.g. Jia and Zhang, 2022 for an overview) and further legal frameworks currently in discussion (e.g., the AI Act in the EU), there is an urgent need to extend the current efforts to make AI systems transparent to feature selection.

Besides legal guidelines, novel ethical frameworks also require a transparent and well-justified feature selection. A common ethical framework in the context of AI systems is called “transparency by design” (Felzmann et al., 2020; Plale, 2019; Koulu, 2021). Transparency by design requires AI practitioners to enable transparency throughout the development process proactively. Notably, merely introducing transparency to predictions of already implemented AI systems is regarded as insufficient (Felzmann et al., 2020). According to transparency by design, data processing and analysis (which includes feature selection) is one of three segments where developers should promote transparency. Other ethical frameworks imply similar requirements concerning feature selection (e.g., “trustworthy transparency by design”, Zieglmeier and Pretschner, 2021). Hence, to adhere to ethical frameworks and remedy harmful consequences (e.g. disparate impact) of AI systems, a transparent and well-justified feature selection is essential (Kim and Routledge, 2022).

Legal initiatives and ethical considerations require organizations to explain their decisions during the feature selection process to regulators and other interest groups, i.e. developers must be able to justify why they deem certain features as relevant for model training while discarding others (Marcílio and Eler, 2020). However, extant techniques can hardly meet those explainability demands for several reasons: First, most extant techniques reduce a feature’s impact to one single global importance value. In reality, a feature’s impact can differ severely on the local level. For example, a feature may be irrelevant for the majority of observations, but highly relevant for certain subgroups (Lundberg et al., 2020). Second, extant methods do not reveal the direction of feature impacts (Lundberg et al., 2020). For example, a method may reveal that the age of a borrower is pivotal for predicting creditworthiness, but the nature of this relationship remains unclear: either younger or older age could favour predicted creditworthiness, and it might even be a complex, non-linear relationship. Finally, holistic importance scores also do not show how features interact with each other (Lundberg et al., 2020). In some cases, a feature might be irrelevant for a prediction task on its own while being highly relevant in combination with another predictor (Guyon and Elisseeff, 2003). We argue that in order to fulfill legal and ethical requirements, organizations should use a feature selection method that is explainable in the sense that it provides ML developers such in-depth information about feature impacts. Following this argument, we define explainable feature selection as a process that enables the developer or organization to provide stakeholders persuasive explanations of feature impacts—including a feature’s global and local importance, impact direction, and interaction effects—to justify feature selection-related decisions.

Current research on explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) focuses on the interpretability of opaque ML models (Arrieta et al., 2020). The primary goal is to explain the logic behind a model’s predictions, which are otherwise incomprehensible for human users (see, e.g., Chakrobartty and El-Gayar, 2021; Fernandez et al., 2022; Cirqueira et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2020). These XAI techniques mostly address predictions of already trained models; literature that addresses the explainability and justifiability of ML pre-processing, let alone feature selection, is scarce (Marcilio and Eler, 2020). However, neglecting the explainability of ML pre-processing inevitably leads to insufficient explainability and justifiability of the ML-based system as a whole. Consider a ML model predicting the creditworthiness of loan applicants: applying XAI techniques on the final ML model may explain the relationship between the model’s input features and the outcomes; however, the exact reasons for incorporating these features in the first step remain unclear to the applicant and other stakeholders. Given the aforementioned legal and ethical requirements for transparency throughout the ML pipeline, we regard this as a major research gap. In this work, we build upon design science research (DSR) to develop a design framework for feature selection based on XAI, which both ensures compliance with ethical and legal frameworks and meets the needs of ML developers. Furthermore, we instantiate this design framework in a running software artifact and evaluate it within focus group sessions with ML practitioners and researchers. With this approach, we aim to answer the following research questions:

  1. 1.

    What design principles should a design framework for an explainable feature selection method include?

  2. 2.

    How do practitioners evaluate a software artifact, which applies the concept of explainable feature selection?

By answering these research questions, we aim to contribute to both theory and practice in three ways. First, with our novel design framework, we contribute a “theory for design and action” (Gregor, 2006) on building systems for explainable feature selection. Second, our work contributes to practice by proposing a running software artifact, which organizations may adopt to implement the concept of explainable feature selection. Third, we contribute to XAI literature by extending the current scope of applications of XAI methods. We demonstrate that developers may not only use XAI methods to justify given ML-based predictions (Adadi and Berrada, 2018; Meske et al., 2022) but may even use XAI to justify the preceding feature selection.

The remainder of this work is structured as follows: In the next section, we provide background information on XAI and feature selection. In the third section, we present related work on XAI in DSR as well as existing tools for feature selection. In section four, we outline our design science methodology. Following that, in the fifth section, we describe the design process of our artifact in detail as well as our evaluation strategy. In the sixth section, we present the empirical evaluation results. In section seven, we discuss the empirical results and their implications. In the final section, we reflect on our work and summarize our main contributions as well as limitations.


Explainable artificial intelligence

Current literature describes various approaches to explain the decisions of opaque ML models. These approaches can be generally categorized as intrinsic interpretability and post-hoc explanations. Intrinsic interpretability aims to develop ML models that are inherently transparent and do not require explicit explanations (Du et al., 2019). Conversely, post-hoc explanations aim to increase the interpretability of black-box models (Arrieta et al., 2020), such as ensemble methods or deep neural networks. In contrast to intrinsic interpretability approaches, post-hoc explanations do not disclose the inner workings of black-box models; instead, they utilize other explanation techniques (Phillips et al., 2020; Lipton, 2018). These techniques include feature attribution methods, textual explanation or visualizations (Lipton, 2018).

