Dear Readers of Aquatic Geochemistry,

With this issue, I begin to pass the Editor-in-Chief baton from myself to Marc Benedetti. Marc has been an Associate Editor for the journal over the last decade and has done a superb job in handling manuscripts. When I had indicated my desire to step down as Editor-in-Chief last year, Marc quickly indicated his desire to move into this position.

To ease his way into the role as Editor-in-Chief, I will be responsible for manuscripts submitted from North and South America for 2018 while Marc will be responsible for manuscripts from the rest of the world. Thus, we will be coeditor-in-chiefs for 2018. After 2018, Marc will be the Editor-in-Chief for our journal, and I will continue as Associate Editor. Marc and I will also be modifying our list of Associate Editors as some, who have served since the inception of Aquatic Geochemistry, have indicated their desire to step down. In particular, I thank Frank Millero and Fred Mackenzie for their gracious and constant support of the journal; they have helped immensely in the success of the journal. Bjorn Sundby, Bernhard Wehrli, and Caroline Slomp will also be stepping down as Associate Editors, and I thank them for their great support.

I also thank the readers, reviewers, and authors of articles in Aquatic Geochemistry for their continued support of the journal. It has been a pleasure to work with you to provide timely research that has been enjoyed by so many. One of my great joys has been to have special issues dedicated to top-notch scientists and colleagues, who deserve recognition for their excellent work and selfless dedication to the field.

Lastly, I encourage you to send your suggestions to further support and to enhance the success of our journal to Marc Benedetti. Our goal is to continue to provide a highly respected journal for the low-temperature geochemistry community that covers a wide variety of geochemical processes and environments.

Best wishes,

George W. Luther, III

Lewes, DE