
1 Introduction

SLAM plays an important role in the field of robot navigation and unmanned driving. Many excellent achievements have been produced in visual SLAM, which are mainly classified into direct method based on photometric error [1, 2] and indirect method based on salient points matching [3]. The main purpose of both methods is to obtain environmental information through sensors to achieve camera pose estimation and map construction. It is a premise for most of the current visual slam systems that the environment is static, which severely limits the application of visual SLAM due to lots of dynamic objects in the environment.

With the development of deep neural networks, target detection and semantic segmentation algorithms have achieved great progress, and many experts are committed to integrating visual SLAM with deep learning. Some studies specify dynamic targets by directly regarding people, cars or animals as dynamic objects, such as [4, 22]. However, it may cause the loss of useful information in the constructed map.

In this work, a robust SLAM system to deal with dynamic objects on RGB-D data is proposed. The image is divided into environment region and potential dynamic region by the semantic information provided by the improved BlitzNet [17]. In order to eliminate the influence of missing values in the depth image and the sudden changes of the depth value in the edge of objects and environment, we proposed a depth constrain to obtain the stable feature points. And the dynamic feature points can be identified effectively by the epipolar line constraint constructed by the environment region. The static feature points are used to estimate the motion trajectory of the camera, while the dynamic feature points are used to determine the motion state of the potential dynamic objects. Finally, the point cloud map with semantic information is built.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Overview of the system.

2 Related Work

2.1 Dynamic SLAM

The presence of dynamic objects will seriously affect the mapping results and the estimation of the camera pose. Specified priori dynamic targets are utilized in [4, 5] to handle dynamic environment. Burgard et al. [6] propose a data association technique to incorporate both dynamic and stationary objects directly into camera pose estimation. A different multi-camera combination strategy is introduced to deal with dynamic object effectively in [7]. Whats more, Henri Rebecq et al. [8] propose a method of using a special event camera which can achieve robust performances in highly dynamic environment, however, high cost limits the use of such methods.

2.2 Semantic Segmentation Based on Deep Learning

At present, most of the advanced semantic segmentation techniques based on deep learning are derived from full convolution network (FCN) [9], and different strategies are proposed to improve the segmentation effect. In terms of models, encoder-decoder architecture has been widely used, such as [10, 11]. About convolution kernel, authors of [12, 13] have done a lot of important work using dilated convolution to enhance receptive field to integrate context information. Starting from multi-scale feature fusion, Zhao et al. [14, 15] use spatial pyramid pooling to integrate different scale features to obtain global information. As for instance segmentation, Mask R-CNN can detect objects in an image while simultaneously generating a segmentation mask for each instance, but it lacks real-time performance [16]. In this paper, a real-time semantic segmentation algorithm BlitzNet [17] is used to transform semantic segmentation into instance segmentation.

2.3 Semantic SLAM

Some approaches combine classic SLAM with semantic segmentation to build a more robust semantic map such as [18, 19], but both of them do not focus on the localization of camera. Other approaches focus on locating and processing dynamic objects. For instance, Bowman et al. [20] propose probabilistic data association to improve the robustness of localization, and some algorithms [21, 22] combine different deep network with moving consistency check to reduce the impact of dynamic objects. However, most of these methods roughly treat certain classes of objects as dynamic objects, even if these objects are static in the images, thus dynamic objects detection is not precise enough.

3 System Description

3.1 Framework of Our System

The overview of our system is presented in Fig. 1. Firstly, the RGB images pass through a CNN (Convolution Neural Network) that performs object detection and pixel-wise segmentation at the same time. The detected information includes some common objects such as people, screens, tables and chairs, etc. As for RGB-D data, we employ depth constraint and epipolar line constraint combined with object bounding box to determine potential dynamic points. After the instance segmentation result arrives, potential dynamic feature points will be added to the fusion module. Outliers located in the real moving objects can be removed effectively. More accurate camera trajectory can be obtained by the visual odometry. Finally, the constructed point cloud map and semantic information are integrated to obtain a semantic point cloud map.