Depending on their generalizability, post-hoc explanations can be further divided into model-agnostic and model-specific explanations. Model-agnostic explainability refers to techniques that are applicable to any kind of model (Ribeiro et al., 2016). One example is Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME, Ribeiro et al., 2016), which locally approximates a black-box model with an intrinsically interpretable one. In contrast, model-specific explanations are only applicable to specific model types. A well-known example is the embedded feature importance function of tree-based models (Du et al., 2019).

XAI methods can provide global or local explanations. Global methods holistically explain the model at hand (Teso and Kersting, 2019). For instance, global feature attributions aim to reflect how the model weights its input variables. However, focusing solely on global explanations bears the risk of missing useful information. Specifically, for a single prediction of interest, features that are meaningful on the global level are not necessarily important, while features, which seem globally meaningless may be crucial (Ribeiro et al., 2016). By contrast, local methods zoom into model predictions and reveal how features have driven an individual prediction (Du et al., 2019, p. 3).

One of the most popular XAI methods is the local feature attribution method Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) (Schlegel et al., 2019; Dunn et al., 2021). SHAP is based on Shapley Values, a game-theoretic approach to find a fair distribution of payouts to each player within a cooperative game according to each player’s contribution to the overall payout.Footnote 1 Transferred to feature selection, the model output represents the cooperative game and the features represent the players who work together to create the model output. In that sense, SHAP provides local explanations by computing the contribution of each feature to any given prediction, the so-called SHAP value. This is best explained considering the following example: we assume an AI system predicting the risk of credit default (between 0 and 1) using several different features. For each of the features of a given borrower, we can compute a SHAP value indicating how that particular feature has driven the prediction. We assume that the feature “monthly salary” equals 8,000 USD and the corresponding SHAP value is –0.2. This means that the fact that the borrower earns 8,000 USD per month decreases the predicted risk of credit default by 0.2.Footnote 2 One can aggregate SHAP values to provide global explanations: To this end, the average absolute contribution of a feature across all predictions is computed. The result thus represents the average importance of a feature for model predictions. SHAP also reveals interaction effects between features, the Shapley interaction index (Lundberg et al., 2018, p. 29). The idea is as follows: Marginal contributions cannot only be computed for single features but also for feature pairs. To separate the interaction effect of a feature pair from the feature’s main effects, one must subtract the marginal contributions of the single features from the marginal contribution of that pair. The resulting difference represents the interaction effect of the feature pair.

Feature selection

Nowadays, practitioners and researchers deal with vast datasets containing hundreds to several thousands of features (Guyon and Elisseeff, 2003). However, a high-dimensional feature space may also pose problems: The number of training instances required to reach a desired model performance, also called “sample complexity” (Blum and Langley, 1997), grows exponentially with increasing features (Verleysen and François, 2005; Bessa et al., 2017). Yet, in practice, organizations often face the problem of data scarcity: there is either a general lack of training data or available training instances are incomplete or unlabelled (Li et al., 2021). This leads to the so-called “curse-of-dimensionality” (Bach, 2017; Seo and Shneiderman, 2005).

Variables usually vary in their importance for an ML task. Oftentimes, most of the variation in the target variable can be explained using a fraction of the initial input variables (Dunn et al., 2021). In fact, there is even a risk that irrelevant or highly correlated features lead to a substantial loss of performance (Kohavi and John, 1997). To overcome these problems, developers apply feature selection methods within the data pre-processing phase. Feature selection is a dimensionality reduction technique that aims to separate a subset of relevant features from less relevant ones whilst maintaining high prediction performance (Zhang et al., 2018, Chandrashekar and Sahin, 2014). There are various reasons for this task: The training and predictions of the model become computationally less expensive, the prediction power can be enhanced, and the interpretability increases (Guyon and Elisseeff, 2003; Fryer et al., 2021; Bhandari et al., 2020). However, distinguishing relevant features from irrelevant ones is non-trivial which is why numerous methods for feature selection exist (see, e.g., Chandrashekar and Sahin 2014). The choice of the respective method heavily influences the final model’s behavior (Abdel-Karim et al., 2021), so it is crucial for ML developers to know and understand the existing methods in order to explain their decisions to other stakeholders including regulators.

Feature selection for supervised learning tasks can be categorized as (i) filter- (ii) wrapper- or (iii) embedded methods (Chandrashekar and Sahin, 2014). Filter methods assess the relevance of features based on inherent characteristics of the data (Kohavi and John, 1997), producing a ranked list of all features (Mlambo et al., 2016). Wrappers, on the other hand, evaluate the relevance of feature subsets using the ML model (Kohavi and John, 1997). The idea is simple: the subset that produces the best prediction performance on the respective model is considered to be the most relevant. Finally, embedded feature selection methods are built-in components of specific ML algorithms and rank features as part of the training process. Common examples are the built-in feature importance values of tree-based algorithms such as decision trees, random forests or gradient boosting (Guyon and Elisseeff, 2003).

At this point, it should be noted that feature selection is not necessarily conducted in a purely data-driven manner; these methods can (and should) be complemented by “domain theory and overarching ethical principles intended to embed fairness in the resulting models” (Maass et al., 2018). For instance, domain experts could expose automatically extracted patterns as spurious (Bentley et al., 2014).

