1 Correction to: Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing https://doi.org/10.1007/s00200-020-00441-z

In the original publication of the article, the mathematics symbol \( q \) was replaced with “s” by mistake while replacing the math mode to text mode. As a result, the first sentence in the following sections are affected and correct sentences should read as given below:


Let \( q \) be a prime power and \( {\mathbb{F}}_q \) be a finite field with \( q \) elements.

2 Introduction

Let \( {\mathbb{F}}_q \) be the finite field with \( q \) elements, where \( q \) is a prime power, and let \( {\mathbb{F}}_q[x] \) be the ring of polynomials of one variable over \( {\mathbb{F}}_q \).

Lemma 2

(See [26]) For a prime power \( q \), assume that \( a \in {\mathbb{F}}_{q^2} \) with \( a^{q+1}=1 \) and \( g\in {\mathbb{F}}_{q^2} \) is a primitive element of \( {\mathbb{F}}_{q^2} \).

Theorem 1

For a prime power \( q \) and positive integers \( d, i,j \) with \( q\equiv1 \pmod{d} \), assume that \( b,c \in {\mathbb{F}}_q \) and \( a, \delta \in {\mathbb{F}}_{q^2} \) with \( a^{1+q}=1 \).

Theorem 2

For a prime power \( q \) and positive integers \( d, i,j \) with \( q\equiv1 \pmod{d} \), assume that \( b,c \in {\mathbb{F}}_q \), \( a \in {\mathbb{F}}_{q^2} \) with \( a^{1+q}=1 \), and \( g \in {\mathbb{F}}_{q^2} \) is a primitive element of \( {\mathbb{F}}_{q^2} \).

Theorem 3

For a prime power \( q \) and positive integers \( d, i,j, s, k \) with \( q\equiv-1 \pmod{d} \), \( iq\equiv s \pmod{d} \) and \( jq\equiv k \pmod{d} \), assume that \( b,c \in {\mathbb{F}}_q \) and \( a, \delta \in {\mathbb{F}}_{q^2} \) satisfying \( a^{1+q}=1 \).

The original article has been updated accordingly.