3.2 Potential Dynamic Point Detection

Dynamic object detection algorithms are generally based on regional features of the image, such as texture, color, grayscale, and so on. In this paper, the potential dynamic points detection is realized by the proposed joint constraints. Finally, the dynamic objects can be detected by fusing the semantic segmentation algorithm.

For two adjacent frames of depth image, there are regions with incomplete depth (the depth value of these regions is 0), and there is a sudden change of depth value at the edge of the object [23]. The most stable feature points are on the surface of certain objects, such as the regions on the desk marked by the red dashed frame as shown in Fig. 2. Using image depth information to obtain stable feature points can effectively reduce the problem of high false alarm rate caused by strong parallax.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Patches centered on the integer pixel coordinates of the feature points in two adjacent depth images. (Color figure online)

In order to find the stable feature points on the image, we consider a \(3\times 3\) image patch centered on the integer pixel coordinates of the feature points. As shown in Fig. 2, the red crosses represent the locations of the corresponding feature points on the two frames of depth image, where \({(i_{1}, j_{1})}\) and \({(i_{2}, j_{2})}\) are the integer pixel coordinates of the feature points on the previous and current frame, respectively. If any depth value on the image patch is 0, the depth value of the feature point is considered missing and the corresponding feature point pair is deleted. The depth value of the feature point is replaced by the average depth of the patch as shown in the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} {{\hat{d}}}=\frac{1}{9}\sum \limits _{x=1}^{3}{\sum \limits _{y=1}^{3}{Patc{{h}}}(x, y)} \end{aligned}$$

where xy are the coordinates of pixels in the patch. The Euclidean distance of the average depth of two feature points \({\hat{d_{1}}}\), \({\hat{d_{2}}}\) is used to exclude outliers with greater depth deviation to obtain stable feature points, as shown in Eq. 2.

$$\begin{aligned} {{D}_{d}}=\sqrt{{{({{{\hat{d}}}_{1}}-{{{\hat{d}}}_{2}})}^{2}}} \end{aligned}$$

By setting a threshold \(\xi \), we can get the stable matching points \({{P}_{{s1}}},{{P}_{{s2}}}\) as shown in Eq. 3.

$$\begin{aligned} {{P}_{s1}},{{P}_{s2}}=\{{{P}_{1}},{{P}_{2}}|{{D}_{d}}({{\hat{d}}_{1}},{{\hat{d}}_{2}})<\xi \} \end{aligned}$$

Using BlitzNet, the potential moving objects region can be obtained, such as the person region, and other region as the environment region. Therefore, the fundamental matrix F can be calculated by stable matching points in the environment region using RANSAC algorithm. Epipolar geometric describes the constraint relationship between the matching points in different angles of view. \({{P}_{m1}},{{P}_{m2}}\) denote feature points in the potential moving objects region of the previous frame and current frame, respectively.

$$\begin{aligned} {{P}_{m1}}={{[{{u}_{1}},{{v}_{1}},1]}^{T}}, {{P}_{m2}}={{[{{u}_{2}},{{v}_{2}},1]}^{T}} \end{aligned}$$
figure a

We can distinguish the dynamic feature points in potential moving region by the epipolar line constraint as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {{D}_{e}}=\frac{\left| {P_{m2}}^{T}F{P}_{m1} \right| }{\sqrt{{{l_{x}}^{2}}+{{l_{y}}^{2}}}} \end{aligned}$$

where \({l_{x}},{l_{y}}\) represent epipolar lines coordinate. \({D}_{e}\) only depends on the epipolar geometry theory and the consistency relationship between the projection of the feature points. The specific algorithm process is described in Algorithm 1.

3.3 Sematic Segmentation

For scene analysis, BlitzNet, a deep neural network which can complete the object detection and semantic segmentation in one-time forward propagation, is used as the basic network in our experiment, whose backend is changed to meet the requirement of instance level segmentation tasks in our system.