Related work

Explainable artificial intelligence in design science research

Recent literature within the field of DSR shows growing interest for the design of XAI-based artifacts. Meske and Bunde (2022) tackle the problem of hate speech in modern social media. To help social media moderators detect problematic content, the authors propose design principles for an AI-based decision support system and instantiate them in the form of an user interface. In addition, the artifact leverages local XAI techniques to further aid users in their decision making process. The authors evaluate and refine their artifact in three consecutive design cycles. Cirqueira et al. (2021) propose a design framework for an XAI-based decision support system for fraud detection within the financial services industry. They argue that existing XAI-based fraud detection studies neglect a user-centric perspective and, therefore, integrate the concept of user-centricity in their design framework. They use an instantiation of the design framework in the form of a mockup user interface for the artifact evaluation. Zhang et al. (2020) address the problem of fake news on social media in their DSR project. The authors design a ML framework for the prediction of fake financial news and instantiate their framework by developing the system architecture of a fake news detection system. In addition, Zhang et al. (2020) describe the feature selection process during their ML pre-processing: They conduct a wrapper approach by evaluating different feature sets according to the performance of the resulting ML model. After the ML model is completed, the authors leverage a local XAI technique to demonstrate the importance of each feature for specific predictions. Schemmer et al. (2022) identify the need for explainability techniques for AI-based decision support in high-stakes decision making, such as real estate purchase. To this end, the authors propose design principles for an XAI-based real estate valuation artifact and instantiate it by developing a prototype of an user interface. The explainability component of the artifact includes both global feature importances and example-based explanations of feature impacts.

Despite the growing number of DSR projects that design XAI-based artifacts, we identify a major research gap in the current literature: All related works that we reviewed aim to enhance the explainability of already completed ML models. To the best of our knowledge, there is no work addressing the explainability and justifiability of the pre-processing of ML models. Consequently, we regard the DSR knowledge base for explainable ML pre-processing artifacts as a research gap that needs to be filled.

Tools for feature selection

Several research papers propose (interactive) feature selection tools. One example is the visual analytics tool called INFUSE by Krause et al. (2014): The authors consider the problem of working with high-dimensional datasets where deciding which feature selection method and, subsequently, which classification algorithm to use becomes a non-trivial task. INFUSE offers several feature visualizations and enables the user to interactively add or remove features to compare their impact on the final model quickly. However, although INFUSE enables the user to efficiently compare several feature selection algorithms, none of these algorithms convey information such as a feature’s local importances, influence direction or interaction effects. Zhao et al. (2019) aim to enhance users’ trust in black-box models and simultaneously improve the model’s prediction performance. To this end, they designed the interactive feature selection system FeatureExplorer. Their tool performs feature selection and subsequently model evaluation in an iterative manner with the user. FeatureExplorer conveys information mainly via correlation analyses as well as feature rankings produced by two feature selection algorithms. However, with the main focus of FeatureExplorer being prediction performance improvement, it mostly neglects the explainability of feature selection. The interactive visual analytics tool Prospector by Krause et al. (2016) focuses on explaining ML models by investigating the contributions of single features to the model’s output. The tool involves both a global and a local view such that users can inspect the importance of single variables for specific data points. Thus, Prospector aims to explain the association between features and the target variable. However, building on the concept of partial dependence plots, Prospector does not depict local importances or interaction effects concisely.

Overall, the current literature offers several tools that facilitate the feature selection process. However, extant tools mainly focus on the improvement of the prediction performance of ML models. The tools mostly ignore legal and ethical requirements for explainable and justifiable feature selection. To the best of our knowledge, no feature selection tool exists that systematically uses XAI techniques to produce detailed explanations of feature impacts to meet these legal and ethical requirements.

Research methodology

Based on design science principles, we aim to fill the aforementioned research gap by proposing and empirically evaluating a novel method for explainable feature selection. According to Hevner et al. (2004), design science “creates and evaluates [information systems (IS)] artifacts intended to solve identified organizational problems”. Accordingly, we create a design framework for general XAI tools intended to resolve the problem of opaque feature selection procedures and the consequential inability to justify feature selection-related decisions. We further instantiate this framework into a running software artifact and empirically evaluate this instantiation. As a methodological foundation, we follow the design research cycle introduced by Kuechler and Vaishnavi (2008).

The design science approach of Kuechler and Vaishnavi (2008) proposes an iterative procedure to ensure continuous evaluation and subsequent adaptation of the artifact. Each iteration of the design cycle consists of five phases: problem awareness, suggestion, development, evaluation, and conclusion. In the problem awareness phase, the researchers may review literature, interview practitioners or investigate related existing artifacts to identify and precisely define the problem to be solved. In the suggestion phase, the researchers derive meta-requirements based on the problem definition and formulate design principles for the artifact that address the meta-requirements (Meth et al., 2015). These design principles should be grounded in scientific theories and the expertise of the design scientists (Hevner et al., 2004). Next, in the development phase, the researchers construct the artifact. While commonly understood as actual software instantiations, artifacts can also take the form of methods, models or constructs (March and Smith, 1995). After its development, one must evaluate the artifact according to objective criteria. This can take the form of expert workshops (Meth et al., 2015), laboratory experiments (Gnewuch et al., 2017), online experiments (Kellner et al., 2021) or quantitative evaluations (Toreini et al., 2022). Finally, the researchers conclude the project and – if necessary – transfer the evaluation results into the next iteration.

Designing explainable feature selection

In our DSR project, we performed one design cycle to develop a prototype for explainable feature selection (see Fig. 1). To be precise, we reviewed both scientific literature and legal documents to derive meta-requirements and design principles. Afterwards, we instantiated our design principles as an actual running software artifact that we evaluated with experts in two focus group sessions. Finally, we concluded the design cycle by analysing the results from the focus groups. Moreover, we completed the first steps of a second design cycle by refining the addressed problem as well as formulating new design principles based on the results of the first cycle. In the following, we explain each phase in more detail.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Our research methodology based on Kuechler and Vaishnavi (2008)

Awareness of problem

As mentioned before, the need for transparent—and thus explainable—feature selection is driven mainly by legal requirements and ethical considerations. However, organizations should not regard explainability as a mere regulatory hurdle; instead, they should regard it as an opportunity to create more meaningful models. From a developer’s point of view, a better understanding of an algorithm’s inner workings and structures facilitates the optimization thereof (Meske et al., 2022; Murdoch et al., 2019). This may lead to more accurate ML models and, consequently, to better business outcomes. Explainability might also increase user’s trust in AI systems and thereby raise technology adoption (Abedin, 2021).

We identify three main problem areas related to the design of explainable feature selection: First, most extant feature selection methods reduce feature impacts to one holistic value. Second, eliminating features from the dataset may impair prediction performance. Finally, XAI methods often put too little focus on the end-user. Starting with the first problem: Most feature selection techniques—such as the Pearson correlation coefficient (Blum and Langley, 1997) or embedded functions of tree-based algorithms (Strobl et al., 2007)—compute a holistic importance value for each feature. These scores claim global validity, meaning that the ML model would weigh the input variables equivalently across all predictions. However, a feature’s contribution usually differs across individual- or subgroups of predictions in reality (Lundberg and Lee, 2017). Additional insights—such as the direction of impact for each feature, and interactions—cannot be represented by global importance values as well (Lundberg and Lee, 2017). This information shortage is problematic when regulators demand in-depth explanations on how certain features contribute to automated decisions.In regard to the second problem: Removing subsets of a dataset inevitably leads to a loss of information (Abdel-Karim et al., 2021) which, in turn, may impair the predictive performance of the final ML model. If a feature selection method is incapable of efficiently differentiating between relevant and irrelevant features, the resulting performance impairment outweighs the benefits of high explainability. Our third identified problem refers to the user’s role in explainability methods: In general, explainability methods aim to inform a human user how a prediction model generates its outputs. Still, researchers often criticize XAI systems for failing to incorporate user-centricity into the system’s design (Förster et al., 2020). This may have detrimental consequences, such as reduced trust and lower technology adoption (Förster et al., 2020).


Based on our awareness of the problem, we identified several requirements and design principles that address these issues. In addition, we derived further design principles based on the practitioners’ inputs during the focus group analyses in the conclusion stage. Figure 2 presents an overview of the meta-requirements and design principles of both the suggestion stage and the conclusion stage. For the formulation of our design principles, we followed the conceptual schema and terminology for design principles of Gregor et al. (2020). We define the actors of our design principles, to whom we refer in our formulations, as follows:

  1. 1.

    Implementer: Software developers and designers who instantiate our design framework within their organization in order to provide a tool for explainable feature selection.

  2. 2.

    User: ML developers who apply the instantiation of our design framework to conduct explainable feature selection.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Design framework consisting of meta-requirements and design principles

Subsequently, we provide an overview of the design principles generated during the suggestion stage; the design principles derived in the conclusion stage are presented in the results section.

The first meta-requirement of our proposed feature selection method refers to its explainability. As discussed in the previous sections, a human supervisor should gain detailed insights regarding a feature’s impact on the prediction task. This leads to our first meta-requirement (MR):

  • MR1: Feature selection should be made explainable.

One popular means to produce explanations for opaque models are feature attribution methods (Senoner et al., 2021). Feature attributions represent the contribution of a feature to the model output, and thus aim to reflect the feature’s importance for the prediction task. As explained in Sect. 2.3, global feature attributions show the importance of features for the model as a whole whereas their local counterpart depict feature importances on the level of individual predictions (Lundberg and Lee, 2017). Consequently, local feature attributions convey more granular and detailed information than the global methods (Murdoch et al., 2019). A more detailed understanding of a feature’s impact may also be achieved when informing the developer about interaction effects and directions of feature effects (Lundberg et al., 2020). Therefore, implementers should integrate in-depth information in an explainable feature selection artifact such that users may incorporate this information into their argumentation when justifying feature selection-related decisions. Taking these aspects together, we define our first design principle (DP) as: Feature selection should rely on an XAI technique that offers detailed explanations of feature impacts, including local heterogeneities, directions and interactions (DP 1). In addition, besides the level of detail, the way information is presented is crucial (Murdoch et al., 2019). Whereas textual or numerical explanation formats are suitable for explaining simple concepts, comprehensible explanations of more complex concepts should rely on visual formats (Wang et al., 2019). The choice of visualization techniques should depend on the concept to be explained. For instance, line charts are suitable for representing raw time series data, bar charts are suitable for representing feature attributions, and partial dependence plots are suitable to demonstrate how feature attributions depend on a feature’s value (Wang et al., 2019). Implementers should ensure that users may explain feature selection-related decisions in a way that is comprehensible for the recipients of the explanations. One means to achieve this is the integration of concise visualizations into the artifact. In summary, our second design principle is: Information should be conveyed to the user via concise visualizations (DP 2). To ensure that our artifact is universally applicable, we argue that the implementer should use a model-agnostic XAI technique. This entails several benefits: Nowadays, numerous different prediction models exist and are applicable in practice; using a model-agnostic XAI technique, the user can apply the artifact to any given prediction model (Ribeiro et al., 2016). Moreover, the recipient of the explanation does not require deep technical expertise in specific ML models as the explanations are independent from the inner workings of the respective ML model. Therefore, our third design principle is: Feature selection should rely on a model-agnostic explainer in order to be universally applicable and independent of the underlying ML model (DP 3).

The second meta-requirement addresses the prediction performance issue. Users (i.e., ML developers) can minimize the prediction performance impairment of the ML model when the applied feature selection method successfully separates relevant features from less relevant ones. If a dataset contains features that are entirely irrelevant for the specific prediction task, the user might even improve the model’s accuracy (Reunanen, 2003). Thus, we propose our second meta-requirement:

  • MR2: Feature selection should meet prediction performance requirements.

ML developers typically assess ML models according to established performance metrics. Such metrics steer the development process and facilitate the objective comparison of competing classifiers (Asatiani et al., 2021). We argue that the implementer should use a feature attribution algorithm that has empirically proven to minimize the prediction performance impairment of the final ML model. Otherwise, potential users may not apply the artifact in their organizations. Therefore, our fourth design principle is: Feature selection should empirically prove to at least reach the prediction performance of existing algorithms on established metrics in order to meet performance requirements of the developer (DP 4). In some cases, users might not entirely avoid the negative impact of feature selection on predictive performance. Still, the benefits of reduced dimensionality, i.e. higher explainability, saving of computational resources, etc., may justify a certain prediction performance reduction. The user, however, should be fully aware of potential performance impairments. Therefore, we regard the integration and display of established performance metrics in order to provide the user a performance overview (DP 5) as a further design principle.

Finally, we address the user-centricity issue. There are several drivers for user-centricity in XAI systems design: First, it enhances human agency; if users are not able to effectively develop and interact with XAI systems, they might distrust the system or fall into the automation bias trap (Förster et al., 2020; Herse et al., 2018). Furthermore, the provision of model explanations might convey valuable information to the user; however, in order to leverage those explanations to adapt and improve the system, the user must be in the centre of the development process (Pfeuffer, 2021). This leads to our third meta-requirement:

  • MR3: Feature selection should be thoroughly user-centric.

One core principle for user involvement is the interaction between knowledgeable humans and the computer during model design (Förster et al., 2020; Kulesza et al., 2015; Pfeuffer, 2021). This human computer interaction can be further enhanced by an iterative mode (Baum et al., 2020). For instance, an XAI method could present explanations for decisions and the developer subsequently controls and corrects these decisions. The XAI system, in turn, considers these corrections in the next explanations, which the developer again controls and so forth. We argue that the implementer should design the artifact in a way that the user can actively steer the feature selection process and have the last say at each decision. This motivates our last design principle: The feature selection process should be conducted in iterative interaction with the user and foster human agency (DP 6).


In this section, we describe the development of our artifact that takes the form of an instantiation of the aforementioned design framework. To this end, we must first determine which feature selection algorithm is most suitable for our task and then embed it into a software artifact that meets our design requirements. As explained in the design principles, we need a local feature attribution method that conveys in-depth information, including holistic feature importances, local feature importances, and interaction effects. In addition, the feature attribution method should be model-agnostic and thus universally applicable. We identified SHAP as the most suitable method since its analyses meet all these requirements.

To assess empirically how SHAP values-based feature selection affects the performance of an ML model, we conducted several simulations on six publicly available datasets (Appendix 2 Table 2 presents an overview of the datasets). To this end, we performed a backward elimination approach based on SHAP feature rankings (for more details, we refer to Appendix 4). We evaluated this approach on two dimensions: First, stability—referring to the sensitivity of feature rankings to small perturbations of the training data—and second, the predictive performance of the final classifier. As comparison benchmarks, we used analogous backward elimination processes based on (i) the Pearson correlation coefficient and (ii) the embedded feature importance function of the XGBoost algorithm. Our results indicate that SHAP-based feature rankings are considerably more stable than those of the XGBoost built-in function, but less stable than the Pearson correlation coefficients. Regarding the predictive performance, SHAP yields at least similar results as the benchmark methods on established performance metrics (see Appendix). These results coincide with related comparative studies that evaluate the predictive performance of SHAP-based feature selection (e.g. Xiaomao et al., 2019; Bhandari et al., 2020; Effrosynidis and Arampatzis 2021).

Having identified SHAP as suitable to perform feature selection, we developed a software artifact that effectively leverages this technique in interaction with a human developer. For this task, we used the Tk GUI toolkit via the programming language python. Although this software artifact represents a prototype of an explainable feature selection tool, it is already operational and usable in practice. Our artifact is split into two parts: In the first part, the tool initially ranks all features according to the global SHAP values and eliminates all features except the k best ones, with k being determined by the user. This represents a radical initial dimensionality reduction of the dataset. After the dataset is reduced to a human-manageable size, the second part—an iterative backward elimination process—follows.

Figure 3 illustrates the artifact’s procedure: First, the user needs to specify the test set size for the XGBoost model training, the number of remaining features k, and whether she conducts test set discrimination.Footnote 3 Following that, the tool trains an XGBoost model, computes SHAP values and sorts the features according to their global importance scores. Note that our artifact may implement any other ML model besides XGBoost since SHAP is a model-agnostic explainer. Based on the global importance scores, the tool eliminates all features from the dataset except the k highest ranked ones and trains a new XGBoost model based on that reduced dataset. The user can inspect the different SHAP plots of the new XGBoost model as well as performance metrics of the current and the previous models. Figure 4 shows the output of that process. After the developer analyzes all provided pieces of information, she can then decide whether she continues the feature selection and, in case of continuing, which feature she eliminates next. After the elimination, the tool trains a new XGBoost model and presents the same analyses to the developer. At each iteration, the developer can reassess how each feature elimination affects the model performance and feature impacts. As soon as an individually defined stop criterion is triggered (e.g. the intended number of features is reached), the developer can terminate the procedure; the tool returns the final model as well as a list of the feature sets in each iteration for further usage.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Flowchart of the artifact procedure

Fig. 4
figure 4

Screenshot of the running software artifact


We evaluate both our design framework and its instantiation following the Framework for Evaluation in Design Science Research (FEDS, Venable et al., 2016). FEDS describes different evaluation strategies based on two dimensions: The functional purpose as well as the paradigm of the evaluation study. The first dimension, the functional purpose, refers to the reason for evaluation. Does the researcher conduct the evaluation to derive potential improvements of the artifact (formative evaluations), or to assess the extent to which the artifact meets performance expectations in practice (summative evaluations)? The second dimension, the paradigm of the evaluation, differentiates between artificial evaluation settings on the one hand, such as laboratory experiments, simulations and alike, and naturalistic settings on the other hand, which typically refers to testing in the real environment, such as the organization of the artifact’s target group.Footnote 4 One goal of the evaluation of our DSR project is the identification of improvement potentials and the derivation of additional design principles for upcoming design cycles. Thus, we decided for a formative evaluation strategy. Furthermore, to assess our software artifact without the interference of confounding variables and due to resource constraints, we conducted the evaluation in an artificial environment. With our approach, we do not only evaluate the instantiation of our design framework, i.e. the software artifact, but also implicitly evaluate the design framework as such. Thereby, we follow Hevner et al. (2004, p. 84) who argue that the “[a]rtifact instantiation demonstrates feasibility both of the design process and of the designed product”. In the following, we describe our evaluation approach in more detail.

To qualitatively evaluate our artifact, we conducted two focus group sessions with subject matter experts from two leading technology consultancy firms as well as researchers (n = 12). We decided to conduct focus group research since the IS community regards this method as well-suited for exploring new IS concepts (Belanger, 2012). The purpose of these focus group sessions was to both gather qualitative data on the extent to which our artifact achieves its desired goal of making feature selection explainable and justifiably towards stakeholders, and to discover further design principles for upcoming design cycles. All participants are experienced professionals and work with ML on a daily basis. Table 1 provides an overview of the participants.

Table 1 Descriptive overview of the focus group participants

The focus group sessions lasted around 1.5—2 h and consisted of four stages. First, we held an introductory presentation explaining the conceptual foundations of SHAP as well as feature selection and presented our artifact. Second, each participant carried out hands-on feature selection tasks using our artifact on their own computer. For this task, we used the German Credit dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.Footnote 5 We instructed the participants to conduct at least two feature selection processes. They had approximately fifteen minutes for this procedure. Third, the participants evaluated the artifact on multiple constructs via a Likert scale-based questionnaire. The primary purpose of the questionnaire is creating a basis for the upcoming feedback discussion. In this discussion, we could get more in-depth comments and feedback regarding the constructs and the tool. In addition, we wanted to get a more holistic overview of user perception and derive themes that could inform the design requirements and principles of the second design cycle.

There is no clear consensus among IS researchers on which constructs are most suitable for evaluating design artifacts (Prat et al., 2014). Prat et al. (2014) conducted a comprehensive meta-study covering the most frequently used evaluation constructs within IS research. Our primary evaluation goal is to assess whether our artifact properly fulfills its original purpose, i.e. making feature selection explainable and justifiable. Therefore, we regard the effectiveness (defined as "[…] the degree to which the artifact meets its higher level purpose or goal and achieves its desired benefit in practice" (Venable et al., 2012, p. 426)) as central evaluation criterion. Building upon prior research (e.g., Meth et al., 2015, Venable et al., 2012), we address the effectiveness criterion with five questions that elicit the practitioners' view on how well they understand each feature impact on the ML model and the justifiability of the feature selection process towards stakeholders. To gain a more detailed view on the practitioners’ assessment of our artifact, we selected additional evaluation criteria from papers summarized by Prat et al. (2014) and extended them with constructs from two other papers (Chen and Koufaris, 2015; Komiak and Benbasat, 2006). These constructs include, amongst others, perceived usefulness (defined as the "[…] degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance" (Davis, 1989)) and ease of use (defined as “[…] the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free of effort" (Davis, 1989)). To formulate our concrete questionnaire questions, we adapted the constructs of the respective papers according to our use case. All questions are answered on a 5-points Likert scale (1 = fully disagree; 5 = fully agree). An overview of our constructs, our motivation for choosing them, and the papers with the original questions is provided in the Appendix 5.

For the qualitative analysis of the focus group discussion, we first created the transcript of the discussion sessions. Then, we investigated codes and general themes of the discussion via conventional content analysis of the transcript. Conventional content analysis is particularly suited to study the meaning of text data when existing theory and research literature is limited (Hsieh and Shannon, 2005). We based our qualitative analysis on Gioia et al. (2013). Briefly summarized, this approach works as follows: In the first order analysis, we identified all relevant terms and codes; at this point, we strictly adopted the wording of the participants without interpretation. Next, we constructed second order themes by clustering and interpreting these codes. Two researchers conducted the coding and interpretation independently and afterwards discussed their results, guided by an unbiased third researcher, to reach a consensus. We conducted this approach iteratively until we agreed on the first order codes and second order themes. This allowed us to derive new insights from the discussion systematically and formulate new design principles based on those insights.


The qualitative results of our focus group sessions were our focus of the evaluation phase. Figure 5 presents the data structure following Gioia et al. (2013), which depicts the derived codes and themes. In our sample of twelve participants, nine experts participated in the discussion. As discussion guidance, we asked semi-structured questions related to the constructs that we measured in the Likert scale-based questionnaire. The participants, however, were free to talk about any aspect of the tool and were encouraged to make suggestions related to desired features and improvements.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Data structure of the codes and themes of the focus group discussion following Gioia et al. (2013)

A recurring theme that emerged during the two focus group sessions was the accessibility of the presented tool. Most participants agreed that it was easy to learn for all levels of expertise. In addition, one expert said that because data scientists do not need to implement the tool themselves, the tool would be useful in practice.

"I immediately thought this would be helpful, especially for non-professional data scientists, since everything is going towards democratization and 'build your own model'." (Expert 3)

Expert 3 mentioned that he could imagine the tool to be particularly useful for non-professional data scientists, e.g. people who do not constantly work on data science problems. He stated that currently, many helpful tools exist that support data scientists of all experience levels; our tool, he continues, could be particularly useful for feature selection moving towards democratization of data science. By contrast, another participant found the GUI input fields too restrictive. He suggested adding a coding interface that allows users to input their own code instead of using the input fields.

A different facet of accessibility is the ability to lead discussions with domain experts and other stakeholders that do not have a technical background.

“Another practical use case is to guide domain experts through [the tool], if you have features where you need external input [...] There are simply problems or tasks that you cannot solve on your own as a data scientist.” (Expert 10)

Since there are many situations in practice where a data scientist is unable to complete the feature selection process just based on technical expertise alone, communication with a domain expert becomes necessary. In these cases, a common ground for discussion has to be created. Expert 10 stated that he could imagine using the tool to talk with domain experts and showing the different local explanations and interactions between the features. Thus, the tool would enable non-technical staff to understand the decision process of feature selection visually. In return, the expert could compare these findings and utilize their domain knowledge to interact with the data scientist.

Many participants further argue that insights generated by this tool facilitate feature selection but are not totally sufficient on their own. In other words, it is well suited as a complementary tool, but feature selection should not rely exclusively on it.

“[...] It can be one tool of many. If I have three or four screens, then I have it open on one screen. However, on the remaining screens I have something else open.” (Expert 10)

One participant told us that in order to feel fully confident in the tool, he would need a deeper look into the distributions of the data. Another expert mentioned that the tool successfully shows the impact of features in a visual manner; however, the tool alone would not suffice for the justification of the final decision.

This supportive function is also extended by its explorative nature. Many participants noted that it could be used to explore the data structure and the relationships between features.

“I think it is very good for exploratory data analysis. It is also important for the data scientist to understand the structure of your data.” (Expert 6)

However, one of the participants argued that while you are able to explore the features and their interactions, at the end of all iterations, you are unable to see which features were omitted and which were kept. In this case, a report, which summarizes the different iterations of the feature selection process, would be useful. Thus, we propose an additional DP: The artifact should summarize the decisions to support feature selection justification towards stakeholders by the developer (DP 7).

The last theme derived from the discussion refers to the information density of the tool. When designing XAI systems, it is crucial to find a balance between providing the user with extensive information and, on the other hand, avoiding information overload. We interestingly received divergent opinions when asked how the users perceived the information provided by the tool. One of the users perceived the information density to be just right, i.e. the tool showed the right amount of information to him. On the other hand, another user claimed that not enough information was available to him and that more information is always useful.

“I think that was exactly the essential [information]” (Expert 1).

“I think the opposite is the case, that there is too little information available to utilize. [...] Every piece of information that you have helps you to understand the underlying model better. That is why I believe that more information is always useful.” (Expert 8)

Since those two participants have different professional backgrounds—expert 1 being a technology consultant and expert 8 being an ML researcher—, we assume that their individual backgrounds influence their need for information. In other words, the professional background seems to moderate the participants’ assessment of the information density. Thus, we propose the following DP: The artifact should provide different levels of information according to the individual user’s needs (DP 8).

To support our qualitative results further, we quantitatively analyzed the data collected by the Likert scale-based questionnaire. In summary, the quantitative results indicate that our artifact achieves its goal of making feature selection more explainable and justifiable to stakeholders. We present the quantitative results in more detail in Appendix 6.


Key findings

The qualitative results of our focus group sessions reveal a variety of benefits of our artifact. Apart from the increased explainability, our tool may make the feature selection task more accessible for intermediate data scientists and thereby contribute to data democratization. According to information systems literature, data democratization might substantially benefit organizations by putting more employees in the position of active contributors to data-driven solutions (Awasthi and George, 2020). Furthermore, our artifact could facilitate the exchange of information between ML developers and domain experts to enhance the effectiveness of feature selection. Using the SHAP visualizations of our artifact, domain experts can map automatically generated explanations against their domain knowledge and control for potential biases and flaws. Indeed, existing literature suggests that data-driven analyses immensely benefit from the inclusion of domain expertise (Maass et al., 2018; Teso and Kersting, 2019). By interpreting data-driven analyses, domain experts might even extend their domain theory with novel insights (Murdoch et al., 2019; Maass et al., 2018) with the potential to foster human learning (see e.g., Bauer et al., 2021b). Moreover, when discussing our tool, the experts seemed to value the in-depth information on feature impacts and pointed out its suitability for exploratory data analysis. Therefore, developers may use our tool not only to select features, but also to gain a general understanding of their datasets. Overall, the aforementioned benefits and use cases diverge significantly from the purpose that we originally defined for our artifact, namely explainable and justifiable feature selection. This underscores our argument that explainable feature selection may benefit organizations in various ways, beyond meeting legal and ethical requirements.

The quantitative results indicate that our artifact enables developers to better explain and justify feature selection to stakeholders. The participants also regard our artifact as both useful and usable in practice. These results imply that our artifact indeed achieves its general purpose, i.e. making feature selection explainable and justifiable. However, there is still potential for improvement, especially in terms of users’ confidence, emotional trust, and satisfaction with the artifact.

Contributions to practice

Our work entails two main contributions to practice. First, by instantiating and empirically evaluating this design framework, we demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of our artifact. Practitioners that aim to improve the interpretability of their ML-based systems may adopt our running software artifact to make their feature selection processes more explainable and justifiable towards their stakeholders. Thereby, our work helps to promote law-abiding and ethical ML-based systems in practice. Second, our qualitative results show that practitioners may leverage explainable feature selection to foster data democratization and human learning. In organizations, for example, domain experts with non-technical backgrounds could use our artifact to both participate directly in creating ML-based systems and enhance their understanding of related data.

Contributions to theory

Our contribution to literature is twofold. First, we provide prescriptive design knowledge by proposing a design framework consisting of meta-requirements and design principles for the development of explainable feature selection (Fig. 2). This design knowledge complements related DSR works which mainly focus on the explainability of already completed AI systems by addressing the explainability and justifiability of ML pre-processing. This type of contribution is in line with Baskerville et al. (2018), who argue that novel design knowledge constitutes the primary theoretical contribution of DSR. Design knowledge may take the form of design principles, which Baskerville et al. (2018) denote as “nascent design theory”. Second, our work contributes to the broader literature in the XAI field. The current literature indicates several application domains for XAI methods with justification towards regulators and other stakeholders as one major application (Adadi and Berrada, 2018). However, existing research limits the scope of justification to the final predictions of a ML model (Chakrobartty and El-Gayar, 2021; Fernandez et al., 2022; Cirqueira et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2020). This narrow focus leaves all prior stages within the ML pipeline—such as data collection, feature selection and model training—opaque for regulators and other stakeholders. Our work addresses this gap by showing how XAI can justify feature selection, a crucial stage within ML pre-processing.

Limitations and future research directions

Our work does not come without limitations. In our technical analysis, we compared the SHAP-based feature selection approach with two benchmark methods. However, the list of existing feature selection methods is considerably longer. Moreover, we can draw conclusions only regarding the six test datasets that we used. Future work could extend this by comparing SHAP to additional feature selection methods and datasets. Regarding the evaluation of our artifact, we conducted our focus group sessions with twelve participants. However, in order to derive statistically valid quantitative results, a considerably larger number of participants is required. Furthermore, besides the evaluation of our artifact instantiation, we did not conduct a comprehensive evaluation of our design principles as such. Future research could extend and refine our work by performing a structured evaluation of design principles based on the framework of Iivari et al. (2021). This framework proposes a strategy for evaluating the reusability of design principles in practice. Accordingly, this presents an excellent opportunity for fellow researchers to make a distinctive contribution. Furthermore, by initiating the second design science cycle and deriving DPs from the focus groups, we offer the opportunity for future researchers to build upon our prototype. Future projects aiming to design explainable feature selection could seamlessly connect to our work and realize the improvement opportunities detailed above. Finally, we invite fellow researchers to extend the idea of explainable feature selection to other stages within ML preprocessing, such as data collection and ML model training. Novel methods addressing the explainability of these stages as well could contribute to holistically justifiable ML systems that are prepared to meet current and upcoming explainability requirements.


In this work, we addressed the issue that legal and ethical requirements demand organizations to ensure explainability throughout the development (including pre-processing) and usage of AI systems. However, extant methods for feature selection, a major part of the pre-processing pipeline, lack explainability and make persuasive justification of feature selection difficult. To solve this problem, we developed a design framework of a XAI-based feature selection method and instantiated it as a software artifact. For the evaluation of our artifact, we conducted focus group research and gathered both quantitative and qualitative feedback on established evaluation criteria.

Finally, we reflect on our identified research gap. In the related works section, we identified a lack of design knowledge on explainable ML pre-processing; with our design framework, we take an important step in exploring this promising research field and invite the information systems community to build upon our work. We further argued that existing tools for feature selection solely focus on optimizing prediction performance and mostly neglect the explainability of feature selection. Our work demonstrates that feature selection based on the XAI technique SHAP may achieve both explainability and high prediction performance. Accordingly, organizations could build upon our artifact to both preserve the benefits of ML and meet legal and ethical requirements.