BlitzNet only takes RGB image as input. In this experiment, VOC and COCO datasets are used for joint training and SSD300 is used as the backbone network, moreover, the object detection mAP on the VOC12 verification set can reach up to 83.6, while the semantic division mIOU reaches approximately 75.7. It has a good effect in the general scene, as shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b). The combination of the detection results and the segmentation results obtained by the network can get the desired instance segmentation image as shown in Fig. 3(c).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Results of the improved BlitzNet. (a) Object detection. (b) Semantic segmentation. (c) Instance segmentation.

3.4 Dynamic Object Detection

In Sect. 3.2, the algorithm of detecting potential dynamic feature points is introduced, which can roughly find the dynamic feature points in the image. In this section, we will get more accurate dynamic points to detect dynamic objects in scene. Each segmented target in the image is enclosed by the detection box defined as the influence area. We divide feature points into four sets of points, as shown in Fig. 4: static points in potential moving region \({{U}_{s}}\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{n\times 2}}\), potential dynamic points \({{U}_{d}}\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{m\times 2}}\), outliers in environment \({{V}_{d}}\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{M\times 2}}\), and stable points in environment \({{V}_{s}}\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{N\times 2}}\). We propose two proportions, one is region dynamic point ratio \({{\tau }_{d}}\), and the other is region points ratio \({{\tau }_{r}}\), as shown in Eq. 6.

$$\begin{aligned} {{\tau }_{d}}=\frac{m}{m+n},{{\tau }_{r}}=\frac{m+n}{m+n+N} \end{aligned}$$

The value of threshold \({{\tau }_{d}}\) is 0.5 and \({{\tau }_{r}}\) is 0.15 in this experiment. Once the results of both equations are greater than their threshold, segmented targets within the detection box will be classified as dynamic targets, like the yellow part in the right figure in Fig. 4. The external parameter matrix to estimate trajectory of the camera can be obtained to estimate trajectory of the camera by solving the least squares problem shown below:

$$\begin{aligned} \min _{\begin{array}{c} R, t \end{array}}\sum \limits _{i=1}^{N+n}{{{\left\| {{P}_{ai}}-(R{{P}_{bi}}+t) \right\| }^{2}}} \end{aligned}$$

where, \({{P}_{b}}\subseteq {{U}_{s}}\cup {{V}_{s}}\) and \({{P}_{a}}\) is matching points in the previous frame.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Four types of points in dynamic objects detection. (Color figure online)

4 Experiments and Results

This section shows the experimental results of the proposed method. We have evaluated our system both on TUM RGB-D dataset [24] and in real-world environment.

4.1 Dynamic Points Detection

TUM datasets provide several image sequences in dynamic environment with accurate ground truth and camera parameters, and it is divided into categories of walking, sitting, and desk. We mainly test the dynamic feature points detection experiment in the walking sequence, and the motion amplitude of the dynamic object in this sequence is large.

The process of dynamic points detection and dynamic objects segmentation is shown in Fig. 5. The image can be divided into potential dynamic region and environment region by the semantic information provided by BlitzNet. The approximate distribution of the dynamic points in potential moving region can be obtained by the proposed joint constraint. According to the calculation results of \({{\tau }_{d}}\) and \({{\tau }_{r}}\), we can judge that the two people in the bounding boxes are dynamic objects and feature points in the mask of people is regarded as dynamic points. It is obvious that the person is classified as dynamic object in this experiment automatically, and our algorithm retains a lot of static scenarios and removes dynamic part as much as possible.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Combination BlitzNet and joint constraint. (a) Stable feature points obtained by the depth constraint on the current frame. (b) Potential dynamic point detection by the joint constraint. (c) Fusion results. (d) Segmented dynamic objects.

4.2 Evaluation of SLAM System

In this section, we demonstrate the proposed method on TUM RGB-D datasets and adopt ORB-SLAM2 as the global SLAM solution. We select highly dynamic sequence walking and weakly dynamic sequence sitting to evaluation the SLAM system. Quantitative comparison results are shown in Tables 1, 2 and 3, where static, rpy, xyz, and half in the first column stand for four types of camera motions. The proposed dynamic detection thread combined with CNN is added to the system to accomplish the task of localization, thus metrics of absolute trajectory error (ATE) and relative pose error (RPE) are used for evaluation.

As we can see from Table 1, our method can make better performance in most high dynamic sequence such as fr3/w/rpy, fr3/w/xyz and fr3/w/half. Compared with ORB-SLAM2, our algorithm gets an order of magnitude improvement particularly in walking sequence, meanwhile, our positioning accuracy is better than DynaSLAM on rpy, xyz, and half camera motions in walking sequence.

What Table 2 gives is the relative attitude error under the same datasets, where RMSE (T) is the root mean square error of translation, and RMSE (R) the root mean square error of rotation. It can be seen from the data that our algorithm still has better robustness in relative posture than DynaSLAM and ORB-SLAM2.

Table 1. Results of absolute trajectory error
Table 2. Results of relative pose error
Table 3. Results of successfully tracked trajectory

For ORB-SLAM2, camera trajectories are more complete because the dynamic targets are not eliminated. Although a large number of frames can be ensured to be tracked, the accumulation of errors can eventually lead to failure of the navigation. DynaSLAM achieves a more accurate camera trajectory than the ORB-SLAM2, however, the frames tracked ratio of DynaSLAM without inpainting is not as good as the ORB-SLAM2. As shown in Table 3, our algorithm can keep most of the frames tracked with high accuracy, which provides a guarantee for long-term navigation.

An example of the estimated trajectories of the three systems compared to the ground-truth in fr3/w/half are illustrated in Fig. 6. There is a large difference between the trajectory of ORB-SLAM2 and the real trajectory, while DynaSLAM and our system maintain a smaller difference but our trajectory is more complete than DynaSLAM. In addition, the translation error diagram shows that our algorithm has better stability and robustness.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Results of three algorithms in fr3/w/half. (a), (d) from ORB-SLAM2, (b), (e) from DynaSLAM, (c), (f) from our system.

Dynamic object removal can improve the mapping quality effectively. Because of the limitation of computing resources, we adopt the way of off-line mapping. As shown in Fig. 7 ORB-SLAM2 cannot handle the dynamic environment in fr3/w/xyz dataset, in which point cloud with smear will be built. DynaSLAM can get a point cloud without semantics because it only identifies people in TUM data, whereas our algorithm can deal with dynamic object effectively and eliminate the drag effect significantly. Furthermore, the semantic information is mapped to the point cloud. It is clear that the static objects such as screens are marked by blue and chairs are marked by red in our results.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Point cloud comparison of three algorithms in fr3/w/xyz. (a) ORB-SLAM2. (b) DynaSLAM. (c) Our system. (Color figure online)

4.3 Evaluation in Real-World Environment

In order to verify the robustness of moving object detection in dynamic environment, we use Xtion Pro camera to conduct extensive experiments in a laboratory environment. Xtion Pro camera can capture RGB images and depth images with \({640\times 480}\) resolution. Before testing, we calibrate the camera in detail and use ROS to transmit the image data. The results obtained by the proposed method are shown in Fig. 8. In the experiment, the red points represent the dynamic feature points and the green points are the static feature points.

The first line shows a sequence of images taken in an office, there is a walker and a sitting person, and the sitting person can be regarded as a static target during this period of time. In the second line, most of the correct dynamic points can be constrained within the range of dynamic targets by the proposed joint constraints, but it is still a little insufficient, parts of the dynamic feature points on the walker are judged to be stationary. In the third line, combined with the semantic information provided by the improved BlitzNet, the walker and the sitting person are distinguished effectively by the bounding boxes with region IDs. In the fourth line, we obtained a pixel-wise segmentation of the walker. In the real-world environment, the proposed algorithm is sample and feasible, and it can effectively identify the motion state of pedestrians.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Results in Lab environment. (Color figure online)

5 Conclusion

In this paper, a semantic SLAM system based on joint constraint is proposed to detect the dynamic objects in the dynamic scene and accomplish the task of localization and mapping. The experiments on TUM dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our system in localization. In addition, our system can obtain a more complete map with semantic information. Finally, we apply our algorithm to the real environment and it still has a notable performance. Future extensions of this work might include, among others, adaptive threshold method, on-line mapping and breaking the restrictions of application scope from semantic segmentation